Do you ever feel like a chicken with their head cut off? I felt like that this weekend. I had so much to do and no time to get any of it accomplished well. We had a 5th quarter Friday night and it is awesome to see the youth play and hang out but we did not get home until midnight. We had soccer all morning Saturday and I love to watch my kids play but 3 hours at the soccer fields can be tiring. We had church things to accomplish on Saturday which I love doing and an International event Saturday night that I was really excited about. As the weekend progressed, I began to feel so inadequate. There was so much to plan and prepare. I wanted to give 100% to everything which left me feeling frustrated and ineffective.
"No one will trust you to plan anything again if this is the best you can do. Who will want to come if you have nothing else to offer? You are inadequate for the task, not good for much and your attempts at doing anything completely miss the mark." I heard these comments and fought off the pain at first. But the more I tried to pull it together and get things done, the louder the voices got and the more I started to believe them. The harder I worked, the more I felt broken down and ineffective. Weak and unsuited for much of anything.
I had no logical reason for having such strong fears of self doubt that day. I tried hard not to listen but when I dropped my guard I slipped back an inch and the inadequacies I felt began to pull me back a mile. I struggled through the afternoon and by evening I didn't feel like being around anyone. I was overwhelmed and I felt too exhausted and stressed to attend the event I had been looking forward to for weeks. I felt very unaccomplished and ineffective. I felt like nothing I did made a difference and I was just spinning my wheels.
Nick knew how I'd been feeling. He was busy too and I didn't want to drag him into my pity party but I'm not good at hiding my emotions either so he tried to give me pep talks throughout the day. As the evening came closer, it could not be avoided. I had to really talk about how I was feeling mostly because I was going to cry or snap if I didn't.
I finally spoke what the voices in my head were telling me. It felt good to let them speak, but also hard at the same time. I have said before and I truly mean it, everyone needs someone who can speak Biblical truth into their lives. Nick is my someone. As we talked about how I felt, He told me I wasn't enough and never would be, but God is. He reminded me of the simple truth that I can't do it all, but He can. As long as I rely on my strength, I will always fall short. But as soon as I rely on His strength... the sky's the limit. Nick assured me that feelings are not always facts. We can't rely and trust on how we feel especially when Satan is trying to make us feel unusable. It doesn't matter how we see ourselves, the only thing that matters is how God sees us and to Him we are His creation and made in His image. Beautiful and capable of amazing things as long as we allow the Creator to use us, His creation, as instruments and tools for His glory.
As we talked, Nick helped me put my fears and doubts into perspective. You cannot trust how you feel you must hold true to what you know and rest easy in the simple truth that God chooses the weak and makes them strong. He chooses the least and gives them might. God uses impossible circumstances and outcasts and through them creates a powerful story of His love and mercy.
I went to the dinner that night and enjoyed delicious food while I visited with my Indian family and friends. We laughed and enjoyed each others' company as we talked and ate atomic war heads. As the weekend progressed I still battled these feelings but I felt confident they were not facts. I am a beautiful creation, designed for a purpose by a Master Creator. I am an inadequate child but Christ loves me anyways and transforms my inadequacies into my strengths for His glory alone.
As I rocked sweet Stella after I got home Sunday night, I thought about how much I was depending on my own strength this weekend to get me through. I relied on myself to create instead of on the Creator. I hesitated to write this blog because it is very transparent and vulnerable for me. It's not easy to admit your feelings, fears, and doubts. The truth is my friends we are all inadequate children not able to face the challenges of life and constantly reminded by Satan that we are weak and our best is not good enough. It's when we stand confident and look at ourselves through the eyes of Jesus that we understand our true worth and value.
So I celebrate my inadequacy. I celebrate I will never be enough. I celebrate how I will often miss the mark. With Christ His power is made perfect in my weakness and I can always rely in His promises and the covenant He made with me for I am His child and that dear friends is not a feeling, it's a fact.
But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.
~ 2 Corinthians 12: 9-10
Tales of a hoarder healed by grace
I live in a small apartment so, most of the time, it looks like a department store threw up in my home. Baskets of laundry, papers and book bags, toys, diapers, and baby supplies everywhere. My apartment is a disaster due to busy schedules and sardine living.
Samantha wanted to have a couple friends from school stay at our apartment. I had to tutor after school that day, we had soccer practice and I led a Bible study that night. To top it off, Nick had a meeting and wouldn't be home till late so we had no time to prepare our pigsty for habitable living let alone to be inhabited by guests. It was messy and uninviting due to its lack of organization and filth from quick meals and rushed escapes.
Samantha stayed home with Lucas and Lily while I went to Bible study and Nick had his meeting. We told our children if they don't clean up, no friends could come over because we didn't have time to clean up before they arrived. I expected my children would pick up while we were gone. God has blessed Nick and I with amazing kids that love each other and understand the importance of lending a helping hand. I wasn't prepared though for what I saw when I returned.
I got back later than I expected and I opened the door to our apartment. The results of their hard work was incredible. Beds made, floors vacuumed and swept, counters cleaned, dishes done and put away, toys pick up and organized. They mopped the bathroom floors and wiped off the mirrors, they even organized the toothbrushes. The house looked amazing and smelled amazing too. I was in awe of their hard work and a little emotional as I processed the effort and care that went into our home while Nick and I were away. They led me through each room and described in detail what they had done. I praised my children and hugged them as I told them how much I appreciated their hard work and the efforts they took to turn our pigsty into a beautiful living space.
After I tucked my children into bed I rocked sweet Stella and reflected on the events of the evening. I was overwhelmed with gratitude not only for my children but for my God. I wondered if that's how God feels about us when we "clean room in our hearts" for Him. When we lovingly scrub the dirt and grime left by sin and we proudly display all the gifts given by God in the rooms of our heart, how proud our Heavenly Father must be of us.
Praise God through Christ our sins are forgiven. He takes our sin away and chooses to remember it no more, but the clean up from the devastation of sin, we must lend a helping hand and repair ourselves. By humbling ourselves and going to the ones we have wronged and asking forgiveness we begin to clean up the mess sin leaves behind. When we accept responsibility for our actions and repay our debts to the ones we have cheated, lied, or taken advantage of God's ultimate love and forgiveness that is shown to us is displayed for others to see. Just like a child displays the end product of a job well done, we too should display the clean up process of sin so that others can see and glory can be given to our Heavenly Father.
In this transparency, we are showing a powerful testimony of God's goodness to sinners. Our God longs to restore and repair the lives of mankind but we must be willing to allow Him into the pigsty of a heart inhabited with sin. The clean up process is a powerful testimony to those that do not know Him.
Sin can hoard our lives to full capacity and destroy our relationships so the only thing that can inhabit is shame, guilt, and pain. But when we allow the One who specializes in removing sin to come in and begin the clean up process, we are given a fresh coat of paint and a second chance. We can pitch out the old habits and box up the hurts from our past for Jesus to come and take away forever. A testimony of a life engulfed by sin and restored by grace is very powerful.
So I celebrate tonight the One who specializes in removing sin from our lives. I celebrate the reality that everyone is given a fresh start if they choose to call on Him. I am thankful for the opportunity I have to display the clean up process and show off what Christ does when He moves in. God is so good and I'm so thankful for there is truly nothing more warm and inviting than a clean home.
Have mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love;
according to your great compassion blot out my transgressions.
Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin.
Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.
~ Pslam 51: 1, 2 & 10
Samantha wanted to have a couple friends from school stay at our apartment. I had to tutor after school that day, we had soccer practice and I led a Bible study that night. To top it off, Nick had a meeting and wouldn't be home till late so we had no time to prepare our pigsty for habitable living let alone to be inhabited by guests. It was messy and uninviting due to its lack of organization and filth from quick meals and rushed escapes.
Samantha stayed home with Lucas and Lily while I went to Bible study and Nick had his meeting. We told our children if they don't clean up, no friends could come over because we didn't have time to clean up before they arrived. I expected my children would pick up while we were gone. God has blessed Nick and I with amazing kids that love each other and understand the importance of lending a helping hand. I wasn't prepared though for what I saw when I returned.
I got back later than I expected and I opened the door to our apartment. The results of their hard work was incredible. Beds made, floors vacuumed and swept, counters cleaned, dishes done and put away, toys pick up and organized. They mopped the bathroom floors and wiped off the mirrors, they even organized the toothbrushes. The house looked amazing and smelled amazing too. I was in awe of their hard work and a little emotional as I processed the effort and care that went into our home while Nick and I were away. They led me through each room and described in detail what they had done. I praised my children and hugged them as I told them how much I appreciated their hard work and the efforts they took to turn our pigsty into a beautiful living space.
