Tranquility is not used to describe mornings at the Terry house. I should get up at 5:30 am but inevitably every morning I press the snooze button one too many times, so we are scattering around like ants whose nests have been disturbed by a child's shoe. There is always chaos and I'm ashamed to admit, sometimes spurts of yelling and anger as we bolt for the door so mom can have enough time to stop and fuel up with a 32 oz diet coke. Yes mornings can be crazy and in the congestion of packing bags, brushing teeth and finding a left and right shoe, Nick and I have a brief moment to say "I love you" before we rush out through the door faster than a black Friday shopper storming a Best Buy.
It may sound foreign to the world we live in but I love my husband and enjoy his company. His words of encouragement and affirmation make me feel like I can take on the world. When he smiles at me I melt and even after 14 years of marriage, I love to talk to him and spend time with him. I love my husband and he truly is my best friend and better half.
But there are days when we both are so consumed with the tasks at hand or the kids activities we must attend that we don't get enough time to just be together. This is a very busy season for our family. God has blessed us with a ministry where we can serve and truly make a difference. I wouldn't trade our lives and our ministry for anything. I love my career as a teacher and being part of helping a child achieve their goals and dreams is beyond rewarding.
Yet there are times when I just want to hit the pause button so we can talk more about his day. Moments I just want to yell FREEZE! so we have a chance to just be together without the distractions of life and 4 children. Every couple goes through busy seasons of life, I know that and we are in one now.
As I watch sweet Stella sleep and Nick play with our kids, I thank God for the busyness of our lives. I thank Him for our children who provide such joy and chaos. I'm so thankful that I have such a full life with ministry and teaching that it is hard to squeeze into one day. For if my life were not full of things to do in this busy season, I might take for granted the calm and quiet moments of life. The times where Nick and I can get away for a weekend, stay up late and eat cobbler with a hot cup of coffee. Times where it's just us and we don't have anything to do or anywhere to be, quality time together that I cherish and value.
I think we wives take those times for granted. We want to fill our schedules with soccer practice and dance lessons to be the best mom we can be and provide the best opportunities we can for our children. Those things in themselves are not bad, but if these activities replace the quality moments with our spouse; if we do not cherish the moments we have together but instead exchange them to get our nails done, there is a serious disconnect.
1 Peter 3:1 says...
The same goes for you wives: Be
good wives to your husbands, responsive to their needs. There are
husbands who, indifferent as they are to any words about God, will be
captivated by your life of holy beauty. What matters is not your outer
appearance—the styling of your hair, the jewelry you wear, the cut of
your clothes—but your inner disposition.
My interpretation on this verse...
Listen up wives: Be good to your husbands, be aware and respond to their needs. Put them before your kids, career, and house work. Then all men will be in awe of your holy beauty and Godly qualities. For it doesn't matter what the world sees you do, how good your kids are at sports, if you drive a Porsche or Pinto, whether your ready for your close up or not. What you do on the inside and how you treat him, respect him, and give him your time, that is what makes a difference.
So celebrate the quality time you have with your spouse. Hang onto it and protect those moments. Find joy in his jokes and conversations. Try to make life easier for him so he can enjoy quality time with you. He is a gift from God and time with him is precious and fuel for your soul.
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