
Giving Stella time

July 7th
Stella Update: Sorry it's been a while since I've updated but it's been a busy day. We drove home yesterday afternoon to drop the girls and my mom off in Maryville and Nick came back to CMH today with me. We got here early so I could feed her and she has been desating some for a couple days. It started to become more frequent and she had a spell today so they wanted to run some tests and grab some X-rays. They figured out she still has fluid on her lungs so they put her back on oxygen and are treating her for that. They also are monitoring her for twitching spells. She has them when she desats at times so they want to keep an eye on that. She is eating really well but her bilirubin is back up so they are giving her vitamins and monitoring that too. Over all we are good but don't know when we are going home. Giving Stella time to gain strength and leave healthy is our goal. Nick leaves in the morning to pick up Lucas and my mom flies home Thursday. Keep praying for our family and for strength in these times of separation. We are so grateful for all the prayers, gifts, and words of encouragement. We love you all!

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