My children are dropping like flies. Lucas came down with the stomach bug last week, Stella had it all weekend, and Lily got sick at school today so I had to come home early to take care of my sweet girl. I tried so hard to not spread this virus around my family, but it seems since we live in such close quarters, all of us are bound to come down with this nasty stomach flu.
As I cleaned and disinfected today, my mind began to wonder to spiritual sickness. A sickness of the soul that can be just as contagious as the stomach flu. A sickness that spreads through gossip, negative attitudes, and a lack of contentment. A contagious bug that infects unsuspecting victims who are caught in its vicinity and spreads spiritual sickness from one person to the next as truth and service are exchanged for lies and negative behaviors. At one time or another, we are all guilty of spreading this infectious spiritual disease.
I think about my own life and the times I have been angry, upset, or scared. I think about how I reacted to these emotions and I am sad to say, it was not always how God instructed. You see friends, if we allow ourselves to breed a mindset of discontentment, bitterness, and frustration through our conversations and relationships; we infect those around us with the same negative emotions. Dark clouds can block sunlight causing the day to be gloomy and depressing. Certain plants can't grow in these conditions and temperatures can drop so it becomes cold robbing the day of the sun's warmth. These dark clouds affect everything they surround. Have you ever met or been a dark cloud in your surroundings my friends? The truth is... we all have.
So how can we protect ourselves and ensure we do not infect others with spiritual sickness? How can we allow the light of the Son to permeate our lives with the warmth of peace, hope, and love? By focusing on what God wants us to focus on and allowing God to take care of the rest.
Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.
~ 1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18
As we have attitudes of joy and always find things to rejoice in, we can protect ourselves from spiritual sickness. When we give thanks no matter what is happening in our lives and constantly pray when we are afraid or need to be heard; we focus on what God's will for our lives and allow Him to provide for us and take care of the rest. An attitude or joy and thanksgiving allows Christ's light to cultivate and grow healthy relationships around us. God wills for us to live like a new creation. A creation not fixated on fear and discontentment, but a creation fixated on joy, peace, love, and community. A creation who laughs, smiles, and enjoys what God has created and above all, desires to know Him and be more like Him.
So I celebrate a God who makes us new. I celebrate a God who doesn't leave me to figure this life out on my own, but gives me clear guidelines on how to live and love until He returns. May we all remember what God's will is as we are faced with dark clouds and find ourselves in the vicinity of spiritual sickness. May we protect ourselves with joy, prayer, and thanksgiving so we can face what the world throws at us, spiritually whole and well.
Forgive us Father when we forget Your will. Heal us, Father, when we are spiritually sick so we can praise You once again. Brush the dark clouds away and permeate us with Your light and warmth. Cultivate within us a spirit which actively seeks you. Clean and disinfect us today Father.
The Unknowns of Life...
There is so much in life to be thankful for. There is too much good in this world to fixate and gravitate towards negative circumstances and conversations. Our God moves and works in the lives of those who faithfully seek Him. He provides peace and joy to those who throw their hands up and humbly surrender their wants and agendas to His plan and purpose. Our God loves extravagantly and brings out good in all those who love Him.
In multiple circumstances this weekend I was shown the love and the grace of my Heavenly Father. We launched a Saturday night worship service at our church this past weekend. We didn't know what to expect or who would come. We weren't sure what it would be or if others would respond to the vision that was laid on our hearts. There were so many things I didn't understand but my husband, Nick, kept saying he had to be faithful to what God was calling us to do. Nick prayerfully seeks God. His spiritual gift of discernment allows him to see situations more clearly than most. I tend to get wrapped up in the details and unknowns but Nick tends to find peace in the big picture.
As we worshiped, there was a felt presence of God and His people worshiped with thankful hearts that joyfully celebrated their Creator. The unknowns of the night seemed so unimportant as we all sang and praised the Almighty. Afterwards I became so thankful for the unknown, for in that space God works best. He works best when we don't understand and cannot figure out which way is up. The unknowns of life should be celebrated and joyfully embraced for our God is bigger than any question or unsettled circumstance. He can handle it all and I was once again reminded of His power in the unknowns and the peace that comes when we are kingdom focused.
On Sunday, the ladies at church honored the pastor's wives with a luncheon. They showered us with cards and life giving words. They lifted us up in prayer and showed their love and support for our husbands and ministries. Pastor's wives see the good the bad the ugly. We see the joys and celebrate what God is doing as we prayerfully labor over the attacks and pains our church feels.
