
Greeting Cards and Roller Skates

One of the ways my mom expresses love is through gift giving. She loves to buy my children things. I think she is always looking for something my kids would enjoy or an outfit they would look cute in. Every few weeks a package will arrive for my children or a greeting card with a warm note and five dollar bill. My children always get excited when a new box comes in the mail because they know if it is from Nana, it is going to be packed with care and personalized just for them. I'm terrible at gift giving and remembering to send cards so this beautiful display of her love and affection for my children is inspiring and endearing to me.

My mom asked me what the kids really wanted for Christmas and my children really wanted roller skates. My mom was excited about getting them this gift and I knew if she was picking them out they were going to be amazing. When the box arrived in the mail, mom wanted the kids to try them on to make sure they fit so the kids tore into the box and the whole house was filled with jumping and excitement. My mom had given each child a quality pair of beginner skates. Each pair had a nice shoe and light up wheels. The skates were nicer than anything you can find at a toy store and I could tell mom had ordered them special from a skate shop. Each pair had a note and my kids were so excited about this special and personal gift.

I'm so thankful for my mom and her language of love. I'm so thankful God has blessed her with the ability to express it. It inspires me to be more giving and to intentionally think about others and how I can better express to them the love of Jesus. Mom does not have to take the extra time and care to mail my children a box but she knows the joy that box brings, so she sacrifices her time and resources to do this willing and lovingly. It brings my mom joy to give unconditionally. Does unconditional giving bring me as much joy?

As I watch my children twirl and skate I meditate on God and the gifts He gives out of love. I celebrate Jesus and the gift He gave to mankind on the cross for He did not give what was leftover, He gave us the best and everything He had. Christ gave to us sacrificially and out of unconditional love and my mom reminded me of this through her example of giving. 

So I celebrate each greeting card mailed with love and each box packed with care for someone this Christmas season. I celebrate all who sacrifice and give above and beyond so others can experience Christ through the giver. I celebrate the excitement a personalized package can bring and I celebrate the opportunities we each have to personalize a package in His name. Let's set an example of personalized giving this Christmas season and allow Christ to use us so others can feel loved, valued, and appreciated because nothing says God's love quite like greetings cards and roller skates.

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