
Laughter Is Sweet Medicine To My Soul

Sometimes we just need to laugh. Laughing is therapeutic. There is something about watching a funny video, listening to a silly joke or playing a goofy game that resets our mood and puts things into perspective. Laughter stirs joy within us, lifts or spirits, and fuels our happiness. Our friendships and relationships are stronger because we are joyous and laughter is an outward expression of our joy.

Sometimes we live our lives day to day serious and focused on the tasks at hand; unwilling or too busy to see life's joy, be silly and celebrate. We are His children, made in His image. Our God laughs and has a sense of humor. He is, after all, the Creator of all things good. He wants us to enjoy our blessings and what He has created. He wants us to laugh, smile, and enjoy life the way He designed to live it. Mankind was created to worship God and in our worship of Him, we should find joy and happiness. God wants us to smile and He enjoys hearing our laughter.

I love Friday nights with our Indian students because we play games and laugh a lot. We laugh at each other and we laugh at the kids. It's a time for us all to take a break from our scheduling demands and just be who we are. People who like spending time together and enjoy having fun. I enjoy these moments and I think most of us do. There are times when we need to forget about what's around us and the noise caused by life. We need to take a break from the deadlines and stressful situations. We need to stop worrying, drop what we are doing, and laugh at something silly. Watch a funny video, play a crazy game, or listen to a silly joke or song. Rediscover the art of laughter and having fun so God can refocus your life and fill you with joy and celebration.

I celebrate today the gift of laughter and the medicinal quality it has on my soul. I celebrate the relationships I have that bring me joy and happiness. I celebrate a God who loves to listen to our laughter and desires us to take time to celebrate and be joyous. May we all slow down and take time for the simple things in life that bring us joy and happiness. May we find something to laugh about daily and be people who radiate love and happiness given to us by Jesus. Transform us Father into people who laugh daily, love recklessly, and live joyously thanks to the Saving Grace of Jesus Christ.

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