
Celebrate Your Brokenness

There is a problem my friends. It is not easy to dwell in a world mutated by sin. This world is in distress, it is broken and there is nothing we can do to restore it and make it new again. Through Christ and His sacrifice there is an eternal restoration, but the temporary restoration is not promised. In John 16:33 Jesus says, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” 

I came to a realization this week as I lived life and visited with people who were torn apart from the affects of a broken world. We will have trouble. Embrace it. We will sin or be affected by sin as long as we exist on earth. There will be sadness, morning, and death. There will be fights, trials, and pain. We will be misunderstood and taken advantage of. We will loose and not be able to find as long as we reside in this place. Jesus told us we will have troubles, life will not be easy but don’t despair I (Jesus) am with you and I can ultimately fix the brokenness. As I write and ponder this truth a peace swells inside my soul and I can't help but celebrate.

Jesus did not leave us here in our brokenness to despair and question why we have troubles. In His deep love for us He was proactive and He told us, not “if you have troubles” but “you will have troubles” so take heart I (Jesus) have overcome the world. My friend, you are not the first to suffer and you will not be the last. Your pain is great and as I write and pray over this post my heart is heavy with compassion and love for you in your brokenness. But we must remember, even though we are in great pain…. He is greater. Even though our relationships and loved ones are broken and lost… He can fix and find them. 

I love the story of Moses in the Bible. He was not a man’s man nor incredibly enthusiastic about His mission, but in the end He was willing and God used Him to do mighty things. God chose Him, an orphan who was outcast by society and not comfortable with leading or speaking. Moses was not ideal for this task and did not possess any of the skills necessary when God spoke to him. But our God does not make mistakes and He chose Moses to lead His people out of Egypt and through his brokenness, God made him strong. 

One of my favorite parts in his story is the conversation Moses has with God for the first time. Moses was doing his job and tending to the sheep his father-in-law had entrusted to him. He moved them to graze on the west end of the wilderness not for any profound reason, just because of the pasture. Moses did not know when he went into the fields that night he would have a glorious encounter with God, but God knew. He chose Moses, and God knew it was time to let Moses in on the plan. 

Moses looked. In the distance he saw a bush that was ablaze but did not burn up. Moses could have run away. He could have, in cowardice, left and moved his flock away from this strange sight. He could have played it safe and not succumb to the curiousness of this event. Moses did not have to inquire, but he did and we see a glimpse of his strength and courage as Moses goes to investigate. He unknowingly becomes a valuable player in God’s plan to restore the nation of Israel and ultimately, the world. Moses looked, then explored and God magnified this tiny act of courage and obedience through his brokenness. 

In this story, Moses doubts God’s choice five times. The bush that blazes but does not burn is speaking to him and he doubts? Some of us just want God to speak to us and show us a miracle. If our miracle comes, will we believe in His goodness? We will believe in His power? Would we really? If we were honest with ourselves, would a burning bush in our lives be enough? Could the true root of our problem not be the lack of “miracles” but the lack of faith in the one who performs them?

Here is where the story takes a turn my friends and where God speaks in a mighty way to the broken. Moses asks God what His name is. God says two words, “I AM”. He is whatever we need Him to be. What a great way for God to describe Himself to us! I AM all of it. You need to be healed? I AM a healer. You need to be comforted? I AM a comforter. You need strength? I AM able to make you strong. You need to mend broken relationships? I AM a counselor. You need provision? I AM a provider. Whatever shoe you have, I AM can wear them.

You are broken. You are hurt. Your pain is great and your life is in chaos. My friends, He is I AM. Let’s not make the mistake Moses made when he gave God excuse after excuse on why He could not be trusted. Let’s not doubt and lack faith in what we need but run to the One who can bring peace in times of trouble. The One who can restore the broken and give rest to the weary. We are broken. Embrace it, because I AM is everything we need to mend the pieces and become whole again. In our troubles we are reminded and convicted we cannot do this alone. Alone, we cannot fix our marriage or heal our child. We cannot be what we need to be. But, through Him, we can have peace in the promise that He has overcome our troubles and He can be what we need. 

When we accept this truth and faithfully trust in I AM, peace will resonate through our lives and relationships. When we abide in Him and allow Him to bring us rest, we feel rejuvenated and able to face whatever challenge is ahead for He is our true source of strength and provider of rest. When we accept and embrace what I AM is, we start to see light in the darkness and smile a little easier as we become joyous and celebrate the small victories. We trust in His plan and provision not in the world's false sense of security and molds for success. Things start to not look so desperate and the weight we carry seems to be lighter. Not because our troubles have disappeared, but because we are allowing Christ to do most of the lifting. We see His hand moving and working and we take courage from the Conqueror when He becomes what we need in our brokenness. 

We need to call upon I AM when we are tired, weary and broken. We must call upon Him for provision and strength, trust in His plan, and abide in His love and rest. Waves of peace will come over us and we will feel His strength and healing as he meets us where we are. So lets celebrate our brokenness and need for His mending. Lets celebrate that the same God who revealed Himself to Moses, reveals Himself today to all who call His name. He is I AM and that is more than enough to get us through anything. My friends, we cannot fix our problems alone so lets stop trying and start relying on I AM. 

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