
I Can't Try Any Harder

I have said to Nick before in total desperation, "I can't try any harder. What do you want me to do?" And I remember him saying, "God doesn't want you to try, He wants you to let go."

Can you relate friends? If you are like me, you see a task you do it. There's a problem, you try to fix it. It's so easy to get wrapped up in my own abilities and desires and focus on me instead of focusing on Jesus. My intentions are pure, as I try to fix and prove myself but that's what made this realization all the more difficult to accept. I humbly lay down my abilities at His feet, but quickly pick them up to prove I am worthy, I am good enough, I am able to serve with the best of them. I call this humble pride and if we are honest with ourselves, we have all struggled with taking pride in how humble and truly sacrificial we are. 

The proud fixate on what they can do and become weary and laden with the problems and troubles around them. But those who fix themselves on the Lord, have a renewed strength and do not grow weary. They rely on Gods provision and abilities and give Him glory in all circumstances and situations. 

You see friends, we don't understand everything but God does. We can't fix things as completely and perfectly as He can. When we take a step back, submit our will to Christ and allow Him to do the fixing and move in our lives, we feel all things good. Because perfect love drives out all fear and His ways are far better than our own. 

God gets it. Let that truly sink in. He gets it and He's going to do something about it, just on His time and in His way. It seems like the more I step in to try to resolve the problem, the more mess I make and God whispers simple truths, "Be still, I'm here. Think of only things excellent and praiseworthy. Be joyous in all circumstances and worship me no matter what happens. I've got it. Be at peace."

So I celebrate today letting go of what I think I can do and letting God do what He does best. I celebrate full surrender that comes deep inside my soul when I painfully submit my pride and idols at His feet. I celebrate the joyous rest I feel when I truly allow God to take over as I step back and allow myself to marvel at His ways and praise Him through the storm. 

I confess my inadequacies and call upon the One who can take my brokenness and transform it into something beautiful. God is and will always be able to handle it. He doesn't care about my works, He asks me to fully surrender. Not work; surrender. I've got to stop trying to prove I'm worth dying for and just let go and surrender my will, my control, my abilities, my understanding, my desires to Him. Trust Him and truly be at peace. No more trying to show Him in worth loving, just accept I am loved. 

God can and will take care of it, on His time and in His way. He's on the throne my friends, and I must stop trying to wrestle for that seat in my own life. No more trying. No more working. Only worship and surrender. 

Celebrate my friends celebrate for His love is deeper than our humanness can ever comprehend and completely undeserved and not attached to anything we have ever done or will do. He loves us because He is love, and nothing I do our ever will do can make Him love me any more or less. When this truth becomes real to us, it changes everything. 

Let it sink in. Let it go. Let God love you how He wants to and stop trying to prove yourself for He's able and willing to make things right His way on His timeframe. 

Celebrate my friends, celebrate. 

“Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.”
1 Peter 5:6-7 NIV

“Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”
Romans 12:1-2 NIV


Bought a Lie With My Excuses and Delusions...

I'm going to be honest, this topic is difficult for me to write about because it's a sensitive issue most people do not want to discuss. Having said this, it's a sensitive issue because Satan has mutated and twisted it's definition and purpose. Deep down we all know what the Bible says and that we should obey, but our fear and delusions cause of us to easily dismiss God commandments.

I spent some of my adult life knowing what I should do and making excuses on why not do it. I knew what the Bible said and I even taught others why the Bible commanded it, but I felt I did not have to apply these same principles to myself.

I was generous with my time and bought snacks for youth group kids and crayons for children's church. I donated items when there was a sign up sheet and volunteered weekly doing what good Christians do. I was so deep in my own excuses and delusions that I allowed Satan to convince me what I was doing was enough and God's commandments were for someone else. Someone who had more resources, someone more financially secure.

I robbed myself of the blessings God intended for my life and allowed my mind to be poisoned with lies and beliefs that God did not provide enough. I promised myself I would be faithful after I got my ducks in a row because I was afraid I would not have enough to live on and afraid of not being in control. I think deep down I believed God shouldn't have it because I had worked so hard to earn it, so I decided to choose how I would sacrifice instead of being obedient to what God commanded in His Word. Like a child who was asked to share her favorite treat, I would break off a tiny piece of the corner instead of giving what I knew was being asked and what was deserved.

Friends, I was wicked and sinful with my treasure and for years did not follow the commands of God as Satan lulled me into a false reality of who's treasure it was in the first place. To the world, we gave. We gave of our time and we bought snacks and materials for the ministry, but tithing was not something we were faithful to. The command to tithe was for someone else and we ignored God's design and calling for His people.

