
Celebrate the Little Things

Do we honor God in the little things, the mundane tasks that we must complete everyday? I struggle with this. My life is full of little things that I must accomplish daily. Getting the kids ready for school, baking cookies for someone, grading papers, helping with this task or trying to organize that event. Dozens of little things everyday that add up to a heavy load to carry each week and at times these tasks leave me feeling drained, unappreciated, or ineffective. Sometimes I feel like I am just spinning my wheels as I check things off my list. I know these little things are important and I take a lot of joy in the rolls I play but the little things can definitely chip away at your spirit and your resolve. 

Yesterday I was convicted I have not been spending enough time in God's word. I felt drained because I have not been taking the time to replenish my spirit and seek God through scripture. I picked up my Bible and began to read about when Amalek came and fought Israel. Moses was on a hilltop and when Moses raised his hands, the Israelite army was winning. Whenever he lowered his hands, Amalek was winning. Moses had to keep his hands raised for the army to win? Seems like such a small thing for such a big victory.

I rocked sweet Stella and I began to ponder and think about what I had just read. God rewards those who are faithful in the little things because the little things can make a huge difference in our situation and in the lives of those we come in contact with. Taking time each day to read God's word might seem like a little thing but through reading scripture, God opens our minds and hearts so that we can see Him more clearly and develop a deep and intimate relationship with Him. A kind note to someone who is having a bad day might seem like a little thing but the opportunity to provide encouragement and joy to someone who is depressed can bring hope and love to their life. Cooking someone a meal or taking them out to lunch might seem like just another thing to do but because you sacrificed your time and resources the person receiving was able to encounter Christ. Who knows, your sacrificial act maybe the only encounter they have with Christ that day.

You see my friends the little things make a big difference. When we are faithful and we keep our hands raised, God can come and fight the battles of life for us. Think about it. If we are faithful and continue to love our friends so they encounter Christ in the little things, God works on their hearts and opens their eyes to the gospel. Through giving someone a ride or sending a friend a text so they know you care, people experience a taste of His love which is infectious and the pieces start to come together. They start to see you genuinely care about them not because of what they can offer you but because of what Christ gave to you. People know you don't just say you love others, they see you love others through your sacrifice to stay faithful in the little things.The little things can be tedious, under appreciated, and overwhelming at times but it is in these small acts of service that Christ shows up and takes a tiny meal and feeds the masses. God loves to show up when there is little so He can receive the honor and glory when it is multiplied.

God also entrusts us with more when we prove we are faithful with little. If our attitudes and resolve are not able to withstand the little tasks God asks us to complete, He will not trust us to complete the tasks that require a greater amount of effort and assurance. Praise God He does not overwhelm us with tasks we are not equip to handle when our faith, resources, and abilities have proven we are not primed and ready for the job. As we seek and serve, He primes us and prepares us for the path He wants us to take. But we must be faithful in the little things and small acts of service, so that He can prepare our hearts and lives for what lies ahead. Friends if we are faithful with little, God will entrust us to care for a lot. He will pour out opportunity and blessing upon those who are able to take the little they have with a faithful and joyful heart lay it at the foot of the cross so Christ can come along side and multiply their tiny offering to impact the world.

As I continued to ponder this passage of scripture, I feel overwhelmed by the little things. I desire to be faithful and my heart knows Christ is where my true strength lies, but there are times when I'm just worn out. As I read, God once again speaks truth and encouragement to my situation. God is so good at that isn't He. When we seek wisdom and renewal, He's so good and providing answers and encouragement through His word. Moses became tired, Aaron and Hur held his arms up until the Amalek army was defeated.

Friends, sometimes we cannot complete the little tasks alone. We need help. We need Godly men and women to hold up our arms and help us complete the little tasks God wants us to do so He can come and fight the battles for us. We need to lean on each other for encouragement and support as we grow weary from the little things we do over and over again each week as we love Christ by serving His people. Each week as I help and serve I am very convicted of this truth. It's amazing how different my attitude is when I am not washing dishes alone. When I am blessed with the opportunity to serve along side a friend, my attitude is transformed by conversation and laughter. I see Christ in others as they humbly serve and I am blessed to witness Him in the little things. 

God sows seeds of determination and excitement in my life when I see our community day after day and week after week serving, loving, and being faithful in the little things. It's a lot easier to be part of a team when the whole team is actively working and trying to accomplish the goal of worshiping Christ and loving people. Being a faithful servant might seem like a little thing but, to another faithful servant, it is a huge encouragement and reminder of Christ's provision through His people. We need each other my friends and we need Christian community so we can spur each other on and encourage one another in the little things as we allow Christ to multiply and radically transform our homes and communities. The small act of committing to be part of a church and actively serve and attend might seem small, but this commitment to Christ and His bride is the only thing that can repair homes and restore nations. 

After I tuck my kids in, I take time to celebrate the little things. I take time to allow God's word to renew me and celebrate the power of scripture. I think about all the faithful friends I have who serve Christ when no one is watching and I celebrate their life and sacrifice. I celebrate the encouragement they bring to me as I serve and I celebrate the power we have through Christ as we serve together diligently and faithfully. The little things can seem unimportant and under appreciated but I celebrate that Christ has entrusted me and in His great mercy and grace allowed me to serve in His name. He does not need my little, but I am so glad He desires to use my tiny offering and welcome me as His own so I can take part in His plan to restore humanity and provide salvation to all who believe in Christ Jesus. I celebrate the power available and given to those who serve in His name. May we all remember how God showed up when Moses raised up his hands and showed he was faithful in the little things. 

Amalek came and fought Israel at Rephidim. Moses ordered Joshua: “Select some men for us and go out and fight Amalek. Tomorrow I will take my stand on top of the hill holding God’s staff.” Joshua did what Moses ordered in order to fight Amalek. And Moses, Aaron, and Hur went to the top of the hill. It turned out that whenever Moses raised his hands, Israel was winning, but whenever he lowered his hands, Amalek was winning. But Moses’ hands got tired. So they got a stone and set it under him. He sat on it and Aaron and Hur held up his hands, one on each side. So his hands remained steady until the sun went down. Joshua defeated Amalek and its army in battle.
~Exodus 17: 8-13

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