
Pray for poop!

June 29th
Just met with the doctors and they said she's doing well but the road is longer than we thought. She is on the up and up so we are focusing on celebrating that! Played dress up last night with Stella and nurse Tammy got some cute video but fb won't let me upload so pics will have to do for now.

Stella Update: What a day my friends! We started off our day doing skin to skin therapy with my sweet girl. Her jaundice levels were high last night so another day of sun bathing for Stella. But nurse Liz made her stylish sunglasses so she had a little flare. They weaned her off her CPAP machine and she is breathing the same oxygen level we do now so that's a huge praise! She is keeping her milk down better but still cannot poop so pray for poop. Stella is going to meet her bub and sisters tomorrow and Chris, Whitney and the kids are coming to visit too. She's got a busy day so I left early so we could rest. Thanks for the continued prayers and I'll update again tomorrow with sweet Stella's progress.

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