
Hiding behind masks

June 25th 

I posted this on my way to Children’s Mercy…
We are on our way to KC. Stella had some trouble but is doing well she just needs some attention she can only get from Children's Mercy. They were very positive and encouraging to us but please pray for her recovery. Thanks for the prayers and we will keep you posted.

Do you ever hide behind masks, words, and circumstances? When I posted this I was scared out of my mind. Fear and desperation were overtaking me. But I felt like I needed to be strong. I felt that I needed to put on a good attitude so that I did not worry the people I love and that love our family. I didn’t feel like I could be real and truly deal with the emotions I was feeling.

Less than 8 hours ago she was safe inside me but now Stellla was in a helicopter and breathing from a tube. I felt guilt, fear, and shame. I couldn’t admit this to anyone because if I gave the emotions a voice, I felt like I was giving them life and I could not give life to the demons I was dealing with inside. It was easier to bury these emotions deep and not deal with them, to run from them like a child runs from the boogieman. Both evils have no power unless given by the one who flees and I fled for my life as my fears gained strength and stamina.

I wore masks of strength and confidence but on the inside I was weak and broken. I told myself if I continue to act strong, I would be strong but the truth is true strength does not come from within it comes from Christ. Nick reminded me of this truth as we watched Stella in the ICN. I could tell he was afraid and confused about what was going on, but unlike me, Nick did not give those fears life. He did not allow those fears to debilitate him and hide behind masks. He gave life to the words of Christ and truly believed the words he spoke. He not only knew Christ was in control, Nick felt it and in feeling God’s sovereignty he could celebrate.

I learned an important lesson that day. When we give life to words of God, either through scriptures or Godly advice, these words fuel a perspective of celebration. They starve the fears and shame that grows inside us and give birth to hope and celebration. Through scripture and Godly advice we can celebrate in the darkest of times. Something crazy happens when we do this, the masks come off and strength we faked becomes actual strength we feel. So read God’s word and get advice from Godly friends and family. Allow light into the darkest of places and choose to rely on His strength and not on your own.

Thank God. Breathing tube is out. She's getting better.

Nick and I were exhausted but I did not want to leave our sweet Stella. Nick finally convinced me we needed to leave and get some rest. We had been running on little sleep and I had given birth less than 20 hours ago. We went to the Ronald McDonald House inside of Children’s Mercy to take a nap in the parent resting rooms. I did not sleep well and felt very torn. I wasn’t resting and I wanted badly to go back to be with Stella. I knew I needed rest, but I felt she needed me more. I felt as if I were putting my needs in front of hers when I tried to rest and take a nap.

When we returned to the ICN a few hours later. To our surprise Stella was not intubated anymore. She was resting on a CPAP machine. The doctors had given her surfactant to strengthen her lungs and she was progressing so they did not feel like a breathing tube was necessary anymore.

I was relieved and so thankful that she was progressing. I realized as I stroked her hand and watched her sleep that I was no good to my sweet girl exhausted. If I did not take care of my wellbeing I could not be any good to her. She needed me to be sharp and able to function. When I denied myself rest, I denied her a mother that could fully love, process, and care for her daughter. I realized rest and wellness was extremely important and I had to make taking care of myself a priority.

As the weeks continued, I would have to be reminded of this truth frequently. As you go through struggles and are having to care and nurture those you love, you must remember to take time to care and nurture yourself. Sleep, eat, rest, and care for yourself mentally, spiritually, and physically. Think of this as a gift to the loved one you are caring for. You love them so much you want to give them your best and to give them your best you must take care of yourself. It is not selfish act; on the contrary it is a selfless one. 

Discipline yourself to rest so that you can be alert and able to see what God is doing in your circumstance. When we are exhausted we cannot see His hand working in the storms of life. It is easier to choose celebration if we have allowed ourselves to rest and function at our full capacity. Be blessed through your trials. Rejuvenate your mind and body so that the fog clears and you are able to see His feet guiding the way to salvation and joy. Rest and allow him to work, remember it is His strength that makes us strong not our own. 

Words can't describe how thankful we are for all the prayers and kind words. She is doing better. We are waiting on test cultures to see if she has an infection. Should know more tomorrow or Friday. Until then, we get to hold her and love on her as she peacefully sleeps.

