God doesn't like goodbyes either. God is relational and He loves us so much that the thought of saying goodbye to us drove Him to sacrifice His son and pay the ultimate price so He would never have to say goodbye to us again. He longs for a loving lasting relationship with us. Even when we do not see Him, He is there in our hearts pouring out new mercy and blessings each day.
If you stray from Him or loose your way, He longs to pick back up where you left off and build a relationship that is real, one that is lasting. He doesn't care about your past, He only cares about your willingness to embrace His love and surrender to His grace and mercy.
Dear friends goodbyes are difficult and when friends come and go it can be very hard to understand. It might seem easier to shut the world out and guard your heart so no one gets too close. We fool ourselves into believing we are protected from hurt and loss but in all actuality we are welcoming in loneliness and shallow, superficial relationships. If we don't allow people in and build relationships with those God has blessed us with, we are missing out on the beauty and joy of intimately being known. You see friends we were designed to share life, designed for community. It's part of humanity and if we disengage from others, it's denying our souls the nourishment needed to be healthy.
So step out of your comfort zone. Make a new friend. Take a risk and get to know someone outside your circle. The friendship may change as times passes on or they may move away but that does not mean it's extinguished and the memories and moments you shared can never be taken away.
Goodbyes are difficult. I don't like them and I'm not very good at them, but I take comfort in knowing my Savior will never leave. It's not in His nature to walk out or abandon us. His love is too deep and His character so perfect. He made a promise to never leave or forsake us and He always keeps His promises.
God will never say "goodbye"... only "welcome home".
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