
Celebrate A Stranger Who Becomes A Friend

My daughter Lily is one of a kind. She has her own style and a unique personality. She lives in a reality where logic does not always follow reason. She sees the good in others and, for her, everyday is a day to sing and wear a pretty dress. Her vibrant personality and warm hugs are appreciated wherever she goes, and Lily loves to meet new people and make new friends.

Our family has welcomed five Indian students into our home for the past year. They have been a blessing to us. We love to eat and play games together. They enjoy our silly traditions and find joy in playing soccer with our kids. We have learned so much about their culture and truly treasure their friendship. Our guys will graduate in May so Lily takes every opportunity she can to curl up in their laps, watch a movie and be with her Indian family.

This past Christmas, one of these students traveled home to India and brought us all back traditional Indian clothes. They are beautiful and I was very touched by this act of love. From the moment Lily saw her Indian dress, she wanted to wear nothing else. She loves these guys and when she wears her dress, she transforms into an Indian princess. The week after she got her Indian dress was picture day and of course, Lily wanted to wear her dress for this special event. We thought this was a wonderful idea and I fixed her hair and she wore her dress to school with a beautiful smile confidently displaying the love felt for her through this dress.

I love that my children are exposed to the beauty of cultures around the world. I love that my children see the world and embrace cultural differences knowing that love and understanding can unite us. I celebrate the opportunity I have to love a stranger and welcome them into my home as family for I was once a stranger and He welcomed me into His family.

I am so grateful that I worship a God who loves me enough to call me daughter and embrace me in spite of my differences. I celebrate this love and the opportunity I have to love others and the blessing I receive when I welcome people into my home. For when we are hospitable and show love to others, love is shown to us and friendships are created that will last a lifetime. I celebrate the experiences my children are exposed to as they develop a worldview of love and hospitality.

We welcomed these guys into our home, but they gave us so much more than a meal and a pretty dress. They gave us the opportunity to understand and appreciate their culture. They gave us their friendship which we will last long after they leave Maryville, and most importantly they showed Lily how she can be a real Indian princess and love all people the way they deserve to be loved.

May we all learn by Lily's example and confidently step out on picture day and display the love given to us. For we were all strangers once, and by His abounding love and grace He wanted to call us friend and transform us into royalty; children of the most high God. Thank you Lord for loving us and creating us all unique and beautiful in Your sight. Expose us Father to the beauty of other cultures and help us understand and appreciate each other as we celebrate a stranger becoming a friend. 

 My dear, dear friends, if God loved us like this, we certainly ought to love each other. No one has seen God, ever. But if we love one another, God dwells deeply within us, and his love becomes complete in us—perfect love!
~ 1 John 4:11-12

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