Through trials and financial pain, God showed us our wickedness. He showed us how sinful a life focused on fear and control can be. You see friends, I wanted to tithe but I told myself I would be a generous tither when I had more and was financially stable. I pushed the tithe into tomorrow but tomorrow never came because I never allowed God to transform how I view and spend the provisions He had provided. We bought the lies of the enemy and traded God's promise in Matthew 6 for cable TV and a Sonic drink allowance. It wasn't until we were seriously broken that Nick and I decided to try another path.

It was out of desperation that we began to give generously, not out of abundance. As we gave, we prayed God would forgive and change us. We claimed His promise to provide what we needed and we gave generously because holding unto what we had was not working. We always needed more, wanted more, or had something come up. Our focus was on taking care of ourselves instead of being obedient to what God commanded. 

God provides my friends and I can testify to His provision. I could tell you story after story of how God came through for us financially when we were in need. The provision God has shown my family has trickled into all aspects of my life. I trust God will provide, period. I don't worry so much about tomorrow because tomorrow will worry about itself and God loves me so much more than the birds of the air or the flowers in the field. He provides richly for His creation which does not worry, so how much more will He provide for what I need.

Dear friends God will provide, but when we fear tomorrow and control what is not ours to take, we become trapped in a cycle of never being satisfied or having enough. We thank God for what He gives and pray He will bless us with more, but at the same time we defy God's ways and do not give Him what He asks and deserves.

I can't tell you how liberating it is to lay down my treasures at His feet and allow Him to provide what we need. It is a constant struggle because Satan wants me to take back control and He always whispers reasons why I should not obey God's command to tithe but I stopped listening years ago. Nick and I generously give to the church and have for years. God has blessed us with a completely different outlook on our finances. We prayed He would transform our perspective on how we spend what He provides and by His grace and goodness, He has. It is a lot easier for us to tithe and meet the needs of others when we stop believing we are entitled to what God has given.

I still get scared when things are tight and the future financially uncertain, but I don't let that fear control how I manage what God has given. I'm faithful through the fear and sometimes it's sacrificially painful but I emotionally write the check because God always comes through. We've had to adjust how we live, and through these adjustments God has showed us a better more simplistic way to live. God's ways are best and He knows what He's doing. He doesn't need our treasure, but He knows what will happen to us if we hold on to it. Friends He wants us to be obedient in the tithe so He can give us a new perspective on what's truly important. What matters in life can't be purchased and like any good Father, God desires to love, provide, and care for His children. He wants us to rely on Him as a child relies on their parent.

Whether you are financially comfortable or living paycheck to paycheck and just getting by, if you focus on what you don't have and do not evaluate how you are spending what God has blessed you with, it is difficult to be a wise steward of what He has given. It's only when we evaluate how we use our time and treasure that God starts to transform our perception and how we handle what God provides.

I celebrate the lessons God taught us when we were broken and deep in debt and sin. God brought us out of our hardships and showed us what is truly important and the value in tithing and giving above and beyond our means. I celebrate the burden lifted when we acknowledged His Lordship over our earthly treasures. God freed us to be His children when we allowed Him take care of tomorrow while we focused on the joy and beauty of today.

God does not ask us to be obedient and tithe because He needs our money. He asks us to tithe because He knows the power sacrificial giving has on our hearts. He knows how far our hearts can turn from Him and His ways if we allow ourselves to adopt characteristics and responsibilities reserved for God and God alone. It's God's job to create and sustain His creation and when we rely on ourselves to provide for the future, we enter a power struggle with God. If we do not humble ourselves, our sin and greed take over to blind our gratitude and extinguish our servant's heart.

Celebrate God for what He has given. Generously give what you have and allow Christ to show you the blessings of being financially obedient to Him. Celebrate His design and purpose for His people and give Him thanks for all He has blessed us with. God is so good to us. Even in the darkest valleys, He is there providing a way. Thank you God for always providing even when things seem impossible you always come through. Show us the blessing given through obedience and help us to celebrate what You have given and who You are with giving back to You a portion of what You have provided.  

“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
“The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are healthy, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eyes are unhealthy, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness!
“No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.
“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?
“And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith? So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.  Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

~Matthew 6: 19-34 


Honest and Vulnerable Once Again...

Here comes an honest and vulnerable blog my friends. God is laying this heavy on heart so I will be faithful and write, but this is not easy for me to admit. Trust me.

I live a crazy life and I love every minute of it, but I have a sin issue and its name is pride. Pride gives birth to some nasty character traits in my life such as my desire to control, jealousy, anger, and impatience. Traits that do not define me, but I will always wrestle with this side of heaven.

