
The Do Not's That Show Us What He Can Do

In the book of Leviticus God says "do not" 76 times. 76 times He warned us against behaviors large and small that are forbidden. 76 times He said "do not" and as I read through the book of Leviticus, it is apparent that mankind will never be good enough.

I know the Law was created by God to keep Israel safe and to separate His people, but I think also it was designed to show mankind their need for a Savior. God knew no one could keep all His commandments so sacrifices for atonement were made to cover the sins of the people. Before God breathed life into man The Father knew He would send the Son to be the Savior and ultimate atonement for man's sins. 

You see my friends the "do not's" show us the power of what Christ can do. They show us our shortcomings and sins which convict us of our need for a Redeemer. 

As I read through Leviticus I can't help but celebrate every time I read "do not". I celebrate out of His love He commands us "do not" and it is through this  command that Christ came and fulfilled the Law as an atonement for all sin and a sacrifice for all mankind. I celebrate the "do nots" for each one reminds mankind they will never measure up and in this reality, conviction allows Christ to move and transform lives and communities. 
Do not and cling to the One that did take all the "do not's" upon Himself so we could have the opportunity to truly live. Do not live under the blanket of sin and shame any longer. Accept the One who came to take all the guilt and sin upon Himself for He knew His fate and willingly came anyways. Christ does for us what we cannot do for ourselves and that my friends is something to celebrate today! 

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