
Celebrate Those Crazy Mornings Even If You Haven't Had Your Coffee Yet!

My days depend on the kind of morning I have. Some mornings I wake up on time and rested. The kids get ready quickly without complaining and they are waiting to leave for school by the front door. My clothes fit well and my hair looks nice so I am not trying to piece together something or self-conscious before I’ve had my morning coffee. I wish all days were like this but most days I am lucky if I brush my hair and wear clean clothes let alone clothes that are stylish. We scramble and in a frenzy rush around the apartment to make it out the door close to on time. The aftermath we leave in our wake frustrates me and I feel my blood pressure rising as my kids argue about who gets to sit upfront.

This morning was no different. I woke up 15 minutes late and in my world I might as well have slept till noon. We rush, we hurry and everyone makes it outside the house frazzled but mostly intact. I’m praying for peace and clarity when my husband calls me on the phone and the conversation we had gave me so much insight into my Heavenly Father that I have to stop and celebrate.

He began to share with me the morning our sweet Stella was having.  She started to rustle and whine so he went in to check on her. She peeked and saw Nick standing there ready to comfort her. She smiled at him and settled in peacefully knowing she was not alone but safe with her father. My Stella does that sometimes. She peeks her eyes open looking for a familiar face and when she sees us, she smiles and is comforted because she knows we are there. She settles in and rests peacefully as we watch over her and keep her safe.

After I hung up with Nick I began to ponder the contrast between my morning and Stella’s. She rustled in her sleep, unsettled and unsure if there was someone who loved her that would take care of her and provide for her. So she peeked her eyes open to see if she was alone and abandoned. Stella was unsure and frazzled but when she saw the face of her father all her anxiety faded and she was reassured by his presence. She finds comfort when she sees us and joyfully greets her day with smile because she knows she is provided and cared for.

Should we not greet our day in the same manner? Peek our eyes open looking for the familiar face of the One who gives us safety and provides us with peace. When we see Him through prayer and His word shouldn’t we be reassured by his presence and joyfully greet our morning because we know He is there? I wonder if I would peek my eyes open and see His face first if my morning routine would run a bit smoother and be filled with joy and reassurance as I settle into the truth that He is in control.

So I celebrate the comfort I find as a child of God. I celebrate each morning as a new opportunity to experience His love take joy in His promises. I celebrate that when I rustle and am unsettled by the unknown, I can settle in and know He is in control. May I remember to greet my Heavenly Father each morning and start each day reassured by His presence. 

Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love,
for I have put my trust in you.
Show me the way I should go,
for to you I entrust my life.
~Psalm 143:8 

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