
The Waiting and The Peace He Provides

O God in Zion, we wait before you in silent praise, and thus fulfill our vow. And because you answer prayer, all mankind will come to you with their requests.
~Psalm 65: 1-2 (New Living Translation)

Silence is praise to you, Zion-dwelling God,
And also obedience.  You hear the prayer in it all.
~Psalm 65: 1-2 (The Message)

Patience. Waiting in silent praise. Yeah I’m not good at this. I want to see results. I want to know the plan and I want to do what I can to bring about a quality product in the end. I’m a doer, a fixer. I have lots of ideas and the ones I can make happen, I see them through.

When Davis tells us to wait before the Lord in praise because this shows our God obedience, my spirit is unsettled. I have a difficult time waiting, much less waiting silently, but it is very clear that is what God calls us to do.

Maybe that is why the word God spoke to me to define my year is trust. Trust Him in the unknown when you are waiting and nothing seems definite, trust. Trust Him in your relationships when you cannot stop your loved ones from making self-destructive choices. When our heart breaks because they could be so much more but they the choose dog food the world is serving instantly instead of waiting for the choice filet that God is preparing for them... trust. Trusting Him with the little we have, so He can entrust us with lots. Trusting God so we can truly being at peace.

How do I wait and embrace the peace that comes from Jesus? How do I trust and not worry about what will happen or be anxious about what I cannot change? There is no magic pill we can take my friends; we must discipline ourselves to be silent and in the silence, we can experience peace.

The word silent is an adjective and it means to not speak or make noise; to be free from sound or noise; to make no mention. Adjective describes nouns and silent should describe our spirit. It is completely natural to voice our doubts and be lament when we are going through hardships and pain. Our God understands the pains of man but a silent spirit does not doubt the promises of God.

When we fully trust God and show Him praise, we break free from the sounds the world is whispering our ear. We make no mention and pay no attention to the lies Satan is trying to sell us and we do not speak words that cause others to doubt His provision and not trust in His promises. Our spirit is quiet and in this silence, God blankets us with peace because we are obedient and faithful; trusting Him for what we need and for the needs of others. It is in this peace that our hearts cannot help but praise because He is our provider and He took our worries, fears, and doubts so we could rest and know He has this under control.

Let’s celebrate today a God we can trust. Let’s celebrate Him through waiting in silent praise so we can proclaim and profess His goodness and provision in all circumstances and aspects of our lives. It is our act of obedience to wait silently and praise Him. To be faithful and trust He will provide everything we need in life and in our relationships. Celebrate and praise Him friends, trust God and bring Him your requests. For He answers our prayers and He has everything under control.

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