
I Belong To A God I Can Enjoy

God, mark us with grace
    and blessing! Smile!
The whole country will see how you work,
    all the godless nations see how you save.
God! Let people thank and enjoy you.
    Let all people thank and enjoy you.
Let all far-flung people become happy
    and shout their happiness because
You judge them fair and square,
    you tend the far-flung peoples.
God! Let people thank and enjoy you.
    Let all people thank and enjoy you.
Earth, display your exuberance!
    You mark us with blessing, O God, our God.
You mark us with blessing, O God.
    Earth’s four corners—honor him!
~Psalm 67: 1-7

Our God is love. He is everything good. He is perfect and wants good for all He has created. He smiles, He creates, He takes joy in those who praise Him. Our God feels and loves to see His children enjoy Him and what He has created. 

Four times this chapter commissions us to thank and enjoy Him. David implores people in all situations to be happy, to see how God is working, and to see how God saves. He reminds us the earth displays God's love and creativity. David declares the beauty of the earth God created and the honor it brings Him everywhere and always. 

Today I celebrate because I belong to a God I can enjoy. I celebrate the God who delights in my love and desires good things for me. The God who receives joy and smiles when He marks me with grace and blessing. The only true God all people can thank and enjoy because He takes care of us and loves us all no matter how distant we are or where we are from. 

He enjoys you friend and wants you to revel in His love. That's something to celebrate!

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