
Celebrating the little victories in life

July 1st
Sitting here holding Stella and I'm thinking about how we have been celebrating the little victories of her life, like poop and hair bows, and it feels so good to celebrate. I'm wondering why I haven't intentionally done this sooner. We all have little victories everyday. Sure they are not remembered long and normally are not life changing but even something as simple as getting to work safely or my happy hour at Sonic deserve to be celebrated because they are gifts from a God who loves me and adores me. So I'm grateful for comfy pillows and rocking chairs so I can rock my sweet girl and make her comfy. If we celebrate the little victories and blessings of life the world can hold so much joy for us all and God's goodness can radiate a little more clearly in our lives. Good things come in all shapes, sizes, and packages but only if we have the eyes to see them.

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