Last night Nick had a friend over for "bro time". It was my suggestion, I just didn't realize he was going to act so quickly on what I suggested. I honestly didn't care we had a visitor, but being the third wheel was a hard pill for my pride to swallow. Nick said I could hang out with them and I knew he meant it but that would have been awkward so I declined the invite and did what I do best when I am upset. I went to pout and sulk. They went outside and something inside me said "pray" but instead I chose to nurture my ill feelings and allow them to take me deep into my sin.

I never doubt Nick's love for me and I find my value in Christ, so my pride called on the twins to pay me a visit. Their names are Misunderstood and Unappreciated. They always come to play when I am unwilling to humbly surrender my pride and allow Christ to speak truth to my life through prayer and perspective. Misunderstood and Unappreciated paid me a visit and decided to spend the night in my mind when I chose to go to bed angry. God kept telling me to pray and I knew I should, so I prayed an apathetic, uninspired prayer that was quenched of Spirit or faith. I went through the motions and as I prayed, I rocked the twins and tucked them into bed in my mind feeling like a martyred wife who puts the needs of her husband before her own while her sacrifice is not recognized or appreciated.

I was falling asleep but woke up when Nick came in. He said he loved me and he hugged me and I could tell he wanted to talk to reconcile our differences. I told him I was fine and I was just tired. But, honestly, my pride and anger were holding unto me instead. I didn't want to talk so I tried to fall asleep and denied Nick any opportunity for conversation that would lead to reconciliation.

The next morning, I awoke and I couldn't really remember why this event made me so upset. It was pretty trivial, but the twins still lingered and began to awake in my mind as I started to get ready for my day. My pride would not allow me to communicate effectively and it also blinded me from seeing the blessings God had given, so I kept feeling misunderstood and unappreciated. I harbored those emotions and allowed the twins to rob me of the blessings given with a new day.

Nick could tell I was not myself and he apologized for not giving me a heads up on the "bro time". This made me feel even worse because his apology reminded me of my sin, so now I felt guilt on top of everything else. I needed to get gas and I had woke up late, so I hurried to get ready while Nick helped me get the kids ready and made my coffee. The guilt was becoming quite a load now because he is such a good husband and always tries to make my morning easier with lots of help and support.
As I drove, Stella was cranky and I was disappointed at Samantha for not finishing her homework. I was not patient or understanding with my children. Finally when things calmed down, we drove in silence and my mood kept getting worse and worse until I felt overwhelmed and desparate.

When I arrived to school, I was emotionally not ready to begin my day. How had things gotten so bad? Why did I allow the twins to take such trivial situations and magnify them into Def-con 5? How can I erase the last 14 hours and start over with a new perspective on my crazy life? As I sat and tried to collect myself, I heard the Spirit whisper... pray. I didn't want to, but in my sin and brokenness, I had no choice I needed to pray. I texted Nick and asked him to pray for me too and I did what I should have done the night before...

When I prayed, I humbled myself and repented of my sin, my pride. I acknowledged my wretchedness and complete dependance on Him for anything good. I asked God to take away my pride so I can understand others and appreciate what He has given me. I thanked Him for His grace and forgiveness. I thanked Him for my husband and my family and as I prayed my mood began to soften as perspective and grace began to nurture the thoughts in my mind. The twins disappeared and with their departure, I was able to see the deep love and understanding that is born when I am fully known by my Creator.

After I prayed, I looked at my phone and saw encouraging text messages from Nick and 6 other people. I texted Nick and asked if he had organized this text bombardment. He told me he had been praying for me all morning and he had texted no one. He did text me a prayer and this is what it said:
I'm praying that God would remind you of your value and worth and the eternal investments that you have made in people, starting with me, and our children and that can't be taken for granted or minimized. I love you and you are a difference maker in the lives of so many! Don't believe the lies of the deceiver. I love you!!! I thanked him for his prayers and told him how blessed I was to be married to him. I told him about the text messages and I praised God for answered prayers and marveled in His design and how He orchestrates everything good.

How good is our God friends! God is so good and in spite of my sin and pride, He loves me and reaches down and uses others to bless and encourage me. I should have listened to God last night my friends. When I heard the Spirit tell me to pray, I should have listened. When my pride began to surface, I should have humbly knelt down in repentance and prayed. I spewed so much pain and poison towards the ones I love, value, and appreciate because I chose to listen to the lies of the deceiver instead of listening to the voice of God. The remorse I have and natural consequences I must face for my pride and anger, all could have been avoided if I would have just prayed.

