A bit in the mouth
of a horse controls the whole horse. A small rudder on a huge ship in
the hands of a skilled captain sets a course in the face of the
strongest winds. A word out of your mouth may seem of no account, but it
can accomplish nearly anything—or destroy it!
~James 3:3-5
This weekend was incredible and very rewarding. On Friday night, we held an international event where I met new friends from India and had a chance to catch up with friends I haven't seen in a while. We ate, laughed, and played games together. We enjoyed each others company and encouraged one another with laughter and great conversation. In spite of our differences, we found things we had in common and I left feeling very blessed to meet such kind people and thankful our paths crossed and we became friends.
The message on Sunday was about the power of our words. The words we speak to others and to ourselves. Words that give life and encouragement. Words that spur us on to be better people and give us hope so we can achieve big things in our future. Words of love and appreciation that remind us we are beautiful and valued. Throughout the day, I received life giving messages and words of encouragement from my friends and church family. I also spoke life giving words to others and to myself which made me feel empowered and gave me purpose.
Just as life giving words can cultivate life, we can speak words that take life away and leave us feeling worthless and afraid. Words that belittle and discourage the ones around us. Words that cripple the work God could do through us. Words of dissension and trouble that cause rumors to spread and reputations to be tarnished. Words that take life and joy away from others and replace celebration with devastation. We can take away our ability to change, grow, and succeed when we speak life taking words to ourselves.
Throughout the weekend I encountered life giving words. I was surrounded by people who encouraged me and delighted in my company. I saw examples of unity and kindness which gave me a glimpse of my Savior and His love for me. Life giving words energize the weary and fill the empty so they see their value and the love of their Creator.
I celebrate life giving words today and those who intentionally try to speak them. I celebrate the gift of encouragement and how God designed us to encourage others. I celebrate the power our words have and the value our words possess to change lives and restore relationships. I celebrate the small things and the impact they have on our lives in a big way.
May we all season our conversations with life giving words and use our words to encourage and edify in His name. May we all use our words to celebrate our Creator and His design because our words have power and significance. May we all use them to give life and look forward to the glorious day when the Word returns and we are made new to worship Him forever and ever... Amen.