
Celebrate A Song Sung WIth Reckless Abandon

There was a baptism at our church yesterday, and we celebrated together the new life he received in Christ and welcomed Him into the family. There is something about worshiping with a church community that is empowering and encouraging. Hearing almost 200 people clapping, singing, and praising God. Not because they a forced too but because they are truly excited and thankful for the power and saving grace that comes in Christ. 

My husband is the Discipleship Pastor and leads worship at our church. I am blessed to help him and our church praise team create an atmosphere where brothers and sisters in Christ can come and freely worship as the Holy Spirit stirs their affections for Him. As we sang and praised God yesterday, I could look out and see Christians of all ages, backgrounds, and walks of life uniting together and singing with reckless abandon for one purpose, to give God glory and praise His name.

Let's celebrate today God's saving grace given through baptism and welcome this new life into the family. Let's celebrate today and be thankful we can worship our Creator freely with others. Let's worship with thankful hearts full of gratitude and hold nothing back but sing loud, clap hard, lift our hands freely caring not what others around us think but only focusing on what He thinks and what He deserves. Let's celebrate today the power corporate worship has to break down walls of security and apathy we build up and replace these walls with roads that lead to a deeper relationship with Him as the Holy Spirit is poured out and received.

Freely worship Him for He deserves our praise. Thank you Jesus for giving us a way to express our love and gratitude to You. Thank you for encouraging us as we worship and for being with us as we praise Your name. May we always worship with hearts focused on Him and allow the world to fade away as our affections for Him are stirred within us as we praise His name. 

These are the things I go over and over,
    emptying out the pockets of my life.
I was always at the head of the worshiping crowd,
    right out in front,
Leading them all,
    eager to arrive and worship,
Shouting praises, singing thanksgiving—
    celebrating, all of us, God’s feast!

Why are you down in the dumps, dear soul?
    Why are you crying the blues?
Fix my eyes on God—
    soon I’ll be praising again.
He puts a smile on my face.
    He’s my God.
~Psalm 42: 4&5


  1. Happy New Year Barbara! Indeed praise looks good on our God.
    Wishing you a wonderful new year.