You see my friends, Satan wants nothing more than for the church to fail. He wants the church inactive, divided, and comfortable. He wants the church not challenged to love radically, examine honestly, and give generously. He wants churches to stay safe, clean, and self serving. Make no mistake my friends, Satan wants the church ineffective and uninteresting and he will do whatever he can to make this happen. Those in church leadership understand this truth and see the attacks of the enemy to undermine the purpose God has for His church.
As I read the notes of encouragement and outpouring of love, I was reminded of God's great power and His heart for mankind. I was reminded how God shows up to cleanse, for His good, the bad and the ugly circumstances of life. I was reminded of His love that casts out all fear and the love that wants the gospel proclaimed to all the nations. A love that is pure and knows the heart of all who try to seek Him.
God is with His church and is faithful to her. He loves her and will never abandon her. As Satan harasses her, falsely charges her, tries to divide her and brings her pain and grief; the powerful Almighty God is their to defend her and take care of her so she can fulfill her purpose and proclaim His goodness to the nations. God will never abandon His church. He wants to see her successful more than we do. He chose her. He loves her and He will nurture her in times of trouble and hardship.
He uses the church to mend the broken, encourage the weak, and heal the sick. He uses the church to bring joy in hard times and celebrate through uncertainty. I was reminded by these wonderful women what happens when the church shows up. Can you imagine if we all followed this example of encouragement and celebration? If we looked for the good in others, encouraged each other daily, and went above and beyond so others could feel His love. If we joyfully approached every day and every relationship with a mindset of love and service. The church unified and confident of her true identity in Christ could be an unstoppable force in any community.
So I celebrate the church and its purpose in Christ. I celebrate the encouragement and love the church brings when she is focused on joy and celebrating her Bridegroom. I celebrate each unknown circumstance that gives God the opportunity to show His mighty power of provision and restoration. I celebrate today the power freely given when we allow ourselves to be vessels of His love and joyfully serve others. The unknowns of life seem so unimportant when we truly embrace what we know about Christ and His love for us.
So I challenge us all to live joyfully, love radically, serve humbly, and give generously as we celebrate our Creator in the unknowns of life. Through sickness, broken relationships, financial troubles, and valleys of pain and self doubt; God can and will show up to heal these wounds if we surrender them to Him. May we all surrender who we are and worship Him so God can show up and bring His power to the unknowns in our lives.
In multiple circumstances this weekend I was shown the love and the grace of my Heavenly Father. We launched a Saturday night worship service at our church this past weekend. We didn't know what to expect or who would come. We weren't sure what it would be or if others would respond to the vision that was laid on our hearts. There were so many things I didn't understand but my husband, Nick, kept saying he had to be faithful to what God was calling us to do. Nick prayerfully seeks God. His spiritual gift of discernment allows him to see situations more clearly than most. I tend to get wrapped up in the details and unknowns but Nick tends to find peace in the big picture.
As we worshiped, there was a felt presence of God and His people worshiped with thankful hearts that joyfully celebrated their Creator. The unknowns of the night seemed so unimportant as we all sang and praised the Almighty. Afterwards I became so thankful for the unknown, for in that space God works best. He works best when we don't understand and cannot figure out which way is up. The unknowns of life should be celebrated and joyfully embraced for our God is bigger than any question or unsettled circumstance. He can handle it all and I was once again reminded of His power in the unknowns and the peace that comes when we are kingdom focused.
On Sunday, the ladies at church honored the pastor's wives with a luncheon. They showered us with cards and life giving words. They lifted us up in prayer and showed their love and support for our husbands and ministries. Pastor's wives see the good the bad the ugly. We see the joys and celebrate what God is doing as we prayerfully labor over the attacks and pains our church feels.
You see my friends, Satan wants nothing more than for the church to fail. He wants the church inactive, divided, and comfortable. He wants the church not challenged to love radically, examine honestly, and give generously. He wants churches to stay safe, clean, and self serving. Make no mistake my friends, Satan wants the church ineffective and uninteresting and he will do whatever he can to make this happen. Those in church leadership understand this truth and see the attacks of the enemy to undermine the purpose God has for His church.
As I read the notes of encouragement and outpouring of love, I was reminded of God's great power and His heart for mankind. I was reminded how God shows up to cleanse, for His good, the bad and the ugly circumstances of life. I was reminded of His love that casts out all fear and the love that wants the gospel proclaimed to all the nations. A love that is pure and knows the heart of all who try to seek Him.