Got to ride in an electronic cart at Walmart today... Not as fun as it sounds. But Stella has clothes now that fit and a car seat to come home. Thanks so much for continuing to pray for our family. We are so blessed by all the kind words and texts. We will be updating and posting pics as she progresses. Love you all!!

I tried to choose celebration as God took me on this journey. It wasn’t easy and there were nights I rocked Stella and begged God to show me how to celebrate through the tears. As I prayed for understanding, guidance, and healing the spirit reminded me of a Bible study I lead this year. A study I lead with 4 college girls that prepared me for the trials God knew I would face. The study was called “Small Things that Make a Big Difference”. By choosing to discipline yourself daily and make small changes, over time those small changes make a big difference and can impact your life forever. I challenged the girls to pray for a word. One word that God spoke to them that represented their motto for the year. My word came to me quickly, “discipline”. I needed to discipline myself to read God’s word daily, to pray and cultivate my relationship with the Lord.

Taking 15 or 20 minutes a day, I began to read the bible and journal my thoughts. I found God showing me new insights and giving me fresh perspective on what I was reading. This simple act focused my day and refined my attitude. Daily scripture reading is life changing. One small thing made a big difference in my life.

Through this study we were encouraged to look through scriptures to find the word we chose. By doing this you can see how your word is used in the bible and find a verse to be your verse for the year. A passage of scripture that you can rely on and call upon to remind you of the word God gave you. I challenged the girls to come up with a verse for the year that summed up the word God spoke to them.

The verse I chose was Hebrews 12:11 which says, “At the time, discipline isn’t much fun. It always feels like it’s going against the grain. Later, of course, it pays off handsomely, for it’s the well-trained who find themselves mature in their relationship with God.”  I called upon this verse frequently in the ICN to focus my life when this journey would overwhelm me. It became a pillar, a verse of strength for me. The phrase “It always feels like it’s going against the grain. Later, of course, it pays off handsomely…” reminded me in the tough times that better days were coming.

The study also emphasized the importance of verbally taking control of your thoughts and speaking truth into your life. When we can verbally speak a phrase that reminds us of what our purpose is, something powerful happens. It’s almost like a verbal reboot, a way to shut down all the negative thoughts and problems that can paralyze us and restart our minds to focus on the positive and celebrate the small victories along the way. The phrase I came up with was “God is in control, act like it. Celebrate no matter what!” The Lord spoke this phrase to my heart months before I took this journey with Stella. God knew I needed the small things to make a big difference in my life this summer and looking back I can see Him preparing me for the journey I was going to take.

I encourage you to pray for a word, a verse, and a phrase. Search your soul and ask God to reveal to you what He is trying to teach you. This simple prayer opened a door that led to sanity and celebration when the thoughts in my mind leaned toward depression and despair. Allow God to give you purpose when you need it the most.

Try to do small things daily to make a big difference in your life. As I took this journey, one of the small things I incorporated into my life was a unique structure and routine for the ICN. This became very important to me and my routines seem to give me some control and comfort when I felt lost and not much use at times to Stella. I worked the small things into my routine as well, like scripture reading, prayer, and journaling. I tried to bring some sense of order to my life and this seemed insignificant at the time, but looking back, it made a big difference.

I believe structure was very therapeutic for me. I would always attend morning rounds, pump breast milk every 4 hours, visit with her nurse before or after shift change. I would eat the same kinds of foods around the same times and try to update on fb daily how Stella was doing. I prayed and reflected as I rocked Stella and found lots of hope and peace as I read God’s word. I admit it sounds a little crazy, but for me, this borderline obsessive-compulsive ICN routine was helpful.

So do what you need to do on your journey. If you become a little OCD like I did, but it is helpful and healthy for you and those around you, go for it. During hard times we all act different and do things differently. There is nothing wrong with that. If it brings you comfort to eat chocolate ice cream everyday at 3:00 p.m., do it. If you like to park by the elevator and walk a certain direction to your destination, go for it. Find your way to productively bring order to your life when you are surrounded by chaos.

Through these routines God can bring peace to your life and in doing so, you can deal with the emotions and depression. Just because you have a routine doesn’t mean you can’t be flexible. Sometimes things come up or a something takes longer than you thought, don’t stress about it. Your daily routine can be stretched or tweaked; it’s more than anything a guideline for your day. It’s not set in stone, so there were times I had to be flexible and I found blessing in the spontaneity as well.

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