
True community

July 4th
Stella Update: Happy 4th FB! We spent out day cuddling and getting better at eating. Stella looked super cute in her outfit that Jenny got her. We also got moved to another room which is one step closer to going home and bonus, I can stay in and room with our sweet girl! She has been doing well, she just needs to build up her strength before she is ready to come home. Keep praying for our sweet girl. Your prayers are a source of strength for our whole family. We are so grateful for them and the encouragement they provide. Thank you friends!!!

Today my kids wanted to go to a Luau that the Ronald McDonald House was hosting. Doctors had not made rounds yet, but my mom took them over so they wouldn't miss it. I wasn't looking forward to it to be honest. Not really my cup of tea, but my girls wanted me there, so that was reason enough to go and I'm so glad I did. I witnessed a great example of community courtesy of a Hawaiian dance company. As they danced, they cheered for one another and encouraged each other in difficult times or times of fear and doubt. When the crowd was not enthusiastic... they were. Those not performing would clap and cheer for the dancers so they felt valued, desired, and successful. Isn't that what true community is all about? Encouraging one another when times are tough and standing by each other when the crowd is silent. Letting each individual know their value and worth. Being a support to them so they have the confidence they need to succeed. True community cheers each other on, it does not tear each other down. True community is a source of strength and celebration so that the world sees His love and mercy. As I rocked Stella tonight I was reminded how important true community is. How important it is that we as a church practice this concept with one another and celebrate together. For when we do, God will move through our cities like wild fire because true community is infectious and that's something to celebrate.

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