God is with His church and is faithful to her. He loves her and will never abandon her. As Satan harasses her, falsely charges her, tries to divide her and brings her pain and grief; the powerful Almighty God is their to defend her and take care of her so she can fulfill her purpose and proclaim His goodness to the nations. God will never abandon His church. He wants to see her successful more than we do. He chose her. He loves her and He will nurture her in times of trouble and hardship.
He uses the church to mend the broken, encourage the weak, and heal the sick. He uses the church to bring joy in hard times and celebrate through uncertainty. I was reminded by these wonderful women what happens when the church shows up. Can you imagine if we all followed this example of encouragement and celebration? If we looked for the good in others, encouraged each other daily, and went above and beyond so others could feel His love. If we joyfully approached every day and every relationship with a mindset of love and service. The church unified and confident of her true identity in Christ could be an unstoppable force in any community.
So I celebrate the church and its purpose in Christ. I celebrate the encouragement and love the church brings when she is focused on joy and celebrating her Bridegroom. I celebrate each unknown circumstance that gives God the opportunity to show His mighty power of provision and restoration. I celebrate today the power freely given when we allow ourselves to be vessels of His love and joyfully serve others. The unknowns of life seem so unimportant when we truly embrace what we know about Christ and His love for us.
So I challenge us all to live joyfully, love radically, serve humbly, and give generously as we celebrate our Creator in the unknowns of life. Through sickness, broken relationships, financial troubles, and valleys of pain and self doubt; God can and will show up to heal these wounds if we surrender them to Him. May we all surrender who we are and worship Him so God can show up and bring His power to the unknowns in our lives.
Something To Chew On Today...
I love to visit with people and listen to their stories. It's crazy to see how God has transformed the lives of those who are willing to allow Him to work. As I listen, I can't help but celebrate. He uses the useless, makes the ugly beautiful, and gives purpose to the dis guarded. He loves all and redeems all because His glory is best shown in impossible circumstances. No one is too far gone. He takes the pitiful, wretched, undeserving wanderers and shows them who they really are; fortunate, marvelous, valuable children of God.
I don't know what you are going through friends but I can tell you this, your situation is not unique and our God has seen it before. He knows how to heal the deep wounds within your spirit and give you peace and comfort if you allow Him to. He knows how to take the wretched situations of life and help you see the joy in every moment and celebrate. He can take the depression and despair you are feeling and give you eyes to see how truly amazing you are and the blessings He has given you.
Friends my prayer for you today is that you will be given the eyes to see yourself as God sees you; beautiful and valuable. He gave up everything to have an opportunity, just and opportunity, to know you. When the truth of His sacrifice and love truly sinks into your heart, it will completely alter how you perceive yourself. My prayer today is for you in your circumstance. Life is full of hardships and toxic relationships. It's full of people who will make you feel helpless, unloved, and unappreciated. These toxic relationships will try to extinguish the power and presence of Jesus Christ and imprison you in depression, despair, and loneliness. Do not exchange the truth of your worth for a lie. He says you are beautiful and you are an heir to His kingdom. Kick those toxic relationships to the curb, embrace your inheritance as His child, and find other Christians who can help you grow and see your value in Him.
I understood what it means to be His child better after I had children of my own. I would do anything, give anything, sacrifice everything for my children. I feel their accomplishments and pain as if they were my own. I want them to be successful, happy, and whole. You are His child, God wants that for us too. Embrace your Father and live as His child. Let's chew on this today friends and ponder this in our hearts. You are His child and this title gives you strength to face whatever the world throws your way. You are the child of the Creator and Sustainer of life, embrace who you really are and find strength in your Heavenly Father.
I don't know why this topic is so heavy on my heart today. I just can't stop smiling when I think about His transforming power. God takes my awful habits and situations. He takes my inadequacies and my brokenness. That's what He enjoys doing. Exchanging my wretchedness for His wonderfulness. I give him my crap, He will give me a crown. I give Him my junk, He gives me joy. I give Him my garbage, He grants me grace.
Friends are you listening, like really listening? He wants your worst so He can give you His best! You are His child and He wants nothing more than to comfort you, love you, and make you feel special.