After I tucked my children into bed I rocked sweet Stella and reflected on the events of the evening. I was overwhelmed with gratitude not only for my children but for my God. I wondered if that's how God feels about us when we "clean room in our hearts" for Him. When we lovingly scrub the dirt and grime left by sin and we proudly display all the gifts given by God in the rooms of our heart, how proud our Heavenly Father must be of us.
Praise God through Christ our sins are forgiven. He takes our sin away and chooses to remember it no more, but the clean up from the devastation of sin, we must lend a helping hand and repair ourselves. By humbling ourselves and going to the ones we have wronged and asking forgiveness we begin to clean up the mess sin leaves behind. When we accept responsibility for our actions and repay our debts to the ones we have cheated, lied, or taken advantage of God's ultimate love and forgiveness that is shown to us is displayed for others to see. Just like a child displays the end product of a job well done, we too should display the clean up process of sin so that others can see and glory can be given to our Heavenly Father.
In this transparency, we are showing a powerful testimony of God's goodness to sinners. Our God longs to restore and repair the lives of mankind but we must be willing to allow Him into the pigsty of a heart inhabited with sin. The clean up process is a powerful testimony to those that do not know Him.
Sin can hoard our lives to full capacity and destroy our relationships so the only thing that can inhabit is shame, guilt, and pain. But when we allow the One who specializes in removing sin to come in and begin the clean up process, we are given a fresh coat of paint and a second chance. We can pitch out the old habits and box up the hurts from our past for Jesus to come and take away forever. A testimony of a life engulfed by sin and restored by grace is very powerful.
So I celebrate tonight the One who specializes in removing sin from our lives. I celebrate the reality that everyone is given a fresh start if they choose to call on Him. I am thankful for the opportunity I have to display the clean up process and show off what Christ does when He moves in. God is so good and I'm so thankful for there is truly nothing more warm and inviting than a clean home.
Have mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love;
according to your great compassion blot out my transgressions.
Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin.
Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.
~ Pslam 51: 1, 2 & 10
Why can't we move on...God did.
When He created the world He said everything was good except one thing, it wasn't good for man to be alone. Loneliness is not part of God's plan. We are supposed to be in relationships with people. Relationships can be meaningful and satisfying. Positive relationships can mold us into better people and fill our deepest desires of companionship. We all want to be in relationships. Tom Hanks created a friend out of a volleyball when he was alone and desperate for someone to talk to. Whether it be with friends, family, or partners we long for relationships because we were designed to be with other people.
Relationships are an amazing gift from God but they can also bring about the most emotional pain. It is difficult to move past the hurt that is born when you are wronged by someone you love. Distrust begins to grow and infect all aspects of the relationship. Even when the one we love is truly remorseful, it is hard to move on and trust like we once did. Thoughts of what they are really doing or how they really feel are always there as satan plants seeds of doubt about their sincerity or your ability to mend the relationship.
We know forgiveness is found in Christ and we know the one we love has been forgiven if they have sought repentance but we can't seem to forget, we just can't move on. Trust is like a shattered mug that was repaired, it might still hold water but the crack lines are still prevalent and the mug will truly never be the same again.Why is it so hard to move on, after all God did.
The Bible says He takes our sins away and remembers them no more. Why can't we do the same? Friends, we are human, flawed, and mortally damaged. It is not in our ability to forget but it is in our ability to forget the pain, move on and truly forgive. When we do not allow the pain to dissipate we allow satan to shackle us with thoughts of distrust and inadequacy. We will always distrust, doubt, and wonder about those who have wronged us and rob them and ourselves of the blessing and joy that comes from restored relationships. Restored relationships give way to newness and rebirth when repentance and reconciliation takes place. We can never forget what happened but with prayer and the Holy Spirit we can find a way to start again. Our God gives us a fresh start when we humbly come before Him and allow Him to carry our pain as we admit we can't do this alone. He longs to reconcile His people.
Stella has been having trouble falling asleep. I am worried she is colicky like my other children were. As she cries in my arms at night, in the midst of the crying and pain she is feeling I can't help but feel overwhelmed. I know my other children did this and I know I have felt the same way before but the hard times never deterred me from desiring to be a mom again. It's almost like you know it was hard but you don't equate the hard times with negative emotions when you look back and see all the beauty and good that was born out of them.
I think reconciliation is similar. It feels very difficult and painful at the time. You don't know how to go about fixing the colicky relationship that overwhelms your every thought and the love and desire for a fresh start with the one you love is sucked out of you with every act of defiance and distrust. God can restore your relationship and bring you both to a place where you can be at peace and laugh again if we allow Him to show us the beauty that comes from true forgiveness and repentance.
As I rock sweet Stella I celebrate the newness that comes from being born again. I celebrate the deep longings my God has to restore His children into a loving relationship with Him. I celebrate how He doesn't remember and always forgives. But most of all I celebrate that my God gives us the strength to do what we don't think is possible and move on if we allow Him to.
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting people’s sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation.
~ 2 Corinthians 5: 17-19
Relationships are an amazing gift from God but they can also bring about the most emotional pain. It is difficult to move past the hurt that is born when you are wronged by someone you love. Distrust begins to grow and infect all aspects of the relationship. Even when the one we love is truly remorseful, it is hard to move on and trust like we once did. Thoughts of what they are really doing or how they really feel are always there as satan plants seeds of doubt about their sincerity or your ability to mend the relationship.
We know forgiveness is found in Christ and we know the one we love has been forgiven if they have sought repentance but we can't seem to forget, we just can't move on. Trust is like a shattered mug that was repaired, it might still hold water but the crack lines are still prevalent and the mug will truly never be the same again.Why is it so hard to move on, after all God did.
The Bible says He takes our sins away and remembers them no more. Why can't we do the same? Friends, we are human, flawed, and mortally damaged. It is not in our ability to forget but it is in our ability to forget the pain, move on and truly forgive. When we do not allow the pain to dissipate we allow satan to shackle us with thoughts of distrust and inadequacy. We will always distrust, doubt, and wonder about those who have wronged us and rob them and ourselves of the blessing and joy that comes from restored relationships. Restored relationships give way to newness and rebirth when repentance and reconciliation takes place. We can never forget what happened but with prayer and the Holy Spirit we can find a way to start again. Our God gives us a fresh start when we humbly come before Him and allow Him to carry our pain as we admit we can't do this alone. He longs to reconcile His people.
Stella has been having trouble falling asleep. I am worried she is colicky like my other children were. As she cries in my arms at night, in the midst of the crying and pain she is feeling I can't help but feel overwhelmed. I know my other children did this and I know I have felt the same way before but the hard times never deterred me from desiring to be a mom again. It's almost like you know it was hard but you don't equate the hard times with negative emotions when you look back and see all the beauty and good that was born out of them.
I think reconciliation is similar. It feels very difficult and painful at the time. You don't know how to go about fixing the colicky relationship that overwhelms your every thought and the love and desire for a fresh start with the one you love is sucked out of you with every act of defiance and distrust. God can restore your relationship and bring you both to a place where you can be at peace and laugh again if we allow Him to show us the beauty that comes from true forgiveness and repentance.
As I rock sweet Stella I celebrate the newness that comes from being born again. I celebrate the deep longings my God has to restore His children into a loving relationship with Him. I celebrate how He doesn't remember and always forgives. But most of all I celebrate that my God gives us the strength to do what we don't think is possible and move on if we allow Him to.
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting people’s sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation.
~ 2 Corinthians 5: 17-19
Traffic Jams and Fry Boxes That Aren't Quite Full
I love ballgames! There is something special about being at a ball park. The smell of funnel cakes and loaded nachos. The excitement when the music plays to energize the crowd. You might not know the person sitting next to you but for 3 hours you are comrades in battle as you cheer on the home team to victory. Ballparks are a place where dreams come true not only for the player who scores their first grand slam, but also for the little boy who dreams of catching a foul ball or getting an autograph from a baseball legend. At the ballpark, nothing else matters but the winning run, there is something special about the ballpark.
My husband took me to a Royals game on Saturday. I'm not a huge Royals fan, but I love watching baseball games. It was a beautiful sunny day at the ball park and I enjoyed my loaded nachos and booing during controversial plays. We brought Stella with us and I didn't know how that would go, but as she slept during the roar of the crowd I felt at ease and even though the Royals could not claim a victory, I enjoyed this close to perfect day.
As we were leaving the ballpark, the traffic was insane as hundreds of cars lined up to leave after an intense and disappointing game. Stella was calm and cuddly for each inning but as we were stuck in traffic, she starts to cry and fuss as feeding time creeps closer and closer. We sat for 15-20 minutes but when you have a screaming infant, that feels like an eternity. We needed to turn left out of the lot into the road that took us to 435 HWY. A large white Lincoln suburban blocked our way and refused to let anyone escape. Although traffic in his lane was backed up as far as the eye could see, he would not budge and crept inches forward every time his lane moved the slightest bit so no cars could turn out either direction.
