Life is hard. Period. There are times in life when we will want to throw in the towel and choose to live with our pain because forgiveness is just too hard. We've been hurt too bad and the pain runs too deep. We don't see God anymore, we feel abandoned and bottom line; we are too tired and don't want to fight anymore. We feel angry, hurt, defeated, misunderstood, and unappreciated.
Beloved, I know it's hard to believe but I want you to listen. God is bigger than what you feel. God is able to handle it. His track record is proven and He works best in impossible situations. What you are going through does not make sense and I know you probably just want it to be over but DoN't GiVe Up...
Help is coming. Redemption is coming. Grace is coming and forgiveness is on its way.
Have you hit your knees in prayer beloved? Truly cried out and given over every piece of the pain, anger, hurt, and abandonment to Jesus? Have you told Him how tired you are and how much you want to hold unto your memories that validate your reasons for bitterness and ask him to take them and exchange them for forgiveness and grace? Beloved, LeT tHeM gO...
Give the painful memories and the distrust to Jesus. Allow Him to change you from the inside out. Not because the person deserves it, but because Jesus commanded it. LeT aLl ThE pAiN gO...
Experience freedom from all the hurt and animosity you feel. Maybe you've been playing the blame game for so long you don't know where to start. Maybe the pain has become part of your identity and if it disappears, the void left behind is crippling your resolve to imagine what could be. Beloved life can be so much more. Break free from the anger and find peace from your pain because you deserve to be liberated from all the hurt that shackles you and experience true redemption.
MaKe ChRiSt YoUr FoCaL PoInT... He's the only one who matters. No one else can make you feel complete and no other relationship can truly give you what you need. Focus on Christ and what He desires for your life and what He sacrificed so you could be made complete in Him. When we feel the depth and power of His saving grace and mercy, it transforms our relationships and give us the ability to forgive as we were forgiven.
Beloved if you are struggling to forgive and find it difficult to let go of your anger and pain, fixate on Christ and allow Him to cleanse you. Move your focus from what you are feeling to how He feels for mankind. Focus on His desires and not your own as you open your heart and allow yourself to imagine a life you gave up on a long time ago.
Life is hard. Period. But a life that does not exude the transforming power when mercy is granted can be shallow and lonely. The smoke and mirrors we display can leave us empty because we are never truly known or understood. Beloved He knows you and He knows what you need to restore your relationship. Surrender, be known and allow the smoke to clear. Only when we are real and honest can we allow truth to be spoken into our lives.
As I watch sweet Stella, I celebrate a God who completes me in every way. I celebrate the love and forgiveness He gave that I am called to give to others. I celebrate His design to love unconditionally, live selflessly, and celebrate relentlessly. Our God desires us to be free and live in peace not only with others but peace within ourselves. I celebrate the power of prayer and the strength that comes when we willingly give up and surrender.
Just as I long for sweet Stella to listen to me when I speak truth to her, our God longs for us to listen to Him when He whispers to us, "Child. Come. Let it go. My way will fulfill your every desire and I have the strength you need to truly forgive. Come. Make me the focal point of your life, let all the pain go and allow me to replace it with mercy and peace. Think not of what you desire but think of what My desire is for you My child. Trust Me, child. Trust Me and truly be at peace."
Thank you Lord Jesus for picking up the pieces of the broken relationships the enemy has destroyed. Fix and make new again Father those who need Your restoring power. Transform us Father as we give You all the glory and honor for making us whole. Show up when things look impossible and give those in need the miracle they so desperately are praying for. Be our focal point so we don't give up and help us to surrender and truly let go.
Experience freedom from all the hurt and animosity you feel. Maybe you've been playing the blame game for so long you don't know where to start. Maybe the pain has become part of your identity and if it disappears, the void left behind is crippling your resolve to imagine what could be. Beloved life can be so much more. Break free from the anger and find peace from your pain because you deserve to be liberated from all the hurt that shackles you and experience true redemption.
MaKe ChRiSt YoUr FoCaL PoInT... He's the only one who matters. No one else can make you feel complete and no other relationship can truly give you what you need. Focus on Christ and what He desires for your life and what He sacrificed so you could be made complete in Him. When we feel the depth and power of His saving grace and mercy, it transforms our relationships and give us the ability to forgive as we were forgiven.
Beloved if you are struggling to forgive and find it difficult to let go of your anger and pain, fixate on Christ and allow Him to cleanse you. Move your focus from what you are feeling to how He feels for mankind. Focus on His desires and not your own as you open your heart and allow yourself to imagine a life you gave up on a long time ago.
Life is hard. Period. But a life that does not exude the transforming power when mercy is granted can be shallow and lonely. The smoke and mirrors we display can leave us empty because we are never truly known or understood. Beloved He knows you and He knows what you need to restore your relationship. Surrender, be known and allow the smoke to clear. Only when we are real and honest can we allow truth to be spoken into our lives.
As I watch sweet Stella, I celebrate a God who completes me in every way. I celebrate the love and forgiveness He gave that I am called to give to others. I celebrate His design to love unconditionally, live selflessly, and celebrate relentlessly. Our God desires us to be free and live in peace not only with others but peace within ourselves. I celebrate the power of prayer and the strength that comes when we willingly give up and surrender.
Just as I long for sweet Stella to listen to me when I speak truth to her, our God longs for us to listen to Him when He whispers to us, "Child. Come. Let it go. My way will fulfill your every desire and I have the strength you need to truly forgive. Come. Make me the focal point of your life, let all the pain go and allow me to replace it with mercy and peace. Think not of what you desire but think of what My desire is for you My child. Trust Me, child. Trust Me and truly be at peace."
Thank you Lord Jesus for picking up the pieces of the broken relationships the enemy has destroyed. Fix and make new again Father those who need Your restoring power. Transform us Father as we give You all the glory and honor for making us whole. Show up when things look impossible and give those in need the miracle they so desperately are praying for. Be our focal point so we don't give up and help us to surrender and truly let go.
So, chosen by God for this new life of love, dress in the wardrobe God picked out for you: compassion, kindness, humility, quiet strength, discipline. Be even-tempered, content with second place, quick to forgive an offense. Forgive as quickly and completely as the Master forgave you. And regardless of what else you put on, wear love. It’s your basic, all-purpose garment. Never be without it.
Let the peace of Christ keep you in tune with each other, in step with each other. None of this going off and doing your own thing. And cultivate thankfulness. Let the Word of Christ—the Message—have the run of the house. Give it plenty of room in your lives. Instruct and direct one another using good common sense. And sing, sing your hearts out to God! Let every detail in your lives—words, actions, whatever—be done in the name of the Master, Jesus, thanking God the Father every step of the way.
~Colossians 3: 12-17
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