So I celebrate today the truth I am His. When life is not going my way, I am still His. When sickness comes or relationships end, I am still His. When I feel alone, I am still His. When the money runs out or my career comes to an end, I am still His. Nothing can take Him away, nothing. I am His and will always be His and this truth is something to celebrate!
So, what do you think? With God on our side like this, how can we lose? If God didn’t hesitate to put everything on the line for us, embracing our condition and exposing himself to the worst by sending his own Son, is there anything else he wouldn’t gladly and freely do for us? And who would dare tangle with God by messing with one of God’s chosen? Who would dare even to point a finger? The One who died for us—who was raised to life for us!—is in the presence of God at this very moment sticking up for us. Do you think anyone is going to be able to drive a wedge between us and Christ’s love for us? There is no way! Not trouble, not hard times, not hatred, not hunger, not homelessness, not bullying threats, not backstabbing, not even the worst sins listed in Scripture:
I don't know what you are going through friends but I can tell you this, your situation is not unique and our God has seen it before. He knows how to heal the deep wounds within your spirit and give you peace and comfort if you allow Him to. He knows how to take the wretched situations of life and help you see the joy in every moment and celebrate. He can take the depression and despair you are feeling and give you eyes to see how truly amazing you are and the blessings He has given you.
Friends my prayer for you today is that you will be given the eyes to see yourself as God sees you; beautiful and valuable. He gave up everything to have an opportunity, just and opportunity, to know you. When the truth of His sacrifice and love truly sinks into your heart, it will completely alter how you perceive yourself. My prayer today is for you in your circumstance. Life is full of hardships and toxic relationships. It's full of people who will make you feel helpless, unloved, and unappreciated. These toxic relationships will try to extinguish the power and presence of Jesus Christ and imprison you in depression, despair, and loneliness. Do not exchange the truth of your worth for a lie. He says you are beautiful and you are an heir to His kingdom. Kick those toxic relationships to the curb, embrace your inheritance as His child, and find other Christians who can help you grow and see your value in Him.
I understood what it means to be His child better after I had children of my own. I would do anything, give anything, sacrifice everything for my children. I feel their accomplishments and pain as if they were my own. I want them to be successful, happy, and whole. You are His child, God wants that for us too. Embrace your Father and live as His child. Let's chew on this today friends and ponder this in our hearts. You are His child and this title gives you strength to face whatever the world throws your way. You are the child of the Creator and Sustainer of life, embrace who you really are and find strength in your Heavenly Father.
I don't know why this topic is so heavy on my heart today. I just can't stop smiling when I think about His transforming power. God takes my awful habits and situations. He takes my inadequacies and my brokenness. That's what He enjoys doing. Exchanging my wretchedness for His wonderfulness. I give him my crap, He will give me a crown. I give Him my junk, He gives me joy. I give Him my garbage, He grants me grace.
Friends are you listening, like really listening? He wants your worst so He can give you His best! You are His child and He wants nothing more than to comfort you, love you, and make you feel special.
So I celebrate today the truth I am His. When life is not going my way, I am still His. When sickness comes or relationships end, I am still His. When I feel alone, I am still His. When the money runs out or my career comes to an end, I am still His. Nothing can take Him away, nothing. I am His and will always be His and this truth is something to celebrate!
So, what do you think? With God on our side like this, how can we lose? If God didn’t hesitate to put everything on the line for us, embracing our condition and exposing himself to the worst by sending his own Son, is there anything else he wouldn’t gladly and freely do for us? And who would dare tangle with God by messing with one of God’s chosen? Who would dare even to point a finger? The One who died for us—who was raised to life for us!—is in the presence of God at this very moment sticking up for us. Do you think anyone is going to be able to drive a wedge between us and Christ’s love for us? There is no way! Not trouble, not hard times, not hatred, not hunger, not homelessness, not bullying threats, not backstabbing, not even the worst sins listed in Scripture:
They kill us in cold blood because they hate you.
We’re sitting ducks; they pick us off one by one.
We’re sitting ducks; they pick us off one by one.
of this fazes us because Jesus loves us. I’m absolutely convinced that
nothing—nothing living or dead, angelic or demonic, today or tomorrow,
high or low, thinkable or unthinkable—absolutely nothing can get between us and God’s love because of the way that Jesus our Master has embraced us.
~ Romans 8: 31-39
I Thought I Understood, But I Guess I Don't...
I thought I understood but I guess I don't. I thought I could see the truth for what it is but I guess I can't, and this concept revealed to me is very difficult to wrap my head around.