I was frustrated, frazzled, and impatient as Stella cried for substance and nourishment behind me. I wanted so badly to feed her but did not want to risk her choking and could not feed her safely while we waited. The cars in his lane moved forward again giving us enough room to escape and turn left unto the road but of coarse the Lincoln, for whatever reason, refused to allow us to be liberated from this traffic nightmare and crept forward again blocking our exit.
I threw my hands up and an exasperated expression filled my face. This was ridiculous and out of shear desperation I began to be outwardly frazzled and disgusted. Nick being the calm collective man he is instructed me to stop and helped me process and put things into perspective. Everyone needs someone who can speak Godly truth into their lives at the most pivotal times and I'm so thankful I married such a man.
Nick reminded me my frustrations and impatience was not unique in this situation, everyone felt this way and I have a choice, choose anger or choose joy. Shortly after we started moving Stella fell asleep and we fed her when we stopped for dinner. We went to one of my favorite restaurants and patience crept back into my soul as I ate the best cheeseburger in Kansas City. On the drive home I thought about what Nick had said to me. By being patient and not disgruntle we allow Christ to be seen in us. Who knows what situations everyone around me is going through.
In a world broken and mutated by sin, mankind is plagued with pain and hard situations. Maybe the person behind you in line is going through a divorce or perhaps the woman taking your order is in an abusive relationship. Our frustration in the moment can seem petty and small in the midst of disease, divorce, and despair. Everyday encounters may be consumed with cancer or infertility and in the midst of true struggles it is hard not to show sympathy and understanding. Just like the driver of the Lincoln suburban perhaps their attitude and actions do not scream kindness and understanding. They may not give a friendly smile or allow you to turn left, but they might possibly be walking through a dark lonely valley where a smile or undeserved understanding and patience could provide a ray of light to lead them through a portion of their darkness.
We should never expect a godless world to possess Godly values, but should expect us to. It shouldn't surprise us to be wronged or mistreated but it should surprise the world when we wrong or mistreat others. The truth is friends, we might be the only smile a solemn face receives that day. Do you want to waste the opportunity God gives you to be light because you did not get enough ice in your diet coke? Shine his light bright in the little nuisances of life so those around you can see a representation of Christ's patience multiple times a day. Christians who practice this simple truth are infectious and people are naturally drawn to them and in return, drawn to Christ.
So I celebrate traffic jams and fry boxes that aren't quite filled all the way. I celebrate the opportunity to smile and show I value the checker at Walmart. For when we take the time to love and value people no matter how busy or insignificant the meeting seems, we provide an opportunity for that person to see Christ. When people encounter Christ transformation happens and lives are eternally changed. An opportunity to be light in His name is worth waiting in line for an extra 10 minutes and maybe through these simple acts we can sooth the pain found in our broken world until Christ can come and make this world new again.
In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.
~Matthew 5:16
My husband took me to a Royals game on Saturday. I'm not a huge Royals fan, but I love watching baseball games. It was a beautiful sunny day at the ball park and I enjoyed my loaded nachos and booing during controversial plays. We brought Stella with us and I didn't know how that would go, but as she slept during the roar of the crowd I felt at ease and even though the Royals could not claim a victory, I enjoyed this close to perfect day.
As we were leaving the ballpark, the traffic was insane as hundreds of cars lined up to leave after an intense and disappointing game. Stella was calm and cuddly for each inning but as we were stuck in traffic, she starts to cry and fuss as feeding time creeps closer and closer. We sat for 15-20 minutes but when you have a screaming infant, that feels like an eternity. We needed to turn left out of the lot into the road that took us to 435 HWY. A large white Lincoln suburban blocked our way and refused to let anyone escape. Although traffic in his lane was backed up as far as the eye could see, he would not budge and crept inches forward every time his lane moved the slightest bit so no cars could turn out either direction.
I was frustrated, frazzled, and impatient as Stella cried for substance and nourishment behind me. I wanted so badly to feed her but did not want to risk her choking and could not feed her safely while we waited. The cars in his lane moved forward again giving us enough room to escape and turn left unto the road but of coarse the Lincoln, for whatever reason, refused to allow us to be liberated from this traffic nightmare and crept forward again blocking our exit.
I threw my hands up and an exasperated expression filled my face. This was ridiculous and out of shear desperation I began to be outwardly frazzled and disgusted. Nick being the calm collective man he is instructed me to stop and helped me process and put things into perspective. Everyone needs someone who can speak Godly truth into their lives at the most pivotal times and I'm so thankful I married such a man.
Nick reminded me my frustrations and impatience was not unique in this situation, everyone felt this way and I have a choice, choose anger or choose joy. Shortly after we started moving Stella fell asleep and we fed her when we stopped for dinner. We went to one of my favorite restaurants and patience crept back into my soul as I ate the best cheeseburger in Kansas City. On the drive home I thought about what Nick had said to me. By being patient and not disgruntle we allow Christ to be seen in us. Who knows what situations everyone around me is going through.
In a world broken and mutated by sin, mankind is plagued with pain and hard situations. Maybe the person behind you in line is going through a divorce or perhaps the woman taking your order is in an abusive relationship. Our frustration in the moment can seem petty and small in the midst of disease, divorce, and despair. Everyday encounters may be consumed with cancer or infertility and in the midst of true struggles it is hard not to show sympathy and understanding. Just like the driver of the Lincoln suburban perhaps their attitude and actions do not scream kindness and understanding. They may not give a friendly smile or allow you to turn left, but they might possibly be walking through a dark lonely valley where a smile or undeserved understanding and patience could provide a ray of light to lead them through a portion of their darkness.
We should never expect a godless world to possess Godly values, but should expect us to. It shouldn't surprise us to be wronged or mistreated but it should surprise the world when we wrong or mistreat others. The truth is friends, we might be the only smile a solemn face receives that day. Do you want to waste the opportunity God gives you to be light because you did not get enough ice in your diet coke? Shine his light bright in the little nuisances of life so those around you can see a representation of Christ's patience multiple times a day. Christians who practice this simple truth are infectious and people are naturally drawn to them and in return, drawn to Christ.
So I celebrate traffic jams and fry boxes that aren't quite filled all the way. I celebrate the opportunity to smile and show I value the checker at Walmart. For when we take the time to love and value people no matter how busy or insignificant the meeting seems, we provide an opportunity for that person to see Christ. When people encounter Christ transformation happens and lives are eternally changed. An opportunity to be light in His name is worth waiting in line for an extra 10 minutes and maybe through these simple acts we can sooth the pain found in our broken world until Christ can come and make this world new again.
In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.
~Matthew 5:16
Transforming My Daily Grind Into a Daily Celebration
I love to sing! There is something about music that connects with my soul. Maybe it's the way the lyrics harmoniously marry the melody line to create a something beautiful. I don't know for sure but I experience a wide array of emotions as I sing and worship. I become very vulnerable in the presence of my God.
I recently have become a huge Natalie Grant fan. She sings like a bird and has a spirit led gift to write lyrics and create songs. One of her newest songs In the End has become a favorite of mine. I cry often as I listen to her sing words of encouragement to all of us going through hard times. Life can seem overwhelming and stressful when we have lots to do in our day. It feels like our engines are working at full speed and we develop tunnel vision and the deadlines get closer and the projects get bigger. We allow joy to slip through our fingers as we focus on what's in front of us instead of on what is above, forgetting the battle and who the victor is in the end.
To be reminded of what heaven is truly about during the self inflicted chaos that consumes us as we rush from here to there stops us dead in our tracks with thankful hearts of worship. I don't stop enough and think about what Heaven is like. My mind can't comprehend the perfection of this place. Perfect joy, love, and peace. To celebrate and laugh all day never ceasing for time will have passed away as dwell in perfection with our God. Everything He made becomes new and beautiful again when He reboots creation and banishes sin and death forever because the payment was rendered with Christ's blood. As I write and reflect on this amazing place and my confidence in residency, the stress I feel right now washes away and celebration begins to swell inside me.
The truth of the gospel is we will never be good enough... but Jesus is. We can't pay the price needed for our sin... so Jesus did. He took our iniquities upon Himself and our sin past, present, and future was forgiven and is no more because of His shed blood and sacrifice. Heaven is not unobtainable any longer for those that know him because He has signed our names in the book of life and He will stand up on judgement day for us and claim us as His own. Praise God He had a plan to redeem us and is patiently waiting to restore His creation.
As I rock sweet Stella I am convicted I need to focus more on heaven to come instead of the distractions of this world. I must slow down and allow God to transform not only my day to day life but my self imposed "tunnel vision" as well. What's important are the things not seen and the relationships that money can't buy and if I focus on what's above it's makes the tasks at hand more joyous and surrounds them with thanksgiving and praise. My God gave me everything I need and everyone I meet is valued by Him. These truths gives me warm fuzzies and turn my daily grind into a daily celebration. So as I sing and worship Him, I will sing out strong and sing out loud as I imagine and picture my true home where life will all makes sense... in the end!
