
Some Things Are Not Easily Replaced

I wouldn’t consider myself a sentimentalist. I develop attachments to people not possessions but the few items I treasure are irreplaceable and have a deep meaning and impact on my life. When Nick and I first got married we were in ministry at a small country church. Sheri and Larry attended this small church and we instantly connected with them and their children. They always strive to put God first in their lives and instill Godly principles and values into their home. They served, loved, and cared for others and Sheri always knew how to make you laugh and bake a mean cheesecake. I love this family dearly and it’s been almost 15 years but we are still connected, consider them role models and esteem them greatly. God placed them in our lives when we were young and in need of mentorship. They showed us with their words and actions Christ’s love, grace, and forgiveness to mankind.

When Lucas was born Sheri gave our children the first edition to a Hallmark ornament series. She told me how she gave each of her children an ornament every year to hang on the Christmas tree and she wanted to start a collection for my children as well. I was grateful for her generosity and every year Sheri would give the kids the next edition in their ornament series. My children became attached to their ornaments and as the years went on, they treasured this keepsake as much as I did.

Time passed, children grew, people changed, and our ministry at the church came to an end. We kept in contact through an occasional text or conversation with their children but we did not visit as often with one another. As the years passed, during the Christmas season we would receive a visit or a package from this family with the ornaments for our children. We would visit for a few minutes or exchange a thoughtful text and the kids would put their ornaments on the tree. When Lily was born, they started her an ornament series as well and as the ornaments multiplied my appreciation for their kindness over the years swelled inside me, as this simple act became my family’s most treasured Christmas tradition. These ornaments are precious to me and one of the only possessions we have that I truly cherish.

Sheri in her wisdom knew something almost 15 years ago because of her life experience and wisdom gained by her growing children. She knew time could not be replaced and as the years passed the ornaments would become a treasured memory of each Christmas season for my family. Every Christmas I take time to celebrate this thoughtful gesture demonstrated to us by a Godly family. Each year when we decorate the tree, my children reminisce on Christmas' past and carefully, with thoughtfulness and love, hang their ornaments on the tree. My children are so proud of their ornament series and get so excited every year to see open the Hallmark box and hold their new ornament.

This is Stella’s first Christmas and I wasn’t sure if Sheri was going to start her a series. I hadn’t talked to them much this year and we have grown even farther apart because of distance and busy schedules. I think and pray for their family often but in my humanness, have not made time to reconnect. Last week a box came in the mail and inside was a Christmas ornament for each child including sweet Stella. A simple note enclosed said “Surprise!” and I was flooded with memories of their family and the kindness they have shown to us.

Sheri knew. She knew the impact these ornaments could have on our family and in her wisdom and love for Jesus she did for me what I did not have the wisdom to do for myself. I treasure these ornaments and the love they represent. Not only the love for my family but also the love for my neighbor and most of all the love we have for Jesus. This thoughtful gift given every year at Christmas time reminds me of God's love and their willingness to show it.

As I rock sweet Stella I think about my own life. Do I give in my wisdom and love for Jesus so others can have a treasured keepsake year after year? Have I impacted the life of someone with as much intensity with a repeated act of kindness? You see friends it is easy to give a gift but to remember a long lost friend each year and bless them with a reminder of His love and how much you care is a gift that is rarely given. One-time gifts are valuable but gifts given year after year to build a collection of memories that are loved, valued, and appreciated are irreplaceable.

I celebrate the Sheri’s of the world and their generosity to others. I celebrate the opportunities we have to help others build lasting memories and irreplaceable treasures when we are wise and generous. I pray God will give us wisdom on how we can bless with a small gift and begin a collection of memories in the repetition of giving year after year. I celebrate our God and His repeated gift of grace and mercy to a sinner like me. Thank you Jesus for seeing the value in a gift repeatedly given. May we each strive to love in a way that is not easily forgotten or replaced.

And this is love: that we walk in obedience to his commands. As you have heard from the beginning, his command is that you walk in love.
~ 2 John 1:6

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