I went to the hardware store yesterday with my children. I thought one of my children had lied to me about something trivial but they would not admit it. I do not tolerate dishonesty and I told my kids if one of them did not tell the truth, they were all in trouble. I had a feeling it was Lily. We have caught her lying before and she would be my child I trust the least because she can be mischievous and try to hide her mistakes with half truths and sneaky behaviors. I pressed her hard and wanted the truth, until she finally broke and confessed.
When we got home I washed her mouth out with soap and stressed to her the importance of being honest and telling the truth. I said things like "God want us to always be honest" and "Honest people have healthy relationships, nothing good comes from lying." All the right words to convey to her the seriousness of this character flaw. I knew it was her, and until she fessed up I was not going to yield.
That night I went to a Bible study and this story came up in conversation about how hard it is to teach those tough lessons but the importance of these moments and consistency. I was proud of myself for being a mom that taught hard lessons to her child and didn't always protect them from the consequences of their choices and behaviors. I didn't like doing it, but Lily had to be taught a lesson and I loved her too much to allow her to continue not being trustworthy. Her past discretion's showed me she could not be trusted and she needed to change how she was perceived.
I was driving home afterwards with Lily in the car and we talked about what happened and reminding her about this important lesson. She took her punishment very well and even reminded me to wash her mouth out when we had gotten home from the store which honestly frustrated me even more. As we talked about the events of the day, Lily taught me a valuable life lesson I will never forget.
"Yes Lily."
"Don't get mad but I really didn't do it. I didn't lie. I just said I did so Sam and Lucas wouldn't get in trouble. I knew you wouldn't believe me but I didn't do it. Honest momma. I don't know what happened but I didn't do anything."
The events in the store came flooding over me. Could I have made a mistake? Could this have been a misunderstanding? I was so sure Lily had been dishonest because of her past history that it never occurred to me to give her the benefit of the doubt. I decided she needed to learn a lesson on trust before I even had evidence trust was broken. My daughter felt like I wouldn't advocate for her so she took a punishment she did not deserve so her siblings would not suffer. I had no proof she was lying or had done anything wrong. Why didn't I just believe her and see how this whole silly thing could have been a misunderstanding?
Waves of humility, guilt, and sorrow came over me. How could I fix this situation and turn my sin and haste judgments into a teachable moment? After we got home I held her. I told her how proud I was of her for looking after her siblings. I told her God has a special purpose for her life and I'm so thankful she is my daughter. I told her to always stand up for the truth and never waiver when others call you a liar because they don't understand but they will probably come around. I told her she could always come to me and I apologized for not believing her but I told her I learned my lesson and I would be there for her from now on. We hugged and held each other and I tucked her in bed.
Friends, what's wrong with me? I get on this high ground where I know the "truth" and until the truth comes out or my way is accepted I will not yield. Do you feel that way sometimes? God taught me another valuable lesson through my sweet Lily. Pride and our perception can cause the truth to be muddied and unclear. I thought I was teaching my daughter the importance of telling the truth, but she taught me I need to allow myself to search for what is real even if it's a truth I am not wanting to accept. I must allow myself to trust her word after forgiveness was given for past mistakes.
You see, a big red "L" was on her shirt before I even asked the question. Lily tends to be dishonest so giving her the benefit of the doubt was not an option but, isn't that what God does for us? We have a big "L" on our shirts too. We say we love God but with our actions, we are proved to be a liar. That's when God in His divine grace and mercy gives us the benefit of the doubt through His son Jesus and takes that "L" off of our chests and replaces it with a white robe and a crown. He calls us His child and does not use our past mistakes to make judgements on our future behaviors. I do not deserve the benefit of the doubt, but it was given to me none the less by His sacrifice.
So I celebrate my Lily and the lesson of humility and grace she taught me. I celebrate a God who gives me the benefit of the doubt and calls me to give this courtesy to others. Our God takes our sin and remembers it no more. I know I can't humanly forget her past indiscretions but I can choose to not hold them against her as Christ holds nothing against me. When she said the first time it wasn't her, I have trusted and believed her. I had no reason not to, accept her past behaviors. I gave her no opportunity to take the red "L" off and exchange it for a new identity. I celebrate what Lily can be if I allow her to form a new identity bathed by grace, confidence, and support.
