
Lost WIthout Him

I do not function well when Nick is away. It's crazy that even after almost 15 years of marriage I still miss him intensely when he is not there. I feel a void like a school girl left behind when her boyfriend goes to summer camp. I am very dependent on my husband emotionally. He is my best friend and we talk to each other often throughout the day. I depend on him for encouragement and strength when I am having a difficult time making sense of my busy schedule. I love my daily routine and I love staying busy and serving others but when Nick is away, the days feel hectic and lonely.

I can't help but wonder if we the church, His bride, feels the same when we are not spending time with Christ. Do we depend on Him for encouragement and strength? Do we long to have conversations with Him and be close to Him throughout the day? If we didn't spend much time with Christ, would we be able to function or would our days seem hectic and lonely? Do we notice? Would His absence leave a void in our lives?

I do not function well when Nick is away, but I am lost without daily time with Jesus. It is the time I spend talking with Him and studying His word that gives me perspective and reminds me to be joyous in all circumstances. You see friends, life is hard. This world is mutated by sin and death. It seems when one problem is resolved another one pops up and life is a continuous cycle of highs and lows. But when we fix our eyes on Christ and we draw close to Him, life starts to make sense. We are given the strength to refrain from despair when things get tough and given the ability to rejoice in all circumstances. The highs and lows start to level out as we look at the world through the eyes of Christ and grab hold of His strength as He provides for His bride and lovingly gives her strength and encouragement to make sense of it all.

As I rock sweet Stella while Nick is away, I celebrate my husband and the marriage God has given me. I celebrate our dependency upon each other and companionship we share. I celebrate Jesus and the perspective I gain when I am in His word and spending time with Him. I celebrate the love He has for me and the beautiful imagery of the church being His bride, for the church is dependent upon Him for her needs and finds fulfillment in Christ's companionship. I celebrate the truth that comes from knowing with Jesus I can function and meet the challenges this world throws at me. Jesus helps me make sense of it all and I am lost without Him.

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