
Sweet girl is doing well

July 2nd
Stella Update: Our sweet girl is doing well. She had a spell this morning but she bounced back. The doctors didn't want to lower her oxygen support though because of this. They don't think it's anything to worry about so we are celebrating that. Her sucking and swallowing is going fantastic! Her nurse said she is way ahead of the curve on being able to take a bottle. So we are celebrating and praising God for answering our prayers! She went under the lights again today but got some special time with her sister and we had lots of cuddle time this morning so I was super excited! I came home to watch Sam's last basketball game so I left her with nurse Tammy who promised to snuggle our sweet little girl! Leaving early in the morning to be back in time for rounds and to hold my sweet girl. Thanks again for all the prayers and encouragement. We love you all!!

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