I want to believe every parent has a free spirited child. One who struggles with listening and does not fit a mold. One blessed with the ability to lead which drives me crazy when I want her to follow my direction. One who wants to sing and dance all the time especially times when she needs to sit and be silent. One who laughs, screams, and acts ridiculous to make others smile but you rarely find this talent something to smile about.
This child means well and is very compassionate and caring but speaks another language and does not understand the social norms you want her to follow. She beats to the sound of her own drum. Wants to wear a princess dress to Walmart and plays in the mud on picture day. You ask her "Why?" constantly and she always has a reason which leaves you perplexed and at a loss for words.
You know God has a special purpose for her. You know God wants to do amazing things through her, but you find yourself wishing she was more like other children. The children who listen and fit societies mold.
Mommas stop wishing she would change and see her beauty for the wonder it is. We must rejoice in our children who do not fit a mold and celebrate their uniqueness. The child our God created to stand out and not blend; the leader, the visionary, the one who sees life for its joys and not its constraints. We must teach her to walk in the ways of the Lord but choose our battles wisely so we do not cripple what God has created in her. We must make sure she is obedient to Him and not to the social demands of the world.
For one day the world might tell her to sit down, but God will tell her to stand firm. The world might say follow because everyone else is, but God will tell her not to conform to patterns of this world. When the time comes for us all to stand up for Christ; will the power and permission to sing and dance for Jesus still be there, or will we have crippled her spirit and desire to be different so she chooses to sit and be silent?
I celebrate today my lovely Lily. I celebrate her beauty and her uniqueness. I celebrate the plan God has for her life, and I celebrate the journey I am blessed to take with her. May God give me wisdom to parent her to greatness and give me courage to to face social norms and standards head on. May I see her as God sees her and cultivate a self-confidence within her that will stand strong for Christ when trials come her way.
So when we see a child not conforming to social standards. When we meet a child who plays loud and never sits still, let us all celebrate their exuberance and remember Who created their personality. Let's encourage them and their families for God has a special purpose for these free spirited children. He has created the ability to lead and stand firm within them for a reason. May we always take time to celebrate those that beat to the sound of their own drum because God created that rhythm and its a sweet sound in His ear.
Lord thank you for my Lily. Thank you for her corkiness and her desire to make others laugh and her love for You. Forgive me Father when I fall short and get frustrated with her. Strengthen my patience and perspective so I can strengthen her courage and confidence. Continue to cultivate a love for You within her and thank You for making her just the way You did... perfect.
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