
The Unknowns of Life...

There is so much in life to be thankful for. There is too much good in this world to fixate and gravitate towards negative circumstances and conversations. Our God moves and works in the lives of those who faithfully seek Him. He provides peace and joy to those who throw their hands up and humbly surrender their wants and agendas to His plan and purpose. Our God loves extravagantly and brings out good in all those who love Him. 

In multiple circumstances this weekend I was shown the love and the grace of my Heavenly Father. We launched a Saturday night worship service at our church this past weekend. We didn't know what to expect or who would come. We weren't sure what it would be or if others would respond to the vision that was laid on our hearts. There were so many things I didn't understand but my husband, Nick, kept saying he had to be faithful to what God was calling us to do. Nick prayerfully seeks God. His spiritual gift of discernment allows him to see situations more clearly than most. I tend to get wrapped up in the details and unknowns but Nick tends to find peace in the big picture. 

As we worshiped, there was a felt presence of God and His people worshiped with thankful hearts that joyfully celebrated their Creator. The unknowns of the night seemed so unimportant as we all sang and praised the Almighty. Afterwards I became so thankful for the unknown, for in that space God works best. He works best when we don't understand and cannot figure out which way is up. The unknowns of life should be celebrated and joyfully embraced for our God is bigger than any question or unsettled circumstance. He can handle it all and I was once again reminded of His power in the unknowns and the peace that comes when we are kingdom focused.

On Sunday, the ladies at church honored the pastor's wives with a luncheon. They showered us with cards and life giving words. They lifted us up in prayer and showed their love and support for our husbands and ministries. Pastor's wives see the good the bad the ugly. We see the joys and celebrate what God is doing as we prayerfully labor over the attacks and pains our church feels. 

You see my friends, Satan wants nothing more than for the church to fail. He wants the church inactive, divided, and comfortable. He wants the church not challenged to love radically, examine honestly, and give generously. He wants churches to stay safe, clean, and self serving. Make no mistake my friends, Satan wants the church ineffective and uninteresting and he will do whatever he can to make this happen. Those in church leadership understand this truth and see the attacks of the enemy to undermine the purpose God has for His church.

As I read the notes of encouragement and outpouring of love, I was reminded of God's great power and His heart for mankind. I was reminded how God shows up to cleanse, for His good, the bad and the ugly circumstances of life. I was reminded of His love that casts out all fear and the love that wants the gospel proclaimed to all the nations. A love that is pure and knows the heart of all who try to seek Him.

God is with His church and is faithful to her. He loves her and will never abandon her. As Satan harasses her, falsely charges her, tries to divide her and brings her pain and grief; the powerful Almighty God is their to defend her and take care of her so she can fulfill her purpose and proclaim His goodness to the nations. God will never abandon His church. He wants to see her successful more than we do. He chose her. He loves her and He will nurture her in times of trouble and hardship.

He uses the church to mend the broken, encourage the weak, and heal the sick. He uses the church to bring joy in hard times and celebrate through uncertainty. I was reminded by these wonderful women what happens when the church shows up. Can you imagine if we all followed this example of encouragement and celebration? If we looked for the good in others, encouraged each other daily, and went above and beyond so others could feel His love. If we joyfully approached every day and every relationship with a mindset of love and service. The church unified and confident of her true identity in Christ could be an unstoppable force in any community. 

So I celebrate the church and its purpose in Christ. I celebrate the encouragement and love the church brings when she is focused on joy and celebrating her Bridegroom. I celebrate each unknown circumstance that gives God the opportunity to show His mighty power of provision and restoration. I celebrate today the power freely given when we allow ourselves to be vessels of His love and joyfully serve others. The unknowns of life seem so unimportant when we truly embrace what we know about Christ and His love for us.

So I challenge us all to live joyfully, love radically, serve humbly, and give generously as we celebrate our Creator in the unknowns of life. Through sickness, broken relationships, financial troubles, and valleys of pain and self doubt; God can and will show up to heal these wounds if we surrender them to Him. May we all surrender who we are and worship Him so God can show up and bring His power to the unknowns in our lives.

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