Official video...
I recently have become a huge Natalie Grant fan. She sings like a bird and has a spirit led gift to write lyrics and create songs. One of her newest songs In the End has become a favorite of mine. I cry often as I listen to her sing words of encouragement to all of us going through hard times. Life can seem overwhelming and stressful when we have lots to do in our day. It feels like our engines are working at full speed and we develop tunnel vision and the deadlines get closer and the projects get bigger. We allow joy to slip through our fingers as we focus on what's in front of us instead of on what is above, forgetting the battle and who the victor is in the end.
To be reminded of what heaven is truly about during the self inflicted chaos that consumes us as we rush from here to there stops us dead in our tracks with thankful hearts of worship. I don't stop enough and think about what Heaven is like. My mind can't comprehend the perfection of this place. Perfect joy, love, and peace. To celebrate and laugh all day never ceasing for time will have passed away as dwell in perfection with our God. Everything He made becomes new and beautiful again when He reboots creation and banishes sin and death forever because the payment was rendered with Christ's blood. As I write and reflect on this amazing place and my confidence in residency, the stress I feel right now washes away and celebration begins to swell inside me.
The truth of the gospel is we will never be good enough... but Jesus is. We can't pay the price needed for our sin... so Jesus did. He took our iniquities upon Himself and our sin past, present, and future was forgiven and is no more because of His shed blood and sacrifice. Heaven is not unobtainable any longer for those that know him because He has signed our names in the book of life and He will stand up on judgement day for us and claim us as His own. Praise God He had a plan to redeem us and is patiently waiting to restore His creation.
As I rock sweet Stella I am convicted I need to focus more on heaven to come instead of the distractions of this world. I must slow down and allow God to transform not only my day to day life but my self imposed "tunnel vision" as well. What's important are the things not seen and the relationships that money can't buy and if I focus on what's above it's makes the tasks at hand more joyous and surrounds them with thanksgiving and praise. My God gave me everything I need and everyone I meet is valued by Him. These truths gives me warm fuzzies and turn my daily grind into a daily celebration. So as I sing and worship Him, I will sing out strong and sing out loud as I imagine and picture my true home where life will all makes sense... in the end!
Official video...
Do You Think She Likes Me Momma??
Lily loves being a big sister. She tries to hold Stella and love on her all the time. She desperately wanted to hold her this afternoon as Stella smiled and cooed at me. I had Lily sit in the chair and I put Stella on her lap. Even though it was getting close to feeding time, I hoped Lily could get some quality time in with her sister. She cooed and loved on her sister but slowly Stella's mood began to change as the hunger pains grew in her belly. Lily wanted so badly to calm her sister. She told me not to worry and that she had it under control. She tried to sooth her with her pacifier and by bouncing her in her lap. She talked to her calmly and in her best momma voice tried to coerce her to stop crying. As she rocked and soothed her hungry sister she asked me, "Momma do you think she likes me?"
As I watched Lily rock sweet Stella I began to think about my own relationships. How desperately I want to calm the moods and fix the problems of the people I love. I try to reassure myself I have things under control as I rock them through addictions and failed relationships. I don't have the resources, strength, or ability to fix the emotional pains afflicting them. Yet, I keep rocking and trying to sooth the outward symptoms of sin while their souls are crying out for spiritual nourishment that only comes from the Father.
Truth is my friend, we can put a pacifier in the mouth of those who are spiritually malnourished, but only Jesus can truly feed the emotional hunger to satisfy their bellies. Only through accepting His sacrifice can our loved ones be truly restored and freed from the bonds of addiction and sin.
As we journey through life with the ones we love who wrestle with sin and addiction, we feel like they don't like us or respect the sacrifices we make for them. We can't fix them and begin to doubt ourselves as Satan creeps in and puts doubt in our minds where it hurts the most. We take their addiction personal and just like Lily wonder if they truly like us or see the sacrifices we make on their behalf. These doubts and disappointments play in our minds as Satan tries to deceive us and convince us they are a lost cause when the solution to quench these fears exists if we reach out and grab it from the Heavenly Father.
There is always hope. God can restore and nourish the souls of even His hungriest children. We must keep praying, loving, and believing as we give our loved ones into the hands of Jesus so He can feed and nourish them when they are ready. So I celebrate the hope I can always cling to. I celebrate the restoration that will always be given to those who ask. I celebrate how my God can feed the hungriest souls and comfort His children who are rocking and soothing their loved ones through pain and addiction. I celebrate the wisdom and perspective He gives to those who are stung by the product of sin in the lives of the ones they love.
Our God is a God who can heal those in sin and hold those affected by the pain of addiction and sinful relationships. Cling to hope, allow God to feed, and celebrate along the way as He unfolds His story and unravels His plan. Our God can restore even the most hopeless of circumstances, and that is reason enough to celebrate!
Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
1 Peter 5: 6-7
As I watched Lily rock sweet Stella I began to think about my own relationships. How desperately I want to calm the moods and fix the problems of the people I love. I try to reassure myself I have things under control as I rock them through addictions and failed relationships. I don't have the resources, strength, or ability to fix the emotional pains afflicting them. Yet, I keep rocking and trying to sooth the outward symptoms of sin while their souls are crying out for spiritual nourishment that only comes from the Father.
Truth is my friend, we can put a pacifier in the mouth of those who are spiritually malnourished, but only Jesus can truly feed the emotional hunger to satisfy their bellies. Only through accepting His sacrifice can our loved ones be truly restored and freed from the bonds of addiction and sin.
As we journey through life with the ones we love who wrestle with sin and addiction, we feel like they don't like us or respect the sacrifices we make for them. We can't fix them and begin to doubt ourselves as Satan creeps in and puts doubt in our minds where it hurts the most. We take their addiction personal and just like Lily wonder if they truly like us or see the sacrifices we make on their behalf. These doubts and disappointments play in our minds as Satan tries to deceive us and convince us they are a lost cause when the solution to quench these fears exists if we reach out and grab it from the Heavenly Father.
There is always hope. God can restore and nourish the souls of even His hungriest children. We must keep praying, loving, and believing as we give our loved ones into the hands of Jesus so He can feed and nourish them when they are ready. So I celebrate the hope I can always cling to. I celebrate the restoration that will always be given to those who ask. I celebrate how my God can feed the hungriest souls and comfort His children who are rocking and soothing their loved ones through pain and addiction. I celebrate the wisdom and perspective He gives to those who are stung by the product of sin in the lives of the ones they love.
Our God is a God who can heal those in sin and hold those affected by the pain of addiction and sinful relationships. Cling to hope, allow God to feed, and celebrate along the way as He unfolds His story and unravels His plan. Our God can restore even the most hopeless of circumstances, and that is reason enough to celebrate!
Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
1 Peter 5: 6-7
Praising God for My Pick 3 Bucket
Sundays are always busy for the Terry clan. I would love to say I cook a wonderful Sunday dinner for my family, but normally it's pizza or a Pick 3 Bucket. The family felt like chicken today and we had some guys come over to watch the football game so I dropped Nick and the kids off at home and headed for Walmart.
I walked to the counter and ordered a Pick 3 Bucket. Lately, when we have ordered the bucket it has been over flowing with chicken goodness so I thought the bucket would supply us with enough chicken to feed a small tribe. Yet when I ordered, the kind employee in the deli carefully weighed the chicken and gave me what I deserved instead of the overflowing bucket. I was a little bit angry and disappointed I must admit. I wanted a kind employee to hook me up with popcorn chicken, not carefully weigh each piece like it was a precious commodity. As I drove home with my fairly measured Pick 3 Bucket, I was reminded of my choice to choose joy in all circumstances. My mind wondered and festered and I realized the underlying reason why this bothered me. I didn't want Walmart to treat me fairly, I wanted a hook up. I wanted someone to bless my day with a few extra pieces of general chicken and hot potato wedges. Then I had an epiphany and joy hit me hard as my heart was flooded with happiness and warm fuzzies.
My God doesn't treat me fairly. He loves me so much He sent Jesus to give me want I didn't deserve and never could have earned. Praise God he doesn't give me what I deserve but hooks me up with grace and mercy because He loves me. Through Jesus, I am allowed to lay down my life and give my sin and worries to Him. In return God the Father gives me grace, freedom, and liberation. Praise God He doesn't weigh my sins on a scale but He takes my sin to the cross where He ultimately prevails!
I don't get what I deserve, I am treated so unfairly by my God and being reminded of this through an experience at the Walmart deli causes me to celebrate the goodness of my God the whole car ride home. Celebrate my friends when you think you are not getting what you deserve. Choose joy when the world tells you to feel like a victim. Allow God to work through those moments in your life and mold you in humility and grace. For our God did not give you what you deserve and through His mercy chose to treat you unfairly. The fullness of His love and mercy should bless our days no matter if the world hooks us up or not.
