
No doubt about it! God is good.

No doubt about it! God is good—
    good to good people, good to the good-hearted.
But I nearly missed it,
    missed seeing his goodness.
I was looking the other way,
    looking up to the people
At the top,
    envying the wicked who have it made,
Who have nothing to worry about,
    not a care in the whole wide world.
~ Psalm 73: 1-5

It's easy to focus on what we want instead of celebrate what we have. Don't miss out on the blessings each new day brings. Take time to truly ponder and celebrate all the gifts and blessings He gave you right now in your circumstance. In our desire to have everything we want, we completely neglect the blessing God provides daily by giving us everything we need. He does not abandon His people, He is there, He loves us, and He was victorious over death so we might have life. 

Sit for a minute and think about it. The Creator the everything calls you His child. The All Mighty God is your Father. Stop looking at what everyone else has and look at everything He has given to you. 

So I celebrate His goodness and marvel at His love. I am in awe of His power and blessed to be called His child. All the world has to offer is trash in comparison to the crown of life my Father will give me. His grace is sufficient and He is all knowing, loving, and good. He keeps His promises and He promised to make wrongs right when He returns and take me to a place of perfection where I will be in His presence forever. No doubt about it, God is good. Don't miss it, take a moment and celebrate!

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