
The Encouragers

 Everything in the world is about to be wrapped up, so take nothing for granted. Stay wide-awake in prayer. Most of all, love each other as if your life depended on it. Love makes up for practically anything. Be quick to give a meal to the hungry, a bed to the homeless—cheerfully. Be generous with the different things God gave you, passing them around so all get in on it: if words, let it be God’s words; if help, let it be God’s hearty help. That way, God’s bright presence will be evident in everything through Jesus, and he’ll get all the credit as the One mighty in everything—encores to the end of time. Oh, yes!
~ 1 Peter 4:8-11

It leaves me in awe when I stop and think about how God uses His people to love and encourage one another. Last night some friends dropped by freezer meals for my family. They showed up with meals, stayed and visited for a bit, and left. They did this for no other reason except they love us. This spontaneous simple act of kindness, reminded me I am valued, loved and appreciated by my friends. I knew that I was, but the freezer meals showed me that I am. This act took me to a place of gratitude not only for their friendship but for the Savior we worship together and the family we belong to in Christ. 

God created us to worship Him and part of worshiping Him, is encouraging and loving one another. There have been numerous times in my life I have received cards, encouraging texts, a meal, or a keep sake from a friend or stranger in His name. These experiences connect us to God so we can feel Him reaching down to encourage and love us when we need it most. Never underestimate the power of a simple act of kindness or an encouraging word. 

If you pray and listen, God will give you the idea on how to encourage. The key is taking the idea and putting it into action. Don't just think, I should call this person but pick up the phone and do it. Don't just think, I should babysit for a single mom. Actually set up a time to watch her kids so she can go to the grocery store alone. Don't just think, I should go visit a nursing home but actually go and visit. Talk to the seniors who call this place home and give them the gift of company and companionship. Don't just think about a kind deed, put the idea into action. 

We all should try to do what God lays on my heart. Text a friend, pray for a neighbor, bake cookies, take a family a meal; whatever the thought may be, try to put it into action. Be grateful God chose you to encourage someone and bless them with encouragement so you receive blessing as well. That's the great thing about being an encourager. Through encouraging, you receive encouragement. It's contagious as well. The more you act and live out love, the more you are loved and want to act because you feel alive. 

I celebrate today each simple act of kindness and the people who are faithful to answer His call. I celebrate God's design to use His people to encourage one another. I celebrate all the lovely memories I have from when others has shown me His love and kindness. May I be eager to act and encourage those God lays on my heart so all His people are reminded of His love and have something to celebrate.

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