We must consciously choose to celebrate through the anger and disappointment, it is what's sets us apart from those who claim to know Christ and those that follow Christ. Choose to celebrate my friends. Fill your heart with happiness and warm fuzzies even if they do not fill your Pick 3 Bucket.
Let grace, mercy, and peace be with us in truth and love from God the Father and from Jesus Christ, Son of the Father!
~ 2 John 1:3
I walked to the counter and ordered a Pick 3 Bucket. Lately, when we have ordered the bucket it has been over flowing with chicken goodness so I thought the bucket would supply us with enough chicken to feed a small tribe. Yet when I ordered, the kind employee in the deli carefully weighed the chicken and gave me what I deserved instead of the overflowing bucket. I was a little bit angry and disappointed I must admit. I wanted a kind employee to hook me up with popcorn chicken, not carefully weigh each piece like it was a precious commodity. As I drove home with my fairly measured Pick 3 Bucket, I was reminded of my choice to choose joy in all circumstances. My mind wondered and festered and I realized the underlying reason why this bothered me. I didn't want Walmart to treat me fairly, I wanted a hook up. I wanted someone to bless my day with a few extra pieces of general chicken and hot potato wedges. Then I had an epiphany and joy hit me hard as my heart was flooded with happiness and warm fuzzies.
My God doesn't treat me fairly. He loves me so much He sent Jesus to give me want I didn't deserve and never could have earned. Praise God he doesn't give me what I deserve but hooks me up with grace and mercy because He loves me. Through Jesus, I am allowed to lay down my life and give my sin and worries to Him. In return God the Father gives me grace, freedom, and liberation. Praise God He doesn't weigh my sins on a scale but He takes my sin to the cross where He ultimately prevails!
I don't get what I deserve, I am treated so unfairly by my God and being reminded of this through an experience at the Walmart deli causes me to celebrate the goodness of my God the whole car ride home. Celebrate my friends when you think you are not getting what you deserve. Choose joy when the world tells you to feel like a victim. Allow God to work through those moments in your life and mold you in humility and grace. For our God did not give you what you deserve and through His mercy chose to treat you unfairly. The fullness of His love and mercy should bless our days no matter if the world hooks us up or not.
We must consciously choose to celebrate through the anger and disappointment, it is what's sets us apart from those who claim to know Christ and those that follow Christ. Choose to celebrate my friends. Fill your heart with happiness and warm fuzzies even if they do not fill your Pick 3 Bucket.
Let grace, mercy, and peace be with us in truth and love from God the Father and from Jesus Christ, Son of the Father!
~ 2 John 1:3
Celebrate the Dinner Table
Last night was the first night in a while that two important components came into place. I had the time to cook and just as importantly, the desire to do so as well. I felt inspired to make homemade Alfredo sauce so the Terry's had an Italian feast together. Each person did their part to make this meal a success. Nick helped me prep the food while the kids set the table. Lucas and Samantha made a Caesar salad while Lily watched and talked a lot about how much she loves shrimp and Caesar salad. We enjoyed each others company as we sat and ate a homemade meal together at the dinner table for the first time in a while.
My family means everything to me. God has blessed and entrusted me with our clan to nurture and care for their needs. It is a life altering role that I don't take lightly. I'm reminded again the importance of the dinner table and I can't help but celebrate it. Something happens when we gather the family for meal made with love. Conversations take place that wouldn't normally happen as we intentionally slow down and make an effort to relate to one another. It's so important for our well being and the well being of our families to meet together around the table. To remove the distractions of life and just remember each other, healing happens there. Relationships are deepened and restored as we put our priorities in order and intentionally engage our families with conversation and respect. Family dinners set a tone in our home. They make a dramatic statement which tells our kids and our spouse that quality time with them is important and that we care enough to prepare a meal and listen to their stories about their daily comings and goings.
As I rock sweet Stella tonight I lift up praise to my God for reminding me of the importance of celebrating the dinner table. Even though we can't do this everyday, I am going to make an effort to do this more often. My kids deserve it and my God desires for me to take more time and nurture my family. So I challenge you friends to celebrate the dinner table with me and involve the whole family in this event. Teach, nurture, and listen as your kids share their day and help you prepare a meal. Our children are only young once and my prayer is my children can see this act of celebration modeled in me and God will cultivate their hearts so they will continue this time of togetherness in their homes. Let food, fun, and family permeate our homes and bring us closer together as we allow God to take us on a journey of living and find simple ways to celebrate along the way.
Let the peace of Christ keep you in tune with each other, in step with each other. None of this going off and doing your own thing. And cultivate thankfulness. Let the Word of Christ—the Message—have the run of the house. Give it plenty of room in your lives. Instruct and direct one another using good common sense. And sing, sing your hearts out to God! Let every detail in your lives—words, actions, whatever—be done in the name of the Master, Jesus, thanking God the Father every step of the way.
~ Colossians 3:15-17
My family means everything to me. God has blessed and entrusted me with our clan to nurture and care for their needs. It is a life altering role that I don't take lightly. I'm reminded again the importance of the dinner table and I can't help but celebrate it. Something happens when we gather the family for meal made with love. Conversations take place that wouldn't normally happen as we intentionally slow down and make an effort to relate to one another. It's so important for our well being and the well being of our families to meet together around the table. To remove the distractions of life and just remember each other, healing happens there. Relationships are deepened and restored as we put our priorities in order and intentionally engage our families with conversation and respect. Family dinners set a tone in our home. They make a dramatic statement which tells our kids and our spouse that quality time with them is important and that we care enough to prepare a meal and listen to their stories about their daily comings and goings.
As I rock sweet Stella tonight I lift up praise to my God for reminding me of the importance of celebrating the dinner table. Even though we can't do this everyday, I am going to make an effort to do this more often. My kids deserve it and my God desires for me to take more time and nurture my family. So I challenge you friends to celebrate the dinner table with me and involve the whole family in this event. Teach, nurture, and listen as your kids share their day and help you prepare a meal. Our children are only young once and my prayer is my children can see this act of celebration modeled in me and God will cultivate their hearts so they will continue this time of togetherness in their homes. Let food, fun, and family permeate our homes and bring us closer together as we allow God to take us on a journey of living and find simple ways to celebrate along the way.
Let the peace of Christ keep you in tune with each other, in step with each other. None of this going off and doing your own thing. And cultivate thankfulness. Let the Word of Christ—the Message—have the run of the house. Give it plenty of room in your lives. Instruct and direct one another using good common sense. And sing, sing your hearts out to God! Let every detail in your lives—words, actions, whatever—be done in the name of the Master, Jesus, thanking God the Father every step of the way.
~ Colossians 3:15-17
Celebrate the Choice
I lead a college girl's Bible study on Thursday nights. I get a lot of enjoyment out of it. Maybe it's getting away from my kids and hanging with the girls or maybe it takes me back to my college days. I can't put my finger on why I love doing this so much but I really do. This session I decided to lead a study on the book of James. Tonight we discussed James 1: 1-8 and through our talks, scripture reading, and revelation I discovered something to celebrate that I never considered celebrating before.
In this passage of scripture, James is urging us to "consider it pure joy" when we face trials in life. This passage has spoke to my soul recently and I discussed with the girls the concept of joy being a choice. When James is saying "consider" and he truly means it. We have a choice. The choice is ours to look at our trials as joy or to look at them and despair.
When we choose joy we are announcing to the world that our God is in control and can handle whatever life throws at us. It's not always an easy choice and sometimes we have to daily surrender and allow ourselves to be joyous but if we do and if we choose joy, God can show the depths of His love, wisdom, and grace in a mighty way. He can teach us what it's like to truly live and give us a sense of peace and security that only comes from our Heavenly Father, oh yes my friends choosing joy when we are surrounded by death allows our soul to live and not just survive. Joy puts a spotlight on God's love and goodness and this discipline blesses not only us but everyone who is watching to see how we will handle our situation.
But joy is a choice. God loves me so much He didn't want to force me to love Him back. He loves me so much He was willing to allow me to choose so I could truly experience the depth and richness of this emotion. God knew times would be tough and He knew satan would be there to make me feel inadequate, worthless, and sub par. So he commanded us to choose joy. Choose to give Him the baggage so we could enjoy the walk wherever it leads. But he's not going to make you. In the end it's your choice.
As I contemplate my day I realize how thankful I am for the ability to choose. I celebrate the depth of God's love and the desires to make me what I am and love me for who I am. He will never force His love upon us. It's our choice. Which makes those of us who chose it, celebrate and sing because He is our God and we are His!
