
God Welcomes A Heated Conversation

All this came down on us, and we’ve done nothing to deserve it. We never betrayed your Covenant: our hearts were never false, our feet never left your path. Do we deserve torture in a den of jackals? or lockup in a black hole?

If we had forgotten to pray to our God or made fools of ourselves with store-bought gods, Wouldn’t God have figured this out? We can’t hide things from him. No, you decided to make us martyrs, lambs assigned for sacrifice each day.

Get up, GOD! Are you going to sleep all day? Wake up! Don’t you care what happens to us? Why do you bury your face in the pillow? Why pretend things are just fine with us? And here we are—flat on our faces in the dirt, held down with a boot on our necks. Get up and come to our rescue. If you love us so much, Help us! (Psalm 44:17-26 MSG)

Wow! David's words are pretty strong in Psalm 44. He feels wronged and he is letting God know it. I wonder, do we have such open and transparent conversation with God? Do we talk to God in a raw and real way? 

I think we at times don't feel like we can be open and honest when we talk to God. The truth is we have nothing to hide for He knows it all anyways but when we voice our frustrations, sorrows, and doubts something beautiful happens. We give God the opportunity to respond, to comfort, to reveal. We open a dialogue with our Father that is raw and intimate which strengthens our relationship with Him. 

You see friends dialogue is when two individuals are having a conversation. Our prayers are not monologues, they are dialogues so talk to God about your worries, fears, and doubts. Give Him the chance to respond. He will respond friends if we allow Him to come to us through our prayers and conversations.

Today I celebrate a God who welcomes heated conversations. I celebrate a God who knows me inside and out so I have no reason to hide. I celebrate the dialogue I have with God for He is active and desires to communicate with His children.

Never forget He is there. Never forget is listening and never forget He knows all so you have no reason to hide. Be transparent, be real and give God the opportunity to respond. 


  1. You are right God is always listening and will always be there. Thanks for sharing this post.


  2. Thank you for reading and for the encouragement. Have a blessed New Year! :)