I am a wretched person apart from Christ and I don't have many good traits if not empowered by the Spirit. I'm so thankful God uses me not because I am worthy but because I am willing. I will always have a sin issue this side of heaven and I will need to humble myself, repent, and surrender to Him daily, hourly, and as often as possible to avoid the pain and consequences of my sinfulness. I hurt people when my pride and the twins pay me a visit. Nothing good happens when I am proud and refuse to yield control to the will of my Savior.

I celebrate today the cleansing power that comes from confession and repentance. I celebrate today His deep love for me and His ability to use others to encourage me when I am feeling misunderstood and unappreciated. I celebrate the game changing power of prayer and the huge blessing it is to have people who care praying for you. I celebrate each prayer warrior, each encouraging text message, and each willing heart who is in tune to the voice of God and listens when He calls them to action. Being vulnerable and confessing our sin is not an easy task but there is power in transparency and grace for those who call upon His name. May we all call upon others to help us in our brokenness so they may spur us on with grace and understanding as we celebrate all the goodness of God who transforms our hearts from the inside out. 

Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.
~James 5:16


My Thoughts on Motherhood. You are Welcome to Them...

Trying to live for an audience of One is hard when the show of your life has begun and the glorious musical you want to perform is overtaken by a 3 ring circus featuring you, center stage. Moms live in a sphere of never fully attentive to anything but split between marriage, family, work and activities. From missing shoes to missed deadlines, something is always demanding our attention and blocking our view from the audience we have committed to serve. 

Yes, living for an audience of One can be very difficult. But remember dear friend. Your Audience and your Creator are the same. Your Audience understands your life is a 3 ring circus because He designed it to be full of blessed chaos. Filled with sweet side shows,  death-defying acts, and the occasional 10-15 little people jumping out of a tiny car. God created, loves, and values every moment of your motherhood. Don't loose sight of the Audience while you enjoy His creation. 

Be attentive to His voice, be intentional with your time and treasures. Stop and take time everyday to celebrate and just be with Him. After all, the best shows are always performed for the Audience. Allow the show of your life to be performed and focused on the One who designed, created, and directed the show. Let Him show you the beauty in your circus and live for an audience of One as Christ takes the 3 ring circus in your life to destinations only He could ever dream or imagine. 

“You have searched me, Lord, and you know me. You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar. You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways. Before a word is on my tongue you, Lord, know it completely. You hem me in behind and before, and you lay your hand upon me. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too lofty for me to attain. Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast. If I say, “Surely the darkness will hide me and the light become night around me,” even the darkness will not be dark to you; the night will shine like the day, for darkness is as light to you. For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. How precious to me are your thoughts, God! How vast is the sum of them! Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand— when I awake, I am still with you.”
Psalm 139:1-18 NIV


Loosing Sleep Over Broken Glasses

My son recently became so angry and frustrated at school he broke his glasses in half. He felt so ashamed and guilty that he let his anger get the best of him. His dad and I talked to him numerous times and explained to him that we forgive him for breaking his glasses and talked about ways to cope with stress and anger.

That night we kissed the kids goodnight and they went off to bed. Lucas came down later carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. “I can’t sleep,” he said with his head tucked into his chin. “I’m so upset at myself and I feel bad for breaking my glasses.”

The love and compassion I had for my son in that moment could not be contained. I lifted his head tenderly and I looked into his eyes and I told him to let this go. I told him how much I love him and that I forgive him for breaking his glasses in anger. I told him the guilt and shame he feels is Satan trying to control him and break down his spirit. I told him I understand what it’s like to get angry and I know what it’s like to do things you regret. The pain and remorse from a sudden act can blind you from seeing your true value and worth. But we need to not allow our sin to define us and we need to stop listening to what Satan is whispering in our heads and start claiming how Christ sees us; valuable, good, strong, and created for a purpose.

I kissed him and he went to bed but my heart was so heavy as I watched my son hold unto a situation that God has redeemed and wanted Lucas to be liberated from. The guilt, shame and regret we feel after a moment of anger or sinful decision can paralyze us from experiencing the love, grace, and mercy God so desperately wants to give us. He lovingly tries to loosen our grip from holding onto these painful memories but Satan has a way of tightening our grasp with self pity and shame so we continue to carry the chain long after God has broken the lock and liberated us from the weight.

It’s crazy how Satan can take what God has claimed and with two simple letters destroy our identity in Christ. Satan whispers, "You are UNworthy, UNable, UNwanted, and UNdesired. Your sin is too great and your anger too out of control for you to ever be able to forgive yourself.”