Without the choice we would all be the same and very robotic. No uniqueness or spiritual gifts to make mold us in how we serve. The choice makes His love so much sweeter and the love I have for Him so much fuller. I get it now, Jesus loves me Because He choose to love me. He made His choice at the dawn of creation to love us more than anything else He created. No other religion has a God that chooses to become a man and save His people so they may have the choice to worship and love Him. So now the choice is ours. We can choose to celebrate or we can choose to despair. In the end the choice is ours. I'm so thankful He loved me enough to let me choose for with the choice comes risk but risk has big rewards. Are you ready to step out my friend. Are you ready to celebrate?
Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come at you from all sides. You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colors. So don’t try to get out of anything prematurely. Let it do its work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way.
If you don’t know what you’re doing, pray to the Father. He loves to help. You’ll get his help, and won’t be condescended to when you ask for it. Ask boldly, believingly, without a second thought. People who “worry their prayers” are like wind-whipped waves. Don’t think you’re going to get anything from the Master that way, adrift at sea, keeping all your options open. (James 1:2-8 MSG)
“If God gives such attention to the appearance of wildflowers—most of which are never even seen—don’t you think he’ll attend to you, take pride in you, do his best for you? What I’m trying to do here is to get you to relax, to not be so preoccupied with getting, so you can respond to God’s giving. People who don’t know God and the way he works fuss over these things, but you know both God and how he works. Steep your life in God-reality, God-initiative, God-provisions. Don’t worry about missing out. You’ll find all your everyday human concerns will be met. (Matthew 6:30-33 MSG)
In this passage of scripture, James is urging us to "consider it pure joy" when we face trials in life. This passage has spoke to my soul recently and I discussed with the girls the concept of joy being a choice. When James is saying "consider" and he truly means it. We have a choice. The choice is ours to look at our trials as joy or to look at them and despair.
When we choose joy we are announcing to the world that our God is in control and can handle whatever life throws at us. It's not always an easy choice and sometimes we have to daily surrender and allow ourselves to be joyous but if we do and if we choose joy, God can show the depths of His love, wisdom, and grace in a mighty way. He can teach us what it's like to truly live and give us a sense of peace and security that only comes from our Heavenly Father, oh yes my friends choosing joy when we are surrounded by death allows our soul to live and not just survive. Joy puts a spotlight on God's love and goodness and this discipline blesses not only us but everyone who is watching to see how we will handle our situation.
But joy is a choice. God loves me so much He didn't want to force me to love Him back. He loves me so much He was willing to allow me to choose so I could truly experience the depth and richness of this emotion. God knew times would be tough and He knew satan would be there to make me feel inadequate, worthless, and sub par. So he commanded us to choose joy. Choose to give Him the baggage so we could enjoy the walk wherever it leads. But he's not going to make you. In the end it's your choice.
As I contemplate my day I realize how thankful I am for the ability to choose. I celebrate the depth of God's love and the desires to make me what I am and love me for who I am. He will never force His love upon us. It's our choice. Which makes those of us who chose it, celebrate and sing because He is our God and we are His!
Without the choice we would all be the same and very robotic. No uniqueness or spiritual gifts to make mold us in how we serve. The choice makes His love so much sweeter and the love I have for Him so much fuller. I get it now, Jesus loves me Because He choose to love me. He made His choice at the dawn of creation to love us more than anything else He created. No other religion has a God that chooses to become a man and save His people so they may have the choice to worship and love Him. So now the choice is ours. We can choose to celebrate or we can choose to despair. In the end the choice is ours. I'm so thankful He loved me enough to let me choose for with the choice comes risk but risk has big rewards. Are you ready to step out my friend. Are you ready to celebrate?
Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come at you from all sides. You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colors. So don’t try to get out of anything prematurely. Let it do its work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way.
If you don’t know what you’re doing, pray to the Father. He loves to help. You’ll get his help, and won’t be condescended to when you ask for it. Ask boldly, believingly, without a second thought. People who “worry their prayers” are like wind-whipped waves. Don’t think you’re going to get anything from the Master that way, adrift at sea, keeping all your options open. (James 1:2-8 MSG)
“If God gives such attention to the appearance of wildflowers—most of which are never even seen—don’t you think he’ll attend to you, take pride in you, do his best for you? What I’m trying to do here is to get you to relax, to not be so preoccupied with getting, so you can respond to God’s giving. People who don’t know God and the way he works fuss over these things, but you know both God and how he works. Steep your life in God-reality, God-initiative, God-provisions. Don’t worry about missing out. You’ll find all your everyday human concerns will be met. (Matthew 6:30-33 MSG)
The Craziness of Community
I spent tonight with people I love, eating great food, visiting, and sharing life. We lifted each other up, laughed together, and just enjoyed being with one another. We come from all walks of life and yet we have lots of things in common. I don't know everyone well, but we don't have to know each other well to feel accepted and part of the community.
It can get crazy, rowdy, and little noisy but you know that's sharing life and that's true community. Being who you are, where you are. Trying to figure out this walk with Christ together as the world tries to drag us off our path. Christian community provides us with perspective and rejuvenates us to meet the challenges we face daily. I celebrate this God given institution. Our God loves us so much He didn't want us to walk this life alone. That's why He provided the church, that's why He provided community.
As I rock sweet Stella tonight, I praise God for my church and the community I am apart of at Countryside. Going to church is not something I have to do, it's something I get to do. We accept each other, love each other, and serve with one another. That's the crazy thing about community. When you are a part of one, the difficult times of life don't seem so difficult and the joys of life are celebrated. So let's celebrate together and be thankful to our Father for allowing us to part of this crazy thing called community.
So let’s do it—full of belief, confident that we’re presentable inside and out. Let’s keep a firm grip on the promises that keep us going. He always keeps his word. Let’s see how inventive we can be in encouraging love and helping out, not avoiding worshiping together as some do but spurring each other on, especially as we see the big Day approaching.
~Hebrews 10: 24-25
It can get crazy, rowdy, and little noisy but you know that's sharing life and that's true community. Being who you are, where you are. Trying to figure out this walk with Christ together as the world tries to drag us off our path. Christian community provides us with perspective and rejuvenates us to meet the challenges we face daily. I celebrate this God given institution. Our God loves us so much He didn't want us to walk this life alone. That's why He provided the church, that's why He provided community.
As I rock sweet Stella tonight, I praise God for my church and the community I am apart of at Countryside. Going to church is not something I have to do, it's something I get to do. We accept each other, love each other, and serve with one another. That's the crazy thing about community. When you are a part of one, the difficult times of life don't seem so difficult and the joys of life are celebrated. So let's celebrate together and be thankful to our Father for allowing us to part of this crazy thing called community.
So let’s do it—full of belief, confident that we’re presentable inside and out. Let’s keep a firm grip on the promises that keep us going. He always keeps his word. Let’s see how inventive we can be in encouraging love and helping out, not avoiding worshiping together as some do but spurring each other on, especially as we see the big Day approaching.
~Hebrews 10: 24-25
Fuel up on quality time with him
Tranquility is not used to describe mornings at the Terry house. I should get up at 5:30 am but inevitably every morning I press the snooze button one too many times, so we are scattering around like ants whose nests have been disturbed by a child's shoe. There is always chaos and I'm ashamed to admit, sometimes spurts of yelling and anger as we bolt for the door so mom can have enough time to stop and fuel up with a 32 oz diet coke. Yes mornings can be crazy and in the congestion of packing bags, brushing teeth and finding a left and right shoe, Nick and I have a brief moment to say "I love you" before we rush out through the door faster than a black Friday shopper storming a Best Buy.
It may sound foreign to the world we live in but I love my husband and enjoy his company. His words of encouragement and affirmation make me feel like I can take on the world. When he smiles at me I melt and even after 14 years of marriage, I love to talk to him and spend time with him. I love my husband and he truly is my best friend and better half.
But there are days when we both are so consumed with the tasks at hand or the kids activities we must attend that we don't get enough time to just be together. This is a very busy season for our family. God has blessed us with a ministry where we can serve and truly make a difference. I wouldn't trade our lives and our ministry for anything. I love my career as a teacher and being part of helping a child achieve their goals and dreams is beyond rewarding.
Yet there are times when I just want to hit the pause button so we can talk more about his day. Moments I just want to yell FREEZE! so we have a chance to just be together without the distractions of life and 4 children. Every couple goes through busy seasons of life, I know that and we are in one now.
As I watch sweet Stella sleep and Nick play with our kids, I thank God for the busyness of our lives. I thank Him for our children who provide such joy and chaos. I'm so thankful that I have such a full life with ministry and teaching that it is hard to squeeze into one day. For if my life were not full of things to do in this busy season, I might take for granted the calm and quiet moments of life. The times where Nick and I can get away for a weekend, stay up late and eat cobbler with a hot cup of coffee. Times where it's just us and we don't have anything to do or anywhere to be, quality time together that I cherish and value.
