
A fast for sweet Stella

July 15th
Stella Update: Yesterday was the day Vic asked our church to pray and fast for Stella to come home. Well they took off her oxygen yesterday to give her one more opportunity to breath on her own without assistance. I had mixed feelings about this but trusted their care and rolled with it. Stella did amazing yesterday. Her stats stayed decent and when her oxygen levels fell, she self resolved quickly. She seems like she has gotten the hang of this breathing without a cannula. Doctors just made rounds and said if she keeps it up, we can go home tomorrow! She gained 30 grams and yesterday became stronger and more independent. I don't want to get my hopes up, but tomorrow would be awesome since it is her 3 week birthday. Thanks so much for the praying and fasting for sweet Stella. God has been good to our family throughout this whole experience and He once again proved Himself with her dramatic improvements and this super news. I was thinking another week and she surprised us with her strength. Lord willing we will all be together in the ville tomorrow!

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