
I wasn't expecting that from my check up...

We had a presentation on wellness at school few weeks ago and a free lunch was served so it was going to be a win regardless. The speaker addressed the importance on taking care of yourself and offered us a free consultation at her clinic. Those that know me, understand my love for free stuff. So I'd made an appointment and found myself in the waiting room of a wellness clinic.

I really didn't know what to expect. I figured I would at least learn a little more about my current physical health and that information intrigued me. As I sat in the doctor's office and waited for my consultation, I found myself thinking about my spiritual health. I spend so much time focusing on my weight, lack of exercise, and poor diet but I wonder, do I focus as much on my prayer life and study time. It bothers me that I am still wearing maternity clothes. Does it bother me just as much that I'm not intentionally trying to memorize scripture?

My physical wellness needs work but is my spiritual wellness also in crisis? As I ponder this thought, even weeks later, I find myself realizing I need a life style change. I need to intake less junk so I can improve my physical and spiritual health. If I'm honest with myself, I'm intimidated by this realization. Not because I don't want to become more healthy, but because it takes time and dedication and in my humanness I easily can sink back into a comfortable routine. I have proven time and time again that I can diet but I struggle to make lasting lifestyle changes.

I was telling my husband about this today and His advice really resonated with me. He told me I need to think less of myself and stop focusing so much on me. What? His advice confused me at first but the more I thought about it the more it made sense.

If I constantly think I need to... I should do... I better be, then where does Christ fit in? I can't and I've proven that with my failed attempts at lifestyle change but if I stop focusing on my inability and start focusing on His reliability He will cultivate a willpower within me as I discipline myself to sharpen my focus on Christ. Through small acts of submission and choosing to celebrate while I live joyously I can change my physical and spiritual lifestyle.

In the mornings when I wake up maybe if I start the day off spending a little quality time with Him, my mornings would not be so stressful. If I set an alarm on my phone to pray and praise my Creator maybe I could focus better on what is important and not sweat the small stuff. I could put others first which if I do intentionally, can resonate through all aspects of my life.

By putting the health and well fare of my family first it causes my lifestyle to have a priority shift. What I want to eat is irrelevant the only thing that matters is what my family needs to be healthy. When we put the needs of others first, we become happier, healthier and more joyous because we have focused our attention on what Christ loves, His people.

As I rock sweet Stella I celebrate that my God loves me enough to keep refining me. I praise Him and am so thankful He's not done with me yet. May I sharpen my focus on Him and take it one step at a time as I focus my attention less on my ability and more on His reliability. May I care more about my spiritual health and prioritize what is truly important.

Lord make me over on the inside and help me to daily surrender to my humanness so I can think of You and think of others. Everything else will fall into place.

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