But God, like a loving parent, lifts up our heads tenderly and speaks truth to our lives and washes away that prefix to reveal our true identity, WORTHY, ABLE, WANTED, and DESIRED. He takes our sin and the Bible says He thinks of it no more. The only UN that remains is UNderstanding, grace, and mercy.

Our God can and is able to take all the hurt, pain, guilt, and shame of our lives and think of it no more. It is a quality unique to Him and one of His most glorious promises. God wants us to be free from our past because He knows when we are free we can truly experience the depth of His grace and be at peace in a decaying world where we are surrounded by guilt and painful memories. Satan will try to remind us and destroy our identity, but God has claimed us and we must constantly remind ourselves of Who we truly belong to.

So I celebrate broken glasses and empty Kleenex boxes. For they remind me of the power God has to refine my brokenness and restore my soul. I am humbled by my sin and broken before my Savior who takes the messy pieces of my life and transforms them into a beautiful story that points to his grace and goodness. 

Do not be shackled by your past dear friend. Release the chain because the weight was dropped a long time ago. Experience His peace and marvel in His love. Hold your head high and appreciate what He is trying to teach you by refining you through your sin and painful circumstances. Allow Christ to wash away that prefix and reveal your true identity. You are worthy. You are able. You are wanted. You are desired. And above all dear friend, you are loved and you are free.


Sell Outs and Settlers

I'm going to be honest friends. I get frustrated with the people I love and value because I care so much about them and I see their potential. I see all that God could do through them if they would relinquish control, step up, and get in the game.

Can you relate friends? Do you have people in your life you would invest the whole enchilada in, but they won't invest a side of beans in themselves? For whatever reason, they do not see their potential nor live up to their purpose. They settle for mediocre living and give up before the fight has even begun. They always have an excuse and will defend their decisions and actions because they truly do not believe they are short changing themselves. Honestly I don't think they wake up expecting much to happen because they do not believe God will show up and do something amazing.

I wish I could figure out a way to get them to see they could be so much more and they do not need to settle for average. We are all beautiful in the eyes of Christ and we all have been created for a divine purpose. We all have the right to call upon a strength from heaven to transform our families, communities, and nation. So why do some of us settle? Why do we shrug off the tedious tasks we are called to do and not see the joy in service through humbly making the mundane tasks a priority?

There is one difference between those who settle and those who strive to be 100% sold out in love with Christ. Settlers focus on what they feel. Sell outs focus on what He commanded. He commanded us to love Him with everything we are, not if we feel like it or if it is fun or fits into our schedule. Love Christ and love others that's the command.

Sell outs see the bigger picture and the small tedious tasks along the way are done out of devotion to a God who sacrificed everything and held nothing back. Sell outs with glad and sincere hearts do what their head says is pointless because the task matters to someone and they see the bigger picture and think about the needs of others when their needs could be so easily be dismissed.

Settlers, on the other hand, live in the moment. Not thinking about how their actions are perceived and because of this, they are constantly misunderstood and never fully known or appreciated. They value people and relationships, but their laissez-faire attitude and last minute approach make people feel like their needs are not important and the task does not matter. Settlers feel unvalued and disconnected from others and they are always on the defense because they have bought satan's lie that they are inadequate so they are fearful and insecure. Settlers can be so much more but choose to not put in the work it takes for great things to happen and hard work to multiply their efforts by His grace and goodness. They do not buy into work hard now but settle for what they have instead of putting in the time to build what God has intended for them later.

We all have our moments of hardship and situations or tasks that we dread doing but it is in these moments and situations we are truly defined and prove to be dependable. Their complacency and average living ripples out to the ones they love and serve. It sets a low standard of what God expects   cultivating lives that are a rushed thrown together offering to the Lord. It's sad and hard to watch the ones you believe in, settle.

If you want to do great things in your life, surround yourself with people who strive for greatness in the Lord. Allow someone to speak truth into your life and model Christ and His desire for mankind.

What ripples out of your life? Do you aspire others to live and love radically by your actions? Are you reliable and dependable able to get the job done no matter how trivial the task? Or do you loll others into a false since of security and accomplishment by "just getting by" or  doing an "ok job". Do you live like you possess the same spirit who caused blind men to see and caused dry bones to live again?

Dear friend you were created for a divine purpose. You have the gift of the Holy Spirit living in you, working for you to bring about God's glory.  The spirit that lives in us is greater than anything in this world and perfectly capable of showing up everyday in our lives to do amazing things if we call upon Him to be our driving force, strength, and support. Sell out to Christ and His purpose for your life. Live life everyday doing all tasks fixated on the One you are truly working for. Allow the Holy Spirit to show up and ripple through the lives of those around you so the offering of your life is fragrant and sweet. Don't settle. Sell out and celebrate because He has equipped each of us for greatness by His strength and for His glory.