Thank you Lord for loving me enough to not leave me broken but to continue to refine me by your Spirit of grace and truth. Teach me daily Lord how to be a better momma and grow inside my children a desire and love for You and Your ways. I don't deserve the grace I'm shown, don't let me forget to pass this grace along to others. Help me to cultivate an intrinsic voice inside my children that says you are loved, you are valued, you are good, and you are His child. Break me Father and make me more like you as I try to humbly walk in Your ways and strive to be a momma that can trust and truly be a peace.
The voice in my head says, "Pray...pray."
There is a little voice in my head that tells me to pray. Normally, guilt inevitably follow after it speaks. I begin to shame myself and perform an internal verbally lashing for not giving God more and communing with Him more often. These feelings normally lead to more distance and the voice grows louder and frequent, "Pray.... pray...."
I have been hearing the voice often lately. I know I need to pray more but my schedule is so full and my mind mush by the time the kids go to bed. Last night I saw a beautiful image of Christ's church modeled at Countryside. The selflessness and vulnerability of my church family was very inspiring. I know we are on the brink of something and I know God is going to use us to further advance His kingdom in Maryville. I see growth, transformation, and restoration daily in the lives of my church community and the voice keeps growing louder, "Pray.... pray...."
This morning I woke up and started to get ready for work. I always pray Psalm 143: 8 "Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life." After I prayed this prayer I began to think about my church family and pray for them. I prayed for what is coming and I prayed for my husband and BOOM! It hit me and I started to cry. The voice is telling me to pray not to shame me or make me feel guilty but to prepare me and protect me as I travel the road coming.
When we pray for the future and we pray for what God has in store for us, we are preparing ourselves for the road that is ahead. My God loves me so much and He knows the plans He has for me; He knows what my future holds. When I hear Him say "Pray... pray..." it's not to make me feel inadequate for my lack of prayer. On the contrary, it's to adequately equip me for what He has planned for me next.
Offensive prayers, prayers that attack and engage what is coming provide protection, peace, and joy when we reach the difficult stretches of road ahead. When sickness comes, conflict arises, or life altering events take place the prayers previously prayed for protection, peace, wisdom, and unity will be our safety belt to keep us secure and able to weather the turbulent storms. The best defense is a good offense.
So I celebrate the voice that calls me to pray and I celebrate my God who loves me enough to call. I celebrate the power of prayers and the way a life built on prayer is able to handle anything that it encounters. Thank you God for listening, loving, and answering my prayers. Thanks for being active and engaged in our relationship. Keep being the little voice in my head as I live life seeking and serving You.
"Is anyone among you in trouble? Let them pray. Is anyone happy? Let them sing songs of praise. Is anyone among you sick? Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise them up. If they have sinned, they will be forgiven. Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective."
! James 5: 13-16
I have been hearing the voice often lately. I know I need to pray more but my schedule is so full and my mind mush by the time the kids go to bed. Last night I saw a beautiful image of Christ's church modeled at Countryside. The selflessness and vulnerability of my church family was very inspiring. I know we are on the brink of something and I know God is going to use us to further advance His kingdom in Maryville. I see growth, transformation, and restoration daily in the lives of my church community and the voice keeps growing louder, "Pray.... pray...."
This morning I woke up and started to get ready for work. I always pray Psalm 143: 8 "Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life." After I prayed this prayer I began to think about my church family and pray for them. I prayed for what is coming and I prayed for my husband and BOOM! It hit me and I started to cry. The voice is telling me to pray not to shame me or make me feel guilty but to prepare me and protect me as I travel the road coming.
When we pray for the future and we pray for what God has in store for us, we are preparing ourselves for the road that is ahead. My God loves me so much and He knows the plans He has for me; He knows what my future holds. When I hear Him say "Pray... pray..." it's not to make me feel inadequate for my lack of prayer. On the contrary, it's to adequately equip me for what He has planned for me next.
Offensive prayers, prayers that attack and engage what is coming provide protection, peace, and joy when we reach the difficult stretches of road ahead. When sickness comes, conflict arises, or life altering events take place the prayers previously prayed for protection, peace, wisdom, and unity will be our safety belt to keep us secure and able to weather the turbulent storms. The best defense is a good offense.
So I celebrate the voice that calls me to pray and I celebrate my God who loves me enough to call. I celebrate the power of prayers and the way a life built on prayer is able to handle anything that it encounters. Thank you God for listening, loving, and answering my prayers. Thanks for being active and engaged in our relationship. Keep being the little voice in my head as I live life seeking and serving You.
