
We Are A "Unique and Humorous" Family

My life is crazy and far from "normal". This realization has made me uneasy in the past. Sometimes I feel like because our lives are not "normal", I am letting my kids down. The church is our second home and my kids have a dinner or events sponsored by the church multiple nights a week. They sacrifice home time for church time and our lives are far from "normal". I love my life but I feel like my kids are getting drug along for the ride and I wonder if they long to have a normal routine like others kids their age.

We are moving out of our apartment and into a home. The kids are very excited and Nick and I are so ready for more space and a kitchen table we don't have to pull away from the wall when we eat dinner. It's little things like more closet space and counter space that get me through the stress of a move. I can't wait for my kids to have a back yard to play in and to host dinners again with friends and neighbors. Moving is strenuous, and time precious, so Nick is trying to be strategic and move us over the next couple weeks.

Nick was packing up Samantha's room and he found this note.

The phrase that stuck out to me was, "I love this very unique and humorous family". Friends the things in life that make your family unique, give my kids joy, an identity and a purpose. I feel like I am running them ragged and robbing them of normalcy, but I'm starting to realize they love our crazy life as much as I do. Always having something to do and new people to meet is "normal" to them. Taking care of others, and roller skating at the church while mom and dad prepare for worship is "normal" to them. You see friends, my kids recognize the importance of putting Christ first and we try daily to prioritize what Christ puts value in, time with Him and serving others. I get it now. My normal, as crazy as it is, gives my family joy and purpose. I need to stop comparing my family to others and stop longing to be something I am not. When we embrace the beauty that is the crazy mess God is working and doing in us, we find peace, joy, and purpose.

What is the crazy beautiful mess in your life that your kids find their identity in? Whatever it is, I pray we will all cherish how He made our families so we can be secure in our purpose and not long for "normal" but strive for uniqueness as we live fully surrendered lives for Jesus. Let's celebrate daily the humor and love we share with our families. Let's remember memories can be built grocery shopping and getting pizza. Activities done with purpose and center on quality time can mold and shape our children to serve others and have priorities centered on things important to Christ.

I love this note, and will treasure it always. My family is unique, not normal. The old me would try harder to mask our differences, the new me will display them proudly in Christ for they point to my priorities and what I value in life. May we all strive to find our purpose in the things of God and put His desires above our own as we love and serve our families, neighbors, and those around us.

I belong to a unique and humorous family... yeah I have lots of cause to celebrate!

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