Let our lives be fragrant offerings for you Jesus. Do the impossible in our lives and testify to your grace in goodness through our actions and deeds. Awaken those who have settled and energize those who are sold out. In your name I pray. Amen.


Life is hard. Period.

Life is hard. Period. There are times in life when we will want to throw in the towel and choose to live with our pain because forgiveness is just too hard. We've been hurt too bad and the pain runs too deep. We don't see God anymore, we feel abandoned and bottom line; we are too tired and don't want to fight anymore. We feel angry, hurt, defeated, misunderstood, and unappreciated. 

Beloved, I know it's hard to believe but I want you to listen. God is bigger than what you feel. God is able to handle it. His track record is proven and He works best in impossible situations. What you are going through does not make sense and I know you probably just want it to be over but DoN't GiVe Up...

Help is coming. Redemption is coming. Grace is coming and forgiveness is on its way. 

Have you hit your knees in prayer beloved? Truly cried out and given over every piece of the pain, anger, hurt, and abandonment to Jesus? Have you told Him how tired you are and how much you want to hold unto your memories that validate your reasons for bitterness and ask him to take them and exchange them for forgiveness and grace? Beloved, LeT tHeM gO... 

Give the painful memories and the distrust to Jesus. Allow Him to change you from the inside out. Not because the person deserves it, but because Jesus commanded it. LeT aLl ThE pAiN gO...

Experience freedom from all the hurt and animosity you feel. Maybe you've been playing the blame game for so long you don't know where to start. Maybe the pain has become part of your identity and if it disappears, the void left behind is crippling your resolve to imagine what could be. Beloved life can be so much more. Break free from the anger and find peace from your pain because you deserve to be liberated from all the hurt that shackles you and experience true redemption.

MaKe ChRiSt YoUr FoCaL PoInT... He's the only one who matters. No one else can make you feel complete and no other relationship can truly give you what you need. Focus on Christ and what He desires for your life and what He sacrificed so you could be made complete in Him. When we feel the depth and power of His saving grace and mercy, it transforms our relationships and give us the ability to forgive as we were forgiven.

Beloved if you are struggling to forgive and find it difficult to let go of your anger and pain, fixate on Christ and allow Him to cleanse you. Move your focus from what you are feeling to how He feels for mankind. Focus on His desires and not your own as you open your heart and allow yourself to imagine a life you gave up on a long time ago.

Life is hard. Period. But a life that does not exude the transforming power when mercy is granted can be shallow and lonely. The smoke and mirrors we display can leave us empty because we are never truly known or understood. Beloved He knows you and He knows what you need to restore your relationship. Surrender, be known and allow the smoke to clear. Only when we are real and honest can we allow truth to be spoken into our lives.

As I watch sweet Stella, I celebrate a God who completes me in every way. I celebrate the love and forgiveness He gave that I am called to give to others. I celebrate His design to love unconditionally, live selflessly, and celebrate relentlessly. Our God desires us to be free and live in peace not only with others but peace within ourselves. I celebrate the power of prayer and the strength that comes when we willingly give up and surrender.

Just as I long for sweet Stella to listen to me when I speak truth to her, our God longs for us to listen to Him when He whispers to us, "Child. Come. Let it go. My way will fulfill your every desire and I have the strength you need to truly forgive. Come. Make me the focal point of your life, let all the pain go and allow me to replace it with mercy and peace. Think not of what you desire but think of what My desire is for you My child. Trust Me, child. Trust Me and truly be at peace."

Thank you Lord Jesus for picking up the pieces of the broken relationships the enemy has destroyed. Fix and make new again Father those who need Your restoring power. Transform us Father as we give You all the glory and honor for making us whole. Show up when things look impossible and give those in need the miracle they so desperately are praying for. Be our focal point so we don't give up and help us to surrender and truly let go.

So, chosen by God for this new life of love, dress in the wardrobe God picked out for you: compassion, kindness, humility, quiet strength, discipline. Be even-tempered, content with second place, quick to forgive an offense. Forgive as quickly and completely as the Master forgave you. And regardless of what else you put on, wear love. It’s your basic, all-purpose garment. Never be without it.
Let the peace of Christ keep you in tune with each other, in step with each other. None of this going off and doing your own thing. And cultivate thankfulness. Let the Word of Christ—the Message—have the run of the house. Give it plenty of room in your lives. Instruct and direct one another using good common sense. And sing, sing your hearts out to God! Let every detail in your lives—words, actions, whatever—be done in the name of the Master, Jesus, thanking God the Father every step of the way.
~Colossians 3: 12-17


I Must Confess: I don't always want to go to church...