"Is anyone among you in trouble? Let them pray. Is anyone happy? Let them sing songs of praise. Is anyone among you sick? Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise them up. If they have sinned, they will be forgiven. Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective."
! James 5: 13-16
"I Do" and So I Must Surrender
I am a wife. Not because I'm forced to be but because I chose to be.
I didn't know what that really meant when I said "I do". I didn't realize how sacrificial and all consuming the role of wife truly is. To strive to say yes to whatever he asks and do whatever he needs me to do. To be there for him no matter what. His confidant, best friends, main support, only love and safe haven. To be the one he can always turn to knowing that no matter what happens the commitment we have to one another will always out way the mistakes we make so he can always find true love and forgiveness in our marriage. I accept him for who he is and I strive to support him in whatever God calls him to do. When God calls him to go, I faithfully follow. When God calls him to minister, I serve along side him. I am his number one support in all aspects of life. My role on this earth is to be his #1 in everything as we seek to glorify God in our marriage and relationships.
Does this mean I'm always there when he needs me? Yes it does. Does this mean I think of him first and put his needs before my own? Yes it does. Does this mean he comes before my kids, family, other relationships, and all aspects of my life? Yes it does.
I know it sounds extreme, but no one forced me to be his wife, I chose to be. When I made this choice, I chose to live for him the same way I chose to be the church and live for Christ. In the new testament when marriage is discussed, it is correlated to the relationship Christ has with the church. Ephesians 4 has a beautiful picture of what God intended marriage to be.
25-28 Husbands, go all out in your love for your wives, exactly as Christ did for the church—a love marked by giving, not getting. Christ’s love makes the church whole. His words evoke her beauty. Everything he does and says is designed to bring the best out of her, dressing her in dazzling white silk, radiant with holiness. And that is how husbands ought to love their wives. They’re really doing themselves a favor—since they’re already “one” in marriage.
29-33 No one abuses his own body, does he? No, he feeds and pampers it. That’s how Christ treats us, the church, since we are part of his body. And this is why a man leaves father and mother and cherishes his wife. No longer two, they become “one flesh.” This is a huge mystery, and I don’t pretend to understand it all. What is clearest to me is the way Christ treats the church. And this provides a good picture of how each husband is to treat his wife, loving himself in loving her, and how each wife is to honor her husband.
~Ephesians 4: 21-33
When I said yes, I chose a life of submission to my husband. I chose to understand and support him and leave behind all other relationships and depend upon him only. I chose to treat my husband as I would treat Christ. Serve him fully and be devoted to him only. I will answer when he calls and sacrifice my desires for him. When I made the choice to be his wife, my main role in our marriage became to surrender my will to him just as I surrendered my will to Christ on the day I became a Christian.
This act of surrender does not mean I am not valuable or mistreated. On the contrary, I am priceless to my husband. By surrendering to my will to him as the church surrenders to Christ, my husband is called to love me as Christ loves the church. When he said "I do", he chose to sacrifice all he is for me. He provides for me and pampers me. He values my opinion and finds joy in my companionship. He loves himself by loving me. When I am hurt, he hurts. When I feel pain, so does he. His main role in our marriage is to devote himself to me in every way and love me the way Christ loves me with an all consuming sacrificial love. I chose to surrender. He chose to sacrifice.
This concept of marriage though is not found often in our culture even in Christian circles. This call to fully surrender and say yes when he asks is rarely fully embraced. Yes we say our husband's are first, but our actions prove his worth falls much lower down on the list. Our culture desires to surrender when it is convenient or when we feel like it. We surrender what is leftover after our kids, friends, careers, and family take what they want first. Our good intentions to serve our children and the ones we love can leave our husbands feeling last on our list of priorities. But the Bible is very clear, we are to love him like we love Christ. Do we surrender to our husbands in this way?
I celebrate today my choice to say "I do". I celebrate the day I became his wife and he became my husband. I celebrate the Biblical design of marriage and the imagery of how we are to love one another as Christ loves the church. I celebrate his choice to sacrifice and lovingly devote himself to me as I willingly surrender everything I am to him. We are one, and our lives cannot be separated we are utterly dependent upon each other. He brings out the best in me and I stand strongly beside him so he can lead with confidence and support. I chose this path and this identity. I chose to surrender and be his wife. I chose to be servant to Christ first, then to my husband. I said, "I do" and so I must surrender.
