
The truth is... we all have.

My children are dropping like flies. Lucas came down with the stomach bug last week, Stella had it all weekend, and Lily got sick at school today so I had to come home early to take care of my sweet girl. I tried so hard to not spread this virus around my family, but it seems since we live in such close quarters, all of us are bound to come down with this nasty stomach flu. 

As I cleaned and disinfected today, my mind began to wonder to spiritual sickness. A sickness of the soul that can be just as contagious as the stomach flu. A sickness that spreads through gossip, negative attitudes, and a lack of contentment. A contagious bug that infects unsuspecting victims who are caught in its vicinity and spreads spiritual sickness from one person to the next as truth and service are exchanged for lies and negative behaviors. At one time or another, we are all guilty of spreading this infectious spiritual disease.

I think about my own life and the times I have been angry, upset, or scared. I think about how I reacted to these emotions and I am sad to say, it was not always how God instructed. You see friends, if we allow ourselves to breed a mindset of discontentment, bitterness, and frustration through our conversations and relationships; we infect those around us with the same negative emotions. Dark clouds can block sunlight causing the day to be gloomy and depressing. Certain plants can't grow in these conditions and temperatures can drop so it becomes cold robbing the day of the sun's warmth. These dark clouds affect everything they surround. Have you ever met or been a dark cloud in your surroundings my friends? The truth is... we all have. 

So how can we protect ourselves and ensure we do not infect others with spiritual sickness? How can we allow the light of the Son to permeate our lives with the warmth of peace, hope, and love? By focusing on what God wants us to focus on and allowing God to take care of the rest.

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.
~ 1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18 
As we have attitudes of joy and always find things to rejoice in, we can protect ourselves from spiritual sickness. When we give thanks no matter what is happening in our lives and constantly pray when we are afraid or need to be heard; we focus on what God's will for our lives and allow Him to provide for us and take care of the rest. An attitude or joy and thanksgiving allows Christ's light to cultivate and grow healthy relationships around us. God wills for us to live like a new creation. A creation not fixated on fear and discontentment, but a creation fixated on joy, peace, love, and community. A creation who laughs, smiles, and enjoys what God has created and above all, desires to know Him and be more like Him.

So I celebrate a God who makes us new. I celebrate a God who doesn't leave me to figure this life out on my own, but gives me clear guidelines on how to live and love until He returns. May we all remember what God's will is as we are faced with dark clouds and find ourselves in the vicinity of spiritual sickness. May we protect ourselves with joy, prayer, and thanksgiving so we can face what the world throws at us, spiritually whole and well. 

Forgive us Father when we forget Your will. Heal us, Father, when we are spiritually sick so we can praise You once again. Brush the dark clouds away and permeate us with Your light and warmth. Cultivate within us a spirit which actively seeks you. Clean and disinfect us today Father. 

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