I don't always want to go to church. I don't always want to invest in people and I don't always want to drag my kids to a Bible study. It can be difficult getting the whole house in sync and ready to go. Sometimes I don't feel like worshiping or opening God's word after I've dealt with homework, pee pants, and car seat buckles. I'm exhausted. It's not that I don't value these things but they are just one more thing when all I want is nothingness. Yes sometimes, in my humanness, I don't want what the church has to offer.

So why do I invest in the church so much? Why do I choose to not listen to my emotions at times and go even when my house is falling apart and my mind is completely mush? It's because my house is falling apart and my mind is completely mush that I make community a priority... I have no where else to turn. You see friends. Our schedules will always be full and we will always have chaos. I have a full time job, 4 kids, and a full-time ministry. If my house was not chaotic I would worry I left a child at Walmart. That's the faze of life I'm in. I am surviving some days friends, but church and community that's my life jacket. These people pull me back unto the ship and by studying together and praying together I start to gain perspective. When I hear their stories and laugh when their children hit each other with foam noodles, I realize I'm not the only one raising future Wipeout contestants. The church and its people help me peel back the layers of crazy chaos to expose the beautiful blessing of love, family, and parenthood.

This beautiful thing called community which God created to hold us accountable, encourage us in hard times, and push us to be our best is worth investing in. People think Nick and I always want to be at church because we are in ministry. I can honestly say that is not true. There are days we go out of shear commitment. But here's what I've learned. On the days I make myself go, God always shows up and I see why we are commanded to be faithful. You see friends our emotions have feelings but they don't have a brain. Sometimes how we feel can lead us to make detrimental choices. Choices that rob us of the blessing God gives when we are faithful. It is in these times God proves to us why it was important to get out of bed and make an effort to check in that day.

It seems like Satan always knows how to get us down and he knows how to give us a few excuses that are valid reasons for staying home or not signing up. That's the tricky thing about the ultimate deceiver. He doesn't care how he keeps you out of community as long as you choose to not connect. It doesn't matter to him if it's too many kid's activities, a crazy work schedule, or young kids in the home. He doesn't care if our reasons are valid, he just wants our reasons to exist because as long as we have an excuse not to commit, he wins and God's design for our lives is stifled and lessened into what we can handle instead of something much bigger that can only be experienced through Christ.

Unless we get rid of the excuses and peel back the layers of why we really will not commit to Biblical community then we will never grow deeper, love greater, and experience all that Christ has to offer through His church. No matter what walk of life you are in, it was not meant to be lived alone. God designed Biblical community to stretch us, grow us, and sustain us through every faze and down every road. We cannot do this without each other. It's crazy to me how impoverished people understand this. They truly need each other to survive but even in their poverty they are content and blessed through Biblical community. So why is it when we have full bellies and clean clothes we down play and decide this is what is on the chopping block? I can't live without (fill in the blank) so I can't find the time to join a small group. I'd love to but I can't because of _________ so I'm going to have to pass.

Through our absence we rob ourselves of the growth God intended to take place in our lives. We opt out of the blessing that comes from being truly known and we make it very easy to come to church once a week wearing a mask to hide the sins we struggle with. We keep others at arms length and wonder why our relationships are suffering, our kids are not spiritually maturing and our lives feel incomplete and unsatisfying. Without connection, everything suffers. We were not designed to spend an hour a week ingesting God's word but never digesting it through small group discussion.

So my challenge to you my friend is this. I challenge you to be real with yourself and truly ask yourself what's stopping you from investing in a small group and experiencing what God designed for us in Biblical community. How can you evaluate your life and schedule to commit hour or two each week to go deeper in His word with others and building relationships with Christians who experience the same crazy chaos daily that you claim to be your own. Peel back the layers and really look at yourself and see if you can give some time to experience what God designed to sustain us and encourage us this side of heaven.

It's not easy friends and sometimes you will have to just be faithful and go but I promise you God will honor your commitment and through a small group you will experience the beauty of realness and the peace that comes from a group of people who love you through it all and have your back when you are up against a wall. Give it a try and connect in your local church more than just Sunday mornings. Invest in what can make a long term difference in your life, your marriage, and the lives of your children. Prioritize the things of Christ and be faithful so He can bless you in your sacrifice. 

As I wrap up my day, I celebrate the goodness of God. In His goodness, He gave us community so we would have others to share with, laugh with, cry with and carry when the road is too hard. May we all value this gift and all the blessings that come from being real with others. Let's tear off the masks and open our hearts and homes to others just as broken as we are. Let's stop giving reasons why we can't connect and start realizing we can't afford not to. 