I didn't know what that really meant when I said "I do". I didn't realize how sacrificial and all consuming the role of wife truly is. To strive to say yes to whatever he asks and do whatever he needs me to do. To be there for him no matter what. His confidant, best friends, main support, only love and safe haven. To be the one he can always turn to knowing that no matter what happens the commitment we have to one another will always out way the mistakes we make so he can always find true love and forgiveness in our marriage. I accept him for who he is and I strive to support him in whatever God calls him to do. When God calls him to go, I faithfully follow. When God calls him to minister, I serve along side him. I am his number one support in all aspects of life. My role on this earth is to be his #1 in everything as we seek to glorify God in our marriage and relationships.
Does this mean I'm always there when he needs me? Yes it does. Does this mean I think of him first and put his needs before my own? Yes it does. Does this mean he comes before my kids, family, other relationships, and all aspects of my life? Yes it does.
I know it sounds extreme, but no one forced me to be his wife, I chose to be. When I made this choice, I chose to live for him the same way I chose to be the church and live for Christ. In the new testament when marriage is discussed, it is correlated to the relationship Christ has with the church. Ephesians 4 has a beautiful picture of what God intended marriage to be.
21 Out of respect for Christ, be courteously reverent to one another.
22-24 Wives,
understand and support your husbands in ways that show your support for
Christ. The husband provides leadership to his wife the way Christ does
to his church, not by domineering but by cherishing. So just as the
church submits to Christ as he exercises such leadership, wives should
likewise submit to their husbands.25-28 Husbands, go all out in your love for your wives, exactly as Christ did for the church—a love marked by giving, not getting. Christ’s love makes the church whole. His words evoke her beauty. Everything he does and says is designed to bring the best out of her, dressing her in dazzling white silk, radiant with holiness. And that is how husbands ought to love their wives. They’re really doing themselves a favor—since they’re already “one” in marriage.
29-33 No one abuses his own body, does he? No, he feeds and pampers it. That’s how Christ treats us, the church, since we are part of his body. And this is why a man leaves father and mother and cherishes his wife. No longer two, they become “one flesh.” This is a huge mystery, and I don’t pretend to understand it all. What is clearest to me is the way Christ treats the church. And this provides a good picture of how each husband is to treat his wife, loving himself in loving her, and how each wife is to honor her husband.
~Ephesians 4: 21-33
When I said yes, I chose a life of submission to my husband. I chose to understand and support him and leave behind all other relationships and depend upon him only. I chose to treat my husband as I would treat Christ. Serve him fully and be devoted to him only. I will answer when he calls and sacrifice my desires for him. When I made the choice to be his wife, my main role in our marriage became to surrender my will to him just as I surrendered my will to Christ on the day I became a Christian.
This act of surrender does not mean I am not valuable or mistreated. On the contrary, I am priceless to my husband. By surrendering to my will to him as the church surrenders to Christ, my husband is called to love me as Christ loves the church. When he said "I do", he chose to sacrifice all he is for me. He provides for me and pampers me. He values my opinion and finds joy in my companionship. He loves himself by loving me. When I am hurt, he hurts. When I feel pain, so does he. His main role in our marriage is to devote himself to me in every way and love me the way Christ loves me with an all consuming sacrificial love. I chose to surrender. He chose to sacrifice.
This concept of marriage though is not found often in our culture even in Christian circles. This call to fully surrender and say yes when he asks is rarely fully embraced. Yes we say our husband's are first, but our actions prove his worth falls much lower down on the list. Our culture desires to surrender when it is convenient or when we feel like it. We surrender what is leftover after our kids, friends, careers, and family take what they want first. Our good intentions to serve our children and the ones we love can leave our husbands feeling last on our list of priorities. But the Bible is very clear, we are to love him like we love Christ. Do we surrender to our husbands in this way?
I celebrate today my choice to say "I do". I celebrate the day I became his wife and he became my husband. I celebrate the Biblical design of marriage and the imagery of how we are to love one another as Christ loves the church. I celebrate his choice to sacrifice and lovingly devote himself to me as I willingly surrender everything I am to him. We are one, and our lives cannot be separated we are utterly dependent upon each other. He brings out the best in me and I stand strongly beside him so he can lead with confidence and support. I chose this path and this identity. I chose to surrender and be his wife. I chose to be servant to Christ first, then to my husband. I said, "I do" and so I must surrender.
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