I think we wives take those times for granted. We want to fill our schedules with soccer practice and dance lessons to be the best mom we can be and provide the best opportunities we can for our children. Those things in themselves are not bad, but if these activities replace the quality moments with our spouse; if we do not cherish the moments we have together but instead exchange them to get our nails done, there is a serious disconnect.
1 Peter 3:1 says...
The same goes for you wives: Be good wives to your husbands, responsive to their needs. There are husbands who, indifferent as they are to any words about God, will be captivated by your life of holy beauty. What matters is not your outer appearance—the styling of your hair, the jewelry you wear, the cut of your clothes—but your inner disposition.
My interpretation on this verse...
Listen up wives: Be good to your husbands, be aware and respond to their needs. Put them before your kids, career, and house work. Then all men will be in awe of your holy beauty and Godly qualities. For it doesn't matter what the world sees you do, how good your kids are at sports, if you drive a Porsche or Pinto, whether your ready for your close up or not. What you do on the inside and how you treat him, respect him, and give him your time, that is what makes a difference.
So celebrate the quality time you have with your spouse. Hang onto it and protect those moments. Find joy in his jokes and conversations. Try to make life easier for him so he can enjoy quality time with you. He is a gift from God and time with him is precious and fuel for your soul.
It may sound foreign to the world we live in but I love my husband and enjoy his company. His words of encouragement and affirmation make me feel like I can take on the world. When he smiles at me I melt and even after 14 years of marriage, I love to talk to him and spend time with him. I love my husband and he truly is my best friend and better half.
But there are days when we both are so consumed with the tasks at hand or the kids activities we must attend that we don't get enough time to just be together. This is a very busy season for our family. God has blessed us with a ministry where we can serve and truly make a difference. I wouldn't trade our lives and our ministry for anything. I love my career as a teacher and being part of helping a child achieve their goals and dreams is beyond rewarding.
Yet there are times when I just want to hit the pause button so we can talk more about his day. Moments I just want to yell FREEZE! so we have a chance to just be together without the distractions of life and 4 children. Every couple goes through busy seasons of life, I know that and we are in one now.
As I watch sweet Stella sleep and Nick play with our kids, I thank God for the busyness of our lives. I thank Him for our children who provide such joy and chaos. I'm so thankful that I have such a full life with ministry and teaching that it is hard to squeeze into one day. For if my life were not full of things to do in this busy season, I might take for granted the calm and quiet moments of life. The times where Nick and I can get away for a weekend, stay up late and eat cobbler with a hot cup of coffee. Times where it's just us and we don't have anything to do or anywhere to be, quality time together that I cherish and value.
I think we wives take those times for granted. We want to fill our schedules with soccer practice and dance lessons to be the best mom we can be and provide the best opportunities we can for our children. Those things in themselves are not bad, but if these activities replace the quality moments with our spouse; if we do not cherish the moments we have together but instead exchange them to get our nails done, there is a serious disconnect.
1 Peter 3:1 says...
The same goes for you wives: Be good wives to your husbands, responsive to their needs. There are husbands who, indifferent as they are to any words about God, will be captivated by your life of holy beauty. What matters is not your outer appearance—the styling of your hair, the jewelry you wear, the cut of your clothes—but your inner disposition.
My interpretation on this verse...
Listen up wives: Be good to your husbands, be aware and respond to their needs. Put them before your kids, career, and house work. Then all men will be in awe of your holy beauty and Godly qualities. For it doesn't matter what the world sees you do, how good your kids are at sports, if you drive a Porsche or Pinto, whether your ready for your close up or not. What you do on the inside and how you treat him, respect him, and give him your time, that is what makes a difference.
So celebrate the quality time you have with your spouse. Hang onto it and protect those moments. Find joy in his jokes and conversations. Try to make life easier for him so he can enjoy quality time with you. He is a gift from God and time with him is precious and fuel for your soul.
Happy Birthday Sweet Stella!
Happy 2 months Stella Eden! She weighs 11lbs,
loves to coo and smile at her family and friends, and is sleeping
through the night most of the time. She is sweet and cuddly and we love
her to pieces. Thank you for the continued prayers for our sweet girl.
She is a living testimony to the power of prayer and a constant reminder
to choose joy in all circumstances.
Pray and never doubt His amazing love for us!
you go through challenges in life, remember James' words, our God loves
to help. So when you don't know what to do... pray and never doubt His
amazing love for you!
Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come at you from all sides. You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colors. So don’t try to get out of anything prematurely. Let it do its work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way.
If you don’t know what you’re doing, pray to the Father. He loves to help. You’ll get his help, and won’t be condescended to when you ask for it. Ask boldly, believingly, without a second thought. People who “worry their prayers” are like wind-whipped waves. Don’t think you’re going to get anything from the Master that way, adrift at sea, keeping all your options open.
Anyone who meets a testing challenge head-on and manages to stick it out is mighty fortunate. For such persons loyally in love with God, the reward is life and more life. Don’t let anyone under pressure to give in to evil say, “God is trying to trip me up.” God is impervious to evil, and puts evil in no one’s way. The temptation to give in to evil comes from us and only us. We have no one to blame but the leering, seducing flare-up of our own lust. Lust gets pregnant, and has a baby: sin! Sin grows up to adulthood, and becomes a real killer.
So, my very dear friends, don’t get thrown off course. Every desirable and beneficial gift comes out of heaven. The gifts are rivers of light cascading down from the Father of Light. There is nothing deceitful in God, nothing two-faced, nothing fickle. He brought us to life using the true Word, showing us off as the crown of all his creatures.
(James 1:2-8, 12-18 MSG)
Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come at you from all sides. You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colors. So don’t try to get out of anything prematurely. Let it do its work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way.
If you don’t know what you’re doing, pray to the Father. He loves to help. You’ll get his help, and won’t be condescended to when you ask for it. Ask boldly, believingly, without a second thought. People who “worry their prayers” are like wind-whipped waves. Don’t think you’re going to get anything from the Master that way, adrift at sea, keeping all your options open.
Anyone who meets a testing challenge head-on and manages to stick it out is mighty fortunate. For such persons loyally in love with God, the reward is life and more life. Don’t let anyone under pressure to give in to evil say, “God is trying to trip me up.” God is impervious to evil, and puts evil in no one’s way. The temptation to give in to evil comes from us and only us. We have no one to blame but the leering, seducing flare-up of our own lust. Lust gets pregnant, and has a baby: sin! Sin grows up to adulthood, and becomes a real killer.
So, my very dear friends, don’t get thrown off course. Every desirable and beneficial gift comes out of heaven. The gifts are rivers of light cascading down from the Father of Light. There is nothing deceitful in God, nothing two-faced, nothing fickle. He brought us to life using the true Word, showing us off as the crown of all his creatures.
(James 1:2-8, 12-18 MSG)
My Lily teaches me to not worry
Love this passage of scripture...
“Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don’t get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes. (Matthew 6:30-34 MSG)
My value comes from the Lord
July 28th
I value things that I
shouldn't. As I rock Stella tonight I replay and contemplate the events of last
week. The Lord has blessed our sweet girl with strength and good health. Stella
celebrated her 1 month birthday and everyday she is growing and maturing. The
struggles she went through in the beginning seem surreal at times as I watch
the kids play with her or give her angel kisses. We are truly blessed in so many ways. So why after
God has given us such a precious gift am I still not content? Why do I find
myself thanking God for His goodness but still asking for more?
The Lord is
taking our family down a road of simplicity and practical living. We downsized
to save and not over extend ourselves. I saw opportunity and blessing in this
venture in the beginning but I never expected it to be this difficult. I love
having people over and to entertain and when we moved I told myself this
wouldn't change. Smaller space can bring our family closer together and I told
myself this can be an opportunity for us to teach our kids less is more. A
smaller place will be easier to clean and I told myself this can provide less
stress on me and our family. Yet as I look back God is using this experience to
show me what I truly value. The truth is at times I am ashamed because I
realize I value comfort and social acceptance much more than I should. I don't
have people over as often because I'm worried about how comfortable they will
be in my home. Instead of showing my kids the blessing of simplicity, I treat
less like a punishment and feel defeated. I allow the tight space to close in
around me and find myself short and grouchy because everything does not have a
place and clutter is inevitable.
I am ashamed not only of my attitude at times
but of my priorities. Our God has given us more blessings than I can count but
because I downsized 2,000 square feet I complain and get depressed. This
attitude tells God what He has given is not enough and like a spoiled child I
beg for more. I am ashamed because the truth is God owes me nothing and I owe
Him everything. He gave His son so I might live... this should be enough. My
heart says it is and I am so thankful but my mind wanders to what I don't have
and tries to deceive me into thinking I deserve bigger and better.
