
Celebrate His Answer

Have you ever prayed hard for something and your prayer was met by silence? Time goes on and you continue to pray in faith that God will answer in His timing. Then while in line at Starbucks or as you put on your make-up in the morning, the answer to your prayer comes. In the most unexpected moment what you have been praying to see is shown and your heart is so thankful you outwardly express joy. Others in line stare at the oddity of your tears and excitement while they create space just in case you are contagious. Make-up has to be reapplied because you have mascara in places it doesn't belong and there is no reason your everyday lipstick should remind you of Bozo the clown. The answer comes when you didn't expect it and you can help but celebrate, He answered!

I have been praying for a while God would give me an idea for a book. I tried to write a book about Stella and as I wrote, my book transformed into this blog which has been a blessing to me. The platform to speak and be vulnerable in my writing while I pray fervently over each post so God might encourage, comfort, and speak words to those who read them has been very therapeutic. Celebrate with Stella gives purpose to the trials I face daily and is always a reminder to celebrate and search for what God is trying to teach me. Testifying to my sin and situations to showcase the attributes of my Creator makes me feel whole. I want Him to be glorified and celebrated in all circumstances so I drop the masks we women wear and I'm real. This realness gives my life so much joy and purpose.

As I visit with men and women and listen to their testimonies I am overwhelmed by the way God uses our story to effect others. We all deal with different sin and situations but it's crazy how I can relate and empathize as my Heavenly Father shows me we are not so different. We all are broken and need to be fixed. We were all lost but He found us. Our stories weave together and a glorious picture of His grace and mercy is displayed when we give our testimonies a voice and use what He has done in our lives to point to the cross.

I was getting ready for work this morning, a normal Wednesday no different than any other, when God spoke to me and waves of thankfulness and joy washed over me. I know what to write about. He finally answered my prayer! I was so thankful and joyous. Excited and overwhelmed. God answered my prayer and I joyfully celebrated His answer!

As I got sweet Stella ready this morning I was so thankful and joyous that I forgot to change her out of her PJs. The daily tasks of the morning were kind of a blur in view of His answer. I think my children brushed their teeth and put clean socks on but honestly I don't know. I was distracted and giddy this morning because He answered and I couldn't help but celebrate!

So in times of silence, be patient my friends. Keep praying. Keep believing. Keep celebrating. God will answer, sometimes in the most unexpected moments, but He will answer. The answer may come in a form we anticipate or it may come in a closed door or failed venture. If we pray and seek, He will focus our view so we can see His answer and faithfulness in the most cloudy times of life. He will provide. He will comfort. He will sustain. When the answer comes rejoice and give thanks for His voice was heard and no matter what the response, that is cause to celebrate!

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