Thank you Jesus for your love and provision. Thank you for the gift of friendship and community. Thank you for giving us Your word and the joy of being known by others so we do not have to navigate this crazy world on our own. I celebrate You and Your goodness and I praise You in all circumstances and situations.


You Are A Terrible And Horrible Person

I had a someone recently tell me I'm terrible and horrible. They proceeded to tell me other things that made me feel inadequate, misunderstood, demeaned, and like a failure. I listened and tried to make peace, but inside I felt like I was being destroyed. This person believed they were being helpful and honest. They wanted to help me be aware so I can better relate to those I come in contact with and better myself. They truly believed they were being helpful which, made this conversation even more complicated and confusing.

Terrible and horrible. This conversation haunts me. I keep doubting myself and second guessing my actions trying to figure out what I did or how I could have been better. An array of emotions have flooded my mind and I just can't seem to make sense of it all. There is a voice in my head that keeps whispering, "Everyone feels this way about you. Stop fooling yourself into believing you are good enough. People don't like you, they pity you. You are a terrible and horrible person. Just crawl in a hole and never come out." 

You see friends, I might be outgoing and strike up conversation with a total stranger now, but on the inside I'm an overweight, shy little wall flower that struggles with feeling inadequate and of value to anyone. I have always struggled with being good enough and second guess myself constantly. I wasn't always confident, and by God's grace He has helped me realize where my true worth lies but that vulnerable little girl will always be inside me and Satan is always looking for an opportunity to have her make a debut. 

Terrible and horrible. I keep hearing this conversation on replay in mind.

With ministry, helping international students, my teaching career, and kids activities I interact with people constantly. This critique is hard for me to take because it rocks the foundation of who I am and how I try to live life. If I am perceived by others as terrible and horrible then how is God's love for a mankind being shown through me? How can I claim to be made in His image if the image I portray causes others to feel such strong and negative emotions? 

When I try to figure out what to do next, I hear God whisper, "Trust Me and celebrate. In all circumstances celebrate." So how do I turn the hurt and confusion I feel into a life giving memory? How do I take words that paralyze my abilities and transform them into words that uplift and cultivate a life of worship and celebration? 

As I pray, read scripture, and think about how He molds and refines us, I am confident God is teaching me through this situation the power words have on others. I too have been guilty of saying words that tear down and do not build up. Aren't we all guilty of this? We allow our emotions to cloud our judgement and say things that can destroy relationships, reputations, and cause others to perceive us in ways that are not valid or true. I am ashamed to think of some of the things I have said in my youth, said out of anger, or said out of malice masked by "good intentions". 

I'm starting to look back and process this memory with a heart of grace, understanding, and thanksgiving. Honestly, the words spoke to me hurt and were not life giving, but I am thankful I am not defined by them. The terrible and horrible parts of my life have been forgiven long ago and I'm free to take on a new identity. I make mistakes, but my mistakes are covered by His grace and my true identity is found in Christ. It's His opinion that matters to me and when those in this world call me names to bring me down, He calls me beloved, child, good and faithful.

I know logically the words spoke to me do not portray who I am. As I look at my life and how I interact with others I see a gal who is not perfect, but always strives to love and serve. I see someone who sacrifices and believes in and sees value in others. I am saved by grace and I try to live that way.

So I celebrate tonight as I listen to my sweet Stella breathe that I might be misunderstood by some, but I am fully known by the One who matters. I want to build others up and give grace to those who need a second chance. I want others to feel valued and empowered not discouraged and inadequate so I am thankful God allows us to have opportunities to interact and edify each other. I won't be distracted and too busy to take time to let someone know they matter and I will try to show others the grace and love bestowed to me over 2,000 years ago. 

Your intentions mean nothing if your words don't give life. May we all humbly evaluate ourselves and our actions so Christ can mold and refine us to be better, love unconditionally, and give grace to those we feel don't deserve it. When harsh words come, allow Christ's perception of you to replay in your mind. Allow Him to whisper, "You are loved, you are my daughter, you are forgiven, and sweet girl... you are free." 

Thank you Jesus for breathing life into dry bones and for giving us the ability to breathe life with the words we speak. May the opinions we convey uplift and give life, or may we have the wisdom to give no opinion at all. 

Stop being mean, bad-tempered, and angry. Quarreling, harsh words, and dislike of others should have no place in your lives. Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God has forgiven you because you belong to Christ.
~ Ephesians 4:31-32 NLT