As I rock
sweet Stella in our apartment I am reminded of His sacrifice how He gave me
everything at Calvary. My heart is so full of thanksgiving and love for my
Saviour I can't help but worship Him. You see what I truly deserve is death and
separation from my Father. I deserve to be outcasted but because my God loves
me, He redeemed me. God's perfect love salvaged my brokenness and made me into
a new creation. A creation that is worthy and valuable because of the blood of
the Lamb. So if He loves me that much I have to trust His plan. I have to see
His blessings in my life and not gage my blessing by my surroundings. I must
take every opportunity to share and show His love and not be ashamed of my
circumstance but confidently celebrate and be content with what He has given.
Turning my shame into celebration and focus not on what I have but what He has
I must choose to celebrate and see His goodness so that I don't miss out
on the blessings of my small space. Lord God forgive me of my desires to have
what is not important. Transform my mind to see what my heart feels. Beat me
over the head with the reality of Your blessings daily so I don't get wrapped
up in this world and loose sight of what is truly important and worth my
attention. No matter what my square footage my value comes from The Lord and
that gives me reason to celebrate!
A fast for sweet Stella
July 15th
Update: Yesterday was the day Vic asked our church to pray and fast for Stella
to come home. Well they took off her oxygen yesterday to give her one more
opportunity to breath on her own without assistance. I had mixed feelings about
this but trusted their care and rolled with it. Stella did amazing yesterday.
Her stats stayed decent and when her oxygen levels fell, she self resolved
quickly. She seems like she has gotten the hang of this breathing without a
cannula. Doctors just made rounds and said if she keeps it up, we can go home
tomorrow! She gained 30 grams and yesterday became stronger and more
independent. I don't want to get my hopes up, but tomorrow would be awesome
since it is her 3 week birthday. Thanks so much for the praying and fasting for
sweet Stella. God has been good to our family throughout this whole experience
and He once again proved Himself with her dramatic improvements and this super
news. I was thinking another week and she surprised us with her strength. Lord
willing we will all be together in the ville tomorrow!
Praise brings us peace
July 14th
Update: doctors made rounds yesterday and decided to try to wean her to the
kind of oxygen she will have at home. This can take some time so we are still
looking at 5-7 days from what I understand at the earliest. She also is on a 4 hour
feeding schedule now and doing well. Dan and Jenny Walter dropped by for a visit and nurse Tammy dressed Stella up
all cute for her guests. Keep praying for our sweet girl and her progress. We
love you all and we are so thankful for the support that has been shown for
take things for granted. As I watch sweet Stella tonight and listen to her
monitors, I'm reminded about the simple things in life we take for granted.
When Stella sleeps, she has difficulty regulating the oxygen in her blood. She
almost forgets to breath at times. The Bible talks about how God is like the
air we breath. Job 33:4 says, "The Spirit of God has made me; the breath
of the Almighty gives me life." Psalms
150:6 says, "Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the
Lord." With His breath He made everything and with our breath we are
commanded to praise Him. But sometimes when life gets going and we are trying
to keep up, we forget to breath. Just like Stella, we forget to take deep
breaths. We forget to commune with our Heavenly Father who puts all things into
motion. We forget to praise Him for His goodness and mercy. For with our breath
we acknowledge His sovereignty and strength. When we speak our weaknesses to
Him, He makes us strong. When He speaks, our lives are given purpose and our
souls are filled with gifts and talents that only He can be given the glory
for. He takes the orphan and calls Him son and takes the retched and makes them
remarkable. By His breath, life is given! But we take His breath for granted
and we forget to praise Him with every breath we've been given. When I watch my
sweet Stella breath, I want to always be reminded of God and His goodness. I
can't help but praise Him every time I look at her. Praise Him is what I was
created to do and when I praise Him, He makes me a better mother, wife, and a better
person. Through our praise, He breaths life back into us and strengthens us to
face each day. Praising God makes His creation feel complete and a peace washes
over the soul that overcomes all the fear, doubt, and disappointment that life
can bring. Praising God is how we face the hard times. Through our praise He
transforms us and our crazy life starts to make sense again. I'm reminded
tonight, praise brings us peace and I won't take that for granted anymore.
Life is too short
July 12th
Update: Doctors made rounds and said her echocardiogram looks good (yay!) so
they ruled out cardio problems. So she just needs time to grow and get
stronger. They have not adjusted her oxygen any today but they will start doing
that soon. For now she needs to eat well, sleep, and grow. So we watch tv and
chill together. thanks for the continued prayers... We appreciate them so much!
is too short. As I rock sweet Stella I can't help but think about the past 2
1/2 weeks. It's such a short period of time but life before her seems like a
distant memory. Since she has been born, everything I do revolves around her
and her needs. Soon we will be home and life will go on. The kids will grow, I
will go back to work, routines and day to day will continue. We are constantly
going and growing as we live and have community with each other. Life is too
short. So I am going to enjoy the moments I have and not rush to the next task.
I'm going to fill my life with people who live out love and show compassion
instead of selfish ambition and destructive behavior. For who you hang around
is who you become. Life is too short for bickering and complaining, so I will
choose to bless and celebrate. This experience has put many things into
perspective for me. I am assured who is in control and where strength that
sustains comes from. I know He has given me purpose and showed me how to
celebrate in all circumstances. I appreciate the depth of His love and truly
understand the power of prayer. He knows me and what I need. His life and
sacrifice revolved around His love for me. Life is too short and He is too
precious to take for granted. So I'm going to try to value my time, invest in
meaningful relationships, and explore the goodness of His love with reckless
abandon. Life is too short and I don't know about you, but I don't want to miss
Encouragement through friendship
July 11th
Update: The doctors just came in and they want to do an echocardiogram on her
heart . They feel she should have stabilized her breathing by now. They do not
believe anything will turn up, but they want to be safe. She is still desating
in the mid 80s to low 90s when they take her oxygen levels down. So she is
going to do a fun test today and we will see what comes of it all. Thanks for
the continued prayers and encouragement. She's eating better and still pooping
well (thank goodness) so we still have made lots of progress.
Today Stella and I were visited by two of my good friends, Anna Teale and Jen Jensen. We went to a little hole in the wall joint for lunch and had a few good laughs. I am once again reminded of the importance of friendship. When you are going through tough times, God provides friends and family to encourage you and help you make it through the tough times with a little less wear and tear on your soul. It's amazing how an act of kindness can provide healing and offer the sustaining grace of Christ through hope in a better tomorrow. I'm so thankful for my brothers and sisters in Christ. May God use me to help those in times where they cannot see His hand or feel His touch. May I provide prayer for those who are not strong enough to pray and encourage with comfort and laughter to brighten their gloomy days.
Today Stella and I were visited by two of my good friends, Anna Teale and Jen Jensen. We went to a little hole in the wall joint for lunch and had a few good laughs. I am once again reminded of the importance of friendship. When you are going through tough times, God provides friends and family to encourage you and help you make it through the tough times with a little less wear and tear on your soul. It's amazing how an act of kindness can provide healing and offer the sustaining grace of Christ through hope in a better tomorrow. I'm so thankful for my brothers and sisters in Christ. May God use me to help those in times where they cannot see His hand or feel His touch. May I provide prayer for those who are not strong enough to pray and encourage with comfort and laughter to brighten their gloomy days.
Little fingers and chicken legs
July 10th
Update: Doctors made rounds and her bilirubin is down to normal range so they
took her off the lights. They are going to wean her off of her nasal cannula
slowly over the next 5 days. We will see what next week brings. Until then... we
cuddle. We can't thank you enough for the prayers, encouragement, and helping
hands. Stella is progressing and doing well, she just need time to build up her
strength. Keep praying and thanks again we love you all!
the small things that make a big difference. Taking a few minutes everyday to
read and worship, builds discipline and helps us gain so much perspective into
the goodness of our God. Choosing to look at the good in all situations and celebrate
what He has given allows us to be joyous and strong in all circumstances. Small
acts of kindness like an encouraging word, a hot meal, or a thoughtful gift for
sweet Stella have touched my heart and made our family feel loved and special.
These things may seem small to the giver but they are an act of His love to the
receiver. Small things make a big difference. Whether it's a prayer, an act of
kindness, or a discipline to bring us closer to Him there is an amazing thing
that happens through these small things. They transform us, mold us, and refine
us into bigger and better people. For when we bless others, we are blessed.
When we study God's word, we grow. When we pray, we are strengthened. As I
watch sweet Stella sleep I am reminded how our God loves to use the small to
show that He is big. Our God blesses the small things and insignificant people.
With a single breath He spoke the world into existence and in a single cell He
encases everything needed to create life. He loves to show His might and power
and He chooses to use us even though we are small and insignificant. Small
things make a big difference to our God. May I constantly be reminded through
her little fingers and chicken legs that I am small so His greatness can be
seen in me.
Celebrating His goodness as